fantroll arr pee planning/ooc (open!)

Discussion in 'Desertverse Fantrolls' started by taxonomicAtrocity, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    @taxonomicAtrocity oh yeah, he lies like a rug. he'll make up some sob story or other. do you wanna start with a pesterlog?
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  2. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    should I make the thread?
  3. @esotericPrognosticator sure! the subaccount that i'll be making in .5 seconds will be cannyGuide, just @ that or tA, whichever floats ur boat
  4. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

    <_< *boops the snoot into the thread*
    Yes hello I have an interest and many many Fantrolls...

    I have no clue how to Forum RP. Much text. I read much and skimmed up to this point so far though.

    @esotericPrognosticator @taxonomicAtrocity
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  5. Ryncoon

    Ryncoon Well-Known Member

    I'd like to join with Kianna as well, if you haven't closed things up. I've got some experience with forum rp, though I've mostly done 1 on 1s for a long time now. I've got a whole passel of fantrolls as well, and I'm sure they could use some air. I'll give the characters y'all've listed another readover to see who'd fit the best.
  6. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    well, this is tA's thread, so I'm not the ultimate authority on this subject, but I don't think it's closed! tA and PW still have plenty of trolls not engaged in anything right now, and although I'm RPing with all three of my guys, I'd be happy to do other RPs with them elsewhere on their timelines. and actually @Ryncoon, the way we've been doing it is more or less one-on-one? these are the threads I'm in right now that were organized here, for example.
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  7. Ryncoon

    Ryncoon Well-Known Member

    @esotericPrognosticator Ah, well that would certainly make things simpler! Turn order and conflicting schedules always seem to mess up any group rps I'm in, sooner or later... I guess I'll post up the most prominent of my stable, give me a moment.
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  8. @Ryncoon it's def open! 8D

    (hmm, there's a fair few of us. i wonder if maybe we should have, like. a subforum or something? to organize everything. like how boat trolls and some of the other rps have. how d'you do that, do you have to ask a mod or?)
  9. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

    @taxonomicAtrocity I think you just make an OOC planning thread? Which would basically be this one?
  10. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

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  11. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    @taxonomicAtrocity I think a subforum is a good idea! all the RP threads should be kept in one place, I think. and yeah, I guess you just ask a mod? or if you don't want to go to the trouble we could, like, put links to all the RP threads in the front page of this thread or something. or make another thread for like info and character sheets.
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  12. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

    Delphi Apollo
    - She's had a lot of different iterations across RPs, so her age is maliable
    Orange blood. Symbol is III (roman numeral 3). Double horns like Sollux but her outer pair are tall and the inside pair are tiny adorable nubs. She hides them with goggles. Long hair. Psionic with semi ok strength but very high control. Usually incarnated as a young helmsman and/or elder legislacerator.
    Loves to read/study. As a helmsman, she'll download books to read. Must learn all the things. Also loves gardening and flowers and tea. Also totally down with the clown.

    Nazuma Exzeus - He's also had a lot of iterations across RPs. He and Delphi almost always come as a pair. They're morails and he's her helm-engineer. Down w the Clown and is the one who got Delphi into the Dark Carnival.
    Indigo blood. Symbol is a litning bolt. (/\/) His horns match his symbol (kind of look like Eridan's but taller.) Hair just past shoulders, straight and smooth, usually ties into a high ponytail. Has many piercings. Kind of poly and very slutty. Doesn't really believe in quadrants. (People are not squares and do not belong in boxes!) Though Delphi <> and Jovani(@Ryncoon) <3 seem to be kind of blurred exceptions to this...

    Mischa Carmin- Young child. Twin to Kainze(Ryn's).
    Rust blood, with short spiralled horns. No symbol. Their mom is usually Anissa, or a lusus-leopard. (originally they were a GamKar offspring :3c)
    LOVES pink, black, skulls, dead things, and cats. Wants to be a necromancer. Her twin is her moirail.

    Aerian Zypher - Very old rainbow drinker psion. Is a tropical sea dweller in that he's got warm orange blood, so he's kind of a mutant there. (Yes hello he is a marySu.) He's pale grey and smol, even as an adult. Horns are sort of curved up and then inward like the top half of a c, soft tipped, and short. Short curly hair which is usually styled and clipped up in a sort of feminine style.
    Depending on biology of trolls for the RP he's in, he's either transmale or gender neutral-fluid with a strong hint towards masc.
    Symbol is lost to time (I dont even know if he ever got one LOL). Is ok with wind magic. Loves fish. Asian style/culture (like Damara)
    His moirail is Spykke(Ryn's).
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2016
  13. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    yeah okay since two of my guys are trans and one of @Lady Kianna's is (and my other troll is gender non-conforming), do you guys want hash out how trans trolls work in this 'verse? I've got headcanons if you guys'd like me to share them, but I think @taxonomicAtrocity should get first crack at it, since it's his thread.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2016
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  14. Ryncoon

    Ryncoon Well-Known Member

    Corvie Munnin: Maroon blood with touch clairvoyance. Tiny for her age (Which is variable between 6 and 9 sweeps depending on the rp) with big eyes, little button horns, and an eternally messy mop of hair. Her grip on both sanity and the here and now is a little tenuous, mostly due to her lack of control over her TC, which can overwhelm her if she makes skin contact with unfamiliar objects. She generally dresses like she found her clothes in the dumpster of a secondhand shop in the dark, covering as much of herself below the neck as possible. Gloves and a good jacket are a must. She loathes baths, which is... unfortunate for anyone spending time in her vicinity.
    Her TC works to her advantage with skills, however. If she can get a tool or weapon that's been well-used by someone competent, she can copy from its history to mimic the original owner. Melee combat is still a no-no for her, as blood is one of the things guaranteed to stun her when it touches her skin.
    No trollhandle, as she's nearly illiterate.

    Anissa Wayker: Another maroon, a mid-low level psionic and helmsman. She's got a pink glow to her eyes and powers, and horns like fire pokers, with the hooks to the back. She loves garish neon colours, particularly pink and green, and when she's in control of her appearance tends to dye her hair with at least two colours, the style ever-changing. She's chronically sarcastic, snarky, and mean when she can get away with it, and probably on a short road to being 'decommissioned' if she keeps up her attitude and creative sabotage attempts.

    Jovani Raquan: Tealblood, a trained Helmsman technician. He tends to play by the rules, when there's concrete rules to follow, it doesn't occur to him to do anything else. despite being a good little citizen of the empire, he has a wide compassionate streak that sometimes causes him to act out in impulsive ways. Has a pretty obvious case of ADHD and tends to stim on any little objects, toys, or gadgets within his reach. Socially, he's very shy, and quite sweet all the way through. Not very good at being a mid-highblood, unless someone actually manages to provoke him into a rage.
    He's very courteous and careful with his helms, trying to take their feelings into account along with their physical and helming needs. Despite this, he still does his work, and isn't really much of an activist for helmsman rights. After all, this is the way things are and need to be. Right?

    Kainze Carmin: Young, twin to Mischa (Kianna's). Rust with short spiraling horns, the same as his sister. Congenitally blind, he gets around fairly well with his other senses and his sister's help. Mostly this is in the form of subtle cues like small touches and quiet tongue clicks to navigate by. His hair is a wild wavy mop that covers his eyes, which are dark with a slight webbing of iris muscle, connective tissue, ans protein strands giving them a resemblance to a starry sky. He likes to show them off to shock people. He carries a staff to feel his way with when he's on his own, and for self defense. He can only really fight in relatively close quarters, but to beat away an attacker and run or stall until rescue, he can manage in an open area.

    Spykke: A typical indigo, he's big and broad and musclebound, with horns that wave side to side and curl back over his wild mane of hair. (He started as a GHB expy, essentially.) Has stone manipulation powers (Earthbending essentially.) Lived alone as a literal mountain hermit for a long time, and has some fairly feral mannerisms and a coarse manner of speech. He says what he thinks, be it good or bad, and he's always ready to answer a situation with violence. He doesn't have any issue with killing someone, though he doesn't do it for fun. Self defense, defense of his moirail, or vengance though, yes. The only one likely to get him to behave in a moderately civilized manner is his moirail, Aerian, who's his serendipity diamond.
  15. Ryncoon

    Ryncoon Well-Known Member

    @esotericPrognosticator Sure! I've played my lot with just about any sort of biology downtown and presence/lack of secondary characteristics, aside from 'basically dyadic human junk' so I'm easy with whatever people prefer.
  16. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

    @PotteryWalrus @taxonomicAtrocity
    I'm pretty much down with whatever. Done a lot of different verses and made different adjustments to Aerian to keep him mostly to his canon. I have two more non-gender conforming troll too but only one is fairly well hashed out and we may or may not see them.

    EDIT: Also seems we're starting mostly in the desert? Should we hash out some stuff for that? Or just wing it?

    I also think it might be a good idea to make a set of ground rules of No-nos (Esoteric is 16 so obs anything more than PG-13 is an auto nope.)
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2016
  17. and nick's bigender and jak genderfluid, actually! i just always forget to mention it lmfao. basically the way i've played Troll Trans TM in the past is, like. having everyone have the same plumbing down below and chalking secondary sex characteristics up to the sex of the troll's lusus because of something something handwavium hormones? which sometimes matches their gender identity and sometimes doesn't. ah geez i hope that that makes sense. but i'm cool w/ p much whatever!

    and all i can really think of for ground rules is what you mentioned abt keeping it pg-13? but i tend to be bad at figuring out rules so /shrug
    plz feel free to suggest some!

    (also i think i remember seeing a delphi apollo on flarping ten million years ago?)
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  18. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    aight so I know I said tA should get to dictate this but I have Many Thoughts about this topic, so I am going to put in my two cents, and if he disagrees we'll go with his, and if not I guess we'll have an inordinate amount of detail in our collective troll gender headcanon?

    anyway, so first off, troll biology. I am going to quote here from something I wrote about a year ago, just so you know.
    the first question many people have when faced with the clusterfuck that is canon troll reproduction is “but how are the same sex genetically compatible??? how???” this is a reasonable question and also quite an easy one. ants, I say unto you. let us examine ants. ants have two sexes and three so-called castes: queens, females who do nothing but produce copious amounts of eggs; drones, males who do nothing but fertilize these eggs; and workers/soldiers/etc., sterile females who do everything else. other types of insect have very similar systems, like bees and wasps. looking at this system, it is clear that the mother grub is a queen analogue. but where do trolls fit in? evolutionarily speaking, as they are the members of the species which do all of the fighting/expansion/etc., it would make sense for them to be sterile, like worker ants—if they were, after all, they would not risk the genetic variety of the species by dying. however, this is clearly not the case, and thus all trolls must be sexed male. this does not preclude their having two genders, of course, I need not tell you that, although it does suggest that being "women" or "men" for trolls is based solely on secondary sex characteristics, because having members of the same sex with different sexual organs frankly makes zero sense. (okay, so not ALL genital headcanons.) so all trolls produce as genetic material what we would consider sperm, which then goes on to fertilize the mother grub's eggs, thus producing no evolutionary pressure against same-gender couples! problem solved.

    an aside about troll gender here: since they are not necessary to reproduction, how the hell might secondary sex characteristics (perhaps better called "gender characteristics" here) evolve? there are two theories which I think might make troll gender plausible: either they are, so to speak, subspecies of troll which evolved when a population was isolated and now coexist again; or, which I favor, as proto-trolls "men" and "women" had different roles in the hive which necessitated different physical characteristics. perhaps "men" guarded the hive and "women" went exploring, necessitating extra sacs of chest fat much like a camel's humps! who knows. once trolls moved beyond the hive system, however, these different roles were no longer necessary, making actual physical gender characteristics vestigial, but it is entirely conceivable that gender stereotypes (and linguistic markers much like pronouns, though it's a safe bet that Alternian "she" as in another troll and "she" as in the mother grub are two completely different words) would linger! troll gender stereotypes are probably really, really different from human ones, though. gender dimorphism in trolls is probably negligible, at least as far as survival capabilities go—in their kill-or-be-killed environment, a gender with even a slight disadvantage would probably either be long gone from the species or not present in the 50:50 ratio trolls seem to maintain. so whatever other assumptions they might be packing, trolls definitely don't think of one gender as being absolutely weaker than another. you can justify the actual mechanics of physical gender separate from sex in a variety of ways: hormonal levels, a sequence of genes that is NOT an entire sex chromosome, temperature in the egg, sex of lusus, whatever. regardless of these, though, gender for trolls is probably way more fluid than it is for humans—there isn't nearly as much cultural baggage.

    so trolls all have the same junk (I'd suggest the good ol' bulge/nook combo for familiarity's sake) and two different sort of baseline body builds, one male and one female. so a trans troll is one whose gender identity doesn't match with their body, although they wouldn't have genital dysphoria. simple enough. I headcanon that in Alternian there's a gender-neutral "troll pronoun" applicable to all trolls, and then a male and a female one, but trolls would default to neutral. it's rude to assume someone uses a given set of pronouns based on appearance, so you wouldn't use gendered ones unless explicitly told to. (I also headcanon that the pronouns decline based on hemocaste of speaker and of addressee, but that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish.) trolls also have certain ways of presenting themselves that are connected to gender (and canon suggests that these are much like human gender stereotypes, with the possible exception of "the Condesce is female therefore females are to be feared"), but like I said I think they're probably less strict, so his wearing makeup wouldn't make anyone assume a male troll isn't male, for instance—it would just have a connotation of femininity. as for physical transition, it's probably paid for upon Ascension for highbloods, and lowbloods gotta save up or they're shit out of luck. which is pretty rough.

    so yeah, those are my headcanons. again, tA, feel free to supersede these with your own, though.
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  19. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    also @taxonomicAtrocity I like your idea about lusus sex! although Jhanzi's trans and he has a Salamanderdad, so idk. maybe trolls just come in two bodily phenotypes, no particular cause. and also PG-13 sounds good to me! (also also what are Jak's pronouns? Kypher's an asshole, but he's not a misgendering one.)
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  20. also! this bears repeating! i have a bunch of fleet/pirate trolls that i'd be willing to trot out for ppl! most of my trolls are actually spaceside tbh. i have helmstechs and fifty bajillion goddamn helmsmen w/ varying degrees of bodily autonomy. actually the main girl i rp is a nasty little helm for hire who works juuuuuust outside of alternian airspace.

    @esotericPrognosticator jak uses she/her!
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