Fanfic recs

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by swirlingflight, May 29, 2015.

  1. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I need Mabel/Pacifica like nothing else. Especially if it is pitch. CAN YOU FIND ME THE MACIFICA HATEROM?
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  2. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    So, I have a bit of a request, as well as a rec. Insofar as Kingdom Hearts goes, I have ALWAYS held out on the belief that Axel/Lea is transmale, but have yet to find many or any fics that address this well without being overly sexual. (I will also take trans!Riku, but he seems even harder to find.)

    Affecting Eternity by Cygna_Hime (the same author that Starcrossedsky recced, way back on the first page) has been the best I've found so far, and it's less of an addressing of it than a side-issue, which is fabulous but left me wanting more.

    Also, anything about Lea and Isa growing up in Radiant Garden. Just fuck me up, yo XD
  3. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    Cygna is a good friend of mine I will always rec her things. I do not know if she does requests but you may want to hit her up??? she's been pretty busy recently though her family is in prep to move.
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  4. vegacoyote

    vegacoyote dog metaphores and pedanticism

    Hey @jacktrash I read this and thought of you!

    Is Batman. Apparently most of the drama going on right now has been between the various ex-Robins? I p much only know the characters by way of fanfic osmosis, I tripped over them by accident a few weeks ago and have been enjoying them thoroughly. (Almost enough to make me consider wading into the intimidating continuity snarl that is the canon material.)

    Super badass plot interspersed with high-quality pr0nz. And the characters are fun as hell.
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  5. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Oh maaaaan I love that fic's Jason. Rec seconded.
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  6. cantankerousAquarius

    cantankerousAquarius Acrasial Macrology

    Saudade by TheShizniiit on AO3 is really great in the recovery aspects of trauma

    MCU/Marvel Movies fandom, Sam Wilson centric

    Please please mind the tags, this fic is heavy. The author went through trauma herself and is using this fic as a way to work through it.
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  7. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i have discovered a glorious trove of adorable harry potter fic. i want to rec everything by saras girl, but in particular:
    • The Girl in the Kneazle Nightie - in which luna and her crow mr abernathy plot to make her friends happy, and they return the favor,
    • Scurrilous - in which draco and pansy do the morning show on WWN, and harry takes his crocodile for a walk, and
    • Helix - a fed-up mcgonnagall assigns 8th years harry and draco to frost snail duty, and hagrid is pleased as punch.
    everything she writes is gold, but those three in particular are super cute, the characters and voices are spot-on, and hilarious animals occasionally steal the spotlight. i'm a sucker for goofy animals and fluff.
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  8. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    Having recently realized that I used to read MGLN fanfiction:

    Game Theory
    by Immatrael, in which Precia is a better mother to Fate (which doesn't make her a better person). The sequel, Power Games, recently finished(?) and it hurts.

    Also the various works by NGTM-R, very heavy on the military side of the Nanoha-verse. In the Service follows an AA-rank combat mage who leads an airforce strike team. A Numbered Existence follows the Numbers after the events of Strikers and Sound Stage X. Monsters tells of the Wolkenritter losing control on the field. All of these are in the same universe.
    Life After Hayate is a different universe, in which the Wolkenritter end up with Chrono shortly before the events of StrikerS.
    Judgement Day's Not Coming: Signum, in various incarnations. Canon-compliant.

    Infinity by Moczo: At 11-ish years old, Nanoha and company come up against three oddball mage constructs and a reawakened Hazardi-era empire. Kind of cracky at times.
  9. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet


    Note that with Overwatch still being a relatively new fandom, all of these fics are still in progress. Continue at your own risk! :P

    Shippy fics:

    Hang The Fool, by AlmaMeDuele
    - this fic got me into McHanzo. It is a deep dark pit to fall into, and trust me, you will never find your way out.

    Heliotropic, by PunkHazard - this got into Genji/Lucio, but really, it made me appreciate roboninja better as a character, as well. I don't think I ever would have considered playing him in-game if I hadn't read this fic first.

    Also, just for the funnies, you have to read Overwatch Emergency Channel (I Swear, It's Emergency Only.), by ArcaneAdagio. I'm been in tears, and it hits just the right note of the-world-is-terrible-but-the-people-aren't insofar as a crackfic can.

    SOMEONE REC ME SOME WELL-WRITTEN OVERWATCH LADIES BEING AWESOME BECAUSE I NEED MORE OF THAT IN MY LIFE. (For some reason I'm finding it hard to find stuff not on the kinkmeme that's pharmercy or widowtracer in particular? Halp plz)

    OH also, if you're into Fenhawke as a ship in Dragon Age, I cannot recc loquaciousquark hard enough?? It's very nearly all het fenhawke but it's so gorgeous, all of it, seriously. If you have fallen into the hole of always romancing the grumpy stripe elf like I have, she is an absolute joy to read <3 She also does Mass Effect fic, but I can't comment on that being not into that particular series as much ^^;;;
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  10. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    Seconding the Hang the Fool rec. This is That One Fic in the fandom that everybody knows, everyone has read, and which sets the standard for all other fic for that ship, at least imo. The writing and characterization are amazing. The author's tumblr is full of fanart and extra discussion, too, which is nice.

    A Hint Of Hesitation by mylordshesacactus: really good slow burn widowtracer. Her other fics are excellent too, check them out.

    Haifisch by VictorSinister: short Roadhog-pov roadrat piece (not explicitly shippy) about Junkrat losing his arm. Contains amputation and gore, also talk of cannibalism. An excellent Roadhog character study.

    The Problem Of Other Minds by skullopendra: Zarya/Zenyatta, my personal favorite Overwatch crackship! Enemies to friends to ????? fucking. read it. click the link. please it's so good. Still getting going and it looks like the burn is gonna be hella slow, but I am in love with this author's Zarya characterization, as well as their characterization of everyone who's had any screentime at all in the fic so far. Also they use "they" pronouns for Zenyatta! I don't know if they're going to talk about omnic gender later on or if that's just their headcanon, but either way it's an interesting change.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
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  11. Pix

    Pix Active Member

    Mememto Vivere by Enkida ! Still a WIP, but not a deadfic - it updated five or six chapters over the past three months
  12. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    oh my god it was deader than year-dry fish when I last checked it omg
  13. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ok give me harry potter recs, particularly gen with luna being luna, and grownup drarry of any rating, especially EWE because i've read like a dozen variations of the middle-aged breakup fic and i'm kinda done with that. i've been in pain and in a bit of a strop lately and i could use wizard antics.

    edit: i should mention i'm not opposed to ships other than drarry existing, i'm just more interested in friendship stories where luna is concerned.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
  14. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    @jacktrash a grownup drarry I read recently and really liked was Reparatio by astolat! Kind of different in that it gets into wizard politics and networking.
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  15. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    aaah i lov ed that one! i guess i should caveat that i've read most of the 'big' ones, so if you rec something front-page popular i'll probably go "yeah read that". but that doesn't mean you don't get hugs for reccing. *hugs*
  16. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    So...I've probably asked, but does anyone have any good redrom SolAra fics to recommend?

    Also accepting Pearlmethyst and Amedot recs.

    Although speaking of Amedot, I do have a rec of my own for that one: It Was An Accident by oisiflaneur. Very cute, some sad moments but a happy ending. Also some pretty great jokes (including a wonderful misunderstanding related to Sailor Moon's dub on Peridot's part).
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  17. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Fair enough! Two I've really liked that are... less popular, although you may have run across them anyway: A Young Radical's Guide to Love and Comfort Food.

    Edit: also, although this is probably the most popular Drarry fic of all time, I'd be remiss if I didn't rec Drop Dead Gorgeous and a link to where you can access it since it's not easily available any more.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
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  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ooh, i've read the first but not the second, thank you!
  19. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    RWBY: Painting the Town by HeiszKetchup. Full of the kind of stupid shenanigans you'd expect when people try to matchmake White Rose and Bumbleby via dares and handcuffs. Also arson, theft, extortion, and Chinese food.
  20. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    been reading the star wars thread 'cause i finally watched the new movie and i'm quoting this post from it over here 'cause the fic series @adisagestar recced is awesome and i've been reading it for at least three hours straight.
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