
Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Codeless, May 2, 2015.

  1. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Infodump about them here.

    One of mine is posted over in the RP section but new one:

    Unnamed greenblood psionic/helmstroll. Limbs replaced with robotic ones. Panthermom. Only passingly aquainted with sanity
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  2. sicknastyspades

    sicknastyspades Most Rad.


    I'm not sure Janitortroll from the RP really counts as a fantroll given that I invented him purely for the sake of being the "sarcastic asshole at a social/physical disadvantage" type of character I find most easy/entertaining to play.

    Violet/fuchsiablood with a whalemom. A pompous jackass, but mostly just very self-absorbed rather than actively malevolent. Paranoid about all the wrong things, oblivious to anything important. Her blind spots make her fun as hell to write. Probably going to be culled at Ascension for treading too close to true fuchsia; if not, she'll likely end up being a handy figurehead for a group of politically-savvy violets who figure the best way to move up in the world is to depose the people currently at the top. Harpoonkind specibus, Capitalises Each Word And Replaces "F/Th" Sounds With "Ph".

    Indigo/violetblood with an albatrossmom. As lowblooded as you can get whilst still being a seatroll. She's a colossal asshole; thinks the hemospectrum is a load of bullshit but is still very invested in propping it up because it benefits her. There's a pretty involved story about her ancestor - a fairly famous tactician/general who lolnoped in the middle of a battle and ended up living for several years as a pirate doing a lot of damage against the empire before she was finally captured and executed - her reaction to it at first is "what the fuck why would you fight back against a system which has done nothing but give you power and glory??", but it sets up some of the work for her eventual "wait, maybe people who aren't me also matter" realisation. Uses cutlasskind and riflekind, doubles up on herr rrs because fuck ye she's a pirrate.

    Jade/tealblood with an apedad. Lives in trees, likes surgery a lot, has a sort of fixation on the idea of helmsmen. Kind of patronising. Scalpelkind, idk about a quirk. The least developed of the three thus far.

    And of course none of them have names because names are hard.
    Whaletroll and Albatrosstroll are matesprits. Disgustingly mushy flushed seatroll assholes. They're good for each other but absolutely terrible for everyone else.
    Albatrosstroll and Apetroll have a complicated relationship. She's black for him, he's pale for her. He interprets her fury and vitriol as deliberate acting-out and wants to calm her down; she interprets his attempts at calming her as deliberately pulling out more of that patronising manner which makes her hate him so much. Of course they don't actually talk to each other about this, because they're both too busy being assholes to hammer out their feelings. They really, really need an auspitice.
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  3. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    yay more fantrolls! :D

    i have a troll over in the RP section as well, but in addition i also have Troll Hannibal Chau (Thayge Ingkin, or The Kingpin) who is an indigoblood (Gamzee's caste) conscription-dodger of about 15 sweeps who has built up a pretty substantial black market network on Alternia. he's a coward and an opportunist - i have an idea for a plotline where he finally gets caught by the authorities for ascension, and he immediately gives up all of his black market contacts to the legislacerator before she even gets to actually threaten him. which buys him clemency at the cost of basically everyone he knows hating him.

    i also have vague machinations about a pair of pseudo-twin tealbloods named Divers Alarum and Kernel Pannik who are very gangly and twitchy and fearful. the latter of them is good at computers. they might be moirails? i don't know yet.
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  4. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Additions: Miss helmstroll has piloted either a fuckoff huge battleship or a spacestation, not sure which. Maybe both with transfer. her first prostetics were jury rigged and looked as ugly as one would expect such to be.
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  5. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    I turned everyone in mine and the boyfriend's angelverse into a troll and i am disgustingly proud of how many symbols i found for them all (even the people who should be sharing symbols because ancestor/descendant are not because i became obsessed with everyone having a symbol that Represents Them In Some Way) and their titles and typing quirks and trollian handles and if anyone wants to see i will link you to the database in a heartbeat
  6. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    I made a whole bunch based off some of the Major Arcana for an RP with my irl friends that ended up never happening. The others got the rest of the Arcana.

    There's Maksim Brudar, the Magician. Long-suffering tealblood pillar of stability for his crew. Ashen for the universe, pale for the Most Insufferable violet to ever come out of the ocean. Very diplomatic and polite, but more than cunning enough to survive. Mushroomdad. MUSHROOMdad. Staffkind, fond of ornate weapons.

    Batur Forcys, the Chariot. Whiny, temperamental, stubborn violetblood kept in check by Maksim even though he gets real embarrassed about their diamond in public. Teal's a little low for a violet but he's hopelessly pale and probably would have self-destructed without him. Has major aspirations in the military and doesn't really care who he runs over to get there. (Except Maksim. He'd never bulldoze Maksim). Crossbowkind.

    Thaana Mirikh, Death. Delightfully morbid yellowblood who suffers from destructive compulsions that always end up seemingly necessary. She's gotten used to them by now. She's very calm and centered even when she's wrecking things, which is often. She rather likes Maksim and was his red bucket despite a lack of flushed feelings; they have a strong mutual respect. Thaana has a way of getting things done, and Maksim plays his role admirably. 2xKatarkind.

    Anmula Keress, the Moon. Traumatized psychic rustblood who has daymares about potential futures. She's a bit of a romantic but too paranoid to trust people. Alternates between calm and snappish, very hard to get along with especially in person. It's easier to talk to her through text, but even then asking too many questions will make her suspect you. She and Thaana flirt at being moirails, especially since Anmula is more likely to trust those closer to her caste, but she still tends to push her away. Bagh-nakhkind.

    Karwan Drogos, the Devil. My favorite blueblood asshole! Petty, violent, and sarcastic, likes screwing people over for funsies. He can play nice for extended periods of time but if it doesn't end with someone dead, injured, or in psychological ruin then it's not worth his time. He hates Maksim and his nicey-nice conflict avoidance, while Maksim hates his inability to pay attention to anything that doesn't serve him directly. They were black long enough to fill a bucket, but Karwan is more invested in the relationship than Maksim. Macekind.
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  7. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    i have three fantrolls so far, but because i tend to design ocs based around looks because i mainly draw instead of write, they're a bit boring. i like them a lot though.

    vespia calmar, my main dude, is an oliveblood who lives in a small cove by the sea (where he obviously has no business being) because his lusus is a seagull. he's super secretive and tries to only go out in the very early mornings when it'll be least likely for highbloods and seadwellers to be out but the sun isn't in full force yet. he somehow got it into his head that all lowbloods were supposed to have some sort of psychic deal and he had no powers and was basically pretty average as far as trolls go, so he decided to start messing with horrorterror stuff to be "edgy". he bartered with them to give him telekinesis and in return they took an eye. he doesn't know yet that they plan to take more. he's sort of a spoiled ass because seagulldad often steals things like jewelry and palm husks and fancy highblood stuff for him. he just has piles of shit everywhere. his strife specibus is blowdartkind.

    tolulu famine is a mutant purpleblood, in that she has half developed fins and gills, but she isn't a high enough caste that she should have anything even hinting at either on her. her lusus is a crocodile. she's vespia's moirail, and everyone thinks she's the main pacifier, but the opposite is actually true. she tends to hold deep grudges. she met vespia during a revenge scheme that involved a seadweller, ten pressure washers, a tub of soap flakes and 47 different brands of soda. she was just sitting on the shore waiting as the sun slowly crept up on her and nearly blinded her, until vespia found her on his way back to his hive. if she's not mad at you she's pretty easy going, and loves to fly kites. she's trying to come up with a whole code based around kite colors and formations to signal her moirail when it's safe to come over or vice versa. she could just use trollian but, in her words,"kites are more fun, silly".

    lastly there's fenren limott, a ceruleanblood who hates vespia with a passion. i haven't decide to much about her yet. all i know is that i wanted her to be pretty dull, and okay with that. i thought it would be an interesting match up with mr. "everything has to be UNIQUE and SPECIAL or it doesn't matter" calmar.
    Last edited: May 2, 2015
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  8. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    I have a few. From most developed to least developed:
    • Athena Owlett is a tealblood, and 11 sweeps old. Her lusus is an owl (and she's heavily associated with owls in general, almost to the degree Nepeta is with cats) and her symbol is the alchemical symbol for air. Her horns resemble tree branches. Unlike most adult trolls, she was not drafted into the military, instead being chosen to stay on Alternia as a schoolteacher (er, "educatorturer"). She's a condescending shithead, and incredibly racist. She views intellect as the sole determiner of someone's worth, and is of the belief that highbloods are smarter than lowbloods, almost without exception. I say "almost" because she's convinced she's the most intelligent being in the universe despite being a midblood herself. Her trolltag is learnedIntellectual and her typing quirk consists of replacing the letter A with a carrot (^), as well as opening and closing her messages with > and <, respectively. She uses perfect spelling and grammar otherwise.
    • Thalia Duende is a navyblood, 11 sweeps old, and Athena's moirail. Her lusus is undecided, her symbol is an abstract version of the comedy and tragedy masks, and her horns match, with one curving upwards like a U and the other curving downwards like a lowercase N. She would've been drafted were her moirail not left on Alternia (since the empire tries to accommodate quadrantmates). Her dream is to be an actress (sorry, "theaterrorist"), and in keeping with that, she's INCREDIBLY melodramatic and has major histrionic tendencies. Her trolltag is theatricalMelodrama and quirk consists of accentuating the stressed syllables in her speech by capitalizing them (while capitalizing everything else normally), and ending every sentence with an exclamation point, regardless of what type of sentence it is.
    (I'll finish writing this later, running a bit tired. :P)
    Last edited: May 3, 2015
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  9. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    Need to post about Plural, Asfadf, Arguru, Pelage, Kaywin, Murder and Seisin. MY DELIGHTFUL ASSHOLE BABIES
    Last edited: May 29, 2015
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  10. wes scripserat

    wes scripserat Hephaestus

    I have one sort of fantroll, who isn't really developed yet.
    Szosty Wystan.
    He's a seadweller, violet blood, and his lusus is a cat.
    His symbol is the infinity symbol, and he is about 6 sweeps old.
    He has short nubby horns, and has the trolltag angelicCretin. His typing quirk is that he censors himself with ----- whenever he swears, and that he never uses periods, instead writing in short chunks or long, extended with commas sentences.
    (i need to reread a lot more about troll culture before i can do any more)
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  11. Silvereye

    Silvereye 89 White Paladin Traverses The Cosmos

    I have an elaborate crossover between Homestuck and a certain LARP series. So basically trollstuck, but it isn't the Alternia we know and love. Is this close enough that I could ramble about it in here?
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  12. Soul

    Soul Covered in bees

    I'm playing around with the idea of an ancestor for my maroonblood, Sappho Rheada.

    Basically she'd be a feral who gets captured and made a slave.
  13. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    So far I have two fairly developed and one I'm erratically working on.

    Durian Agripa, a 7.5 sweeps blueblood. He's a slightly unwashed and recently nomadic troll who didn't choose the wandering life: his hive got burnt down thanks to some neighbors' revenge cycle. He was a passive bystander in this (and pretty much everything in his life.) He was completely useless to his S---b session because he spent all his time alchemizing snacks, exchanging ghost stories and using whatever divination tools (working out everyone's numerology, playing with his dowsing rod, organizing others' findings) to get out of the real work.
    Fashion includes: a unintentionally lumpy pony tail, a polka dotted tan vest over a black T-shirt, and khakis tucked into his sneakers. Horns point straight up above the outside edges of his eyebrows at his hairline, with a tiny prong to the outside like they form an arrow together. Symbol is a triangle of three arrows, like a caltrop. Raised by a fox lusus, uses the handle defensiveAlchemist, branchkind and brbwirekind, and a dowsing fetch modus (hot and cold minigame). #1165da

    Noctua Kalium, a 6.5 sweeps brownblood. A flighty girl who likes exploring and leaving her mark (like with spray paint, explosives) who doesn't think things through before acting (being the Leeroy Jenkins of her MMO guild, explosives). Fortunately, she lives on a very steep mountain range where you need telekinesis or good mountains climbing gear to get up. Very quick to say sorry if criticized, very quick to cheer when happy...heck, she's just very emotive.
    Fashion includes: a hair clip of her moirail's color pulling her hair out of her face, a sleeveless black sundress, ending in orange flames along the hem, and round glasses when she can find them. Her horns veer straight out then up at a right angle, so the emote ]:) is fairly accurate. Symbol is like a |_| U shape atop a small cross (like a Venus symbol, but square and open at the top). Raised by a horned owl lusus, uses the handle ebullientTagger, aerosolkind, and a fuse modus (random length timer must burn down before item can be retrieved). #c44c00

    I'm making a tealblood trollsona with a deer lusus for the obligatory pun. Working handle: damoclesVindicated, to reference someone who fears criticism and consequences and uses penkind/swordkind. Has a tendency to give rambling info dumps, sometimes avoids this by saying nothing, and sometimes avoids THAT by trying to speak in haiku instead.
    Fashion tbd, Last name is probably Swirln, symbol is probably a single curl spiral framed by two upward curls on each side.
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  14. Silvereye

    Silvereye 89 White Paladin Traverses The Cosmos

    Alright, I'll post my fantroll crossover thing and hope I don't wreck forum with pure textwall. This is the aforementioned crossover with the LARP series and therefore Alternia Not As We Know It. @hoarmurath here we go.

    When Sburb was doing its history modifications, six entities crossed over with the meteors and ended up in the far past. They may have been horrorterrors, but it's not certain. All we know is that they were incredibly powerful and didn't like the idea of this new world being orbitally bombed to dust in the future. They imprisoned the young First Guardian so that it couldn't set the world towards the path to Sburb. It is not known why they thought they were able to break the causality loop, but A for effort? At some point there was infighting. The youngest entity was killed and the second youngest driven away. The second youngest probably allied with the First Guardian to try to fight back.

    The four remaining entities instituted a system based on four classical elements in addition to the hemospectrum. They became the four Wardens of the trolls. Every troll is aligned with one element and usually able to manipulate it at least somewhat. This is in addition to standard hemospectrum-dependant abilities. Trolls with the same element are usually more familiar with each other than two trolls with same hemospectrum difference and different elements. Highest nobility is usually aligned with water and the Warden of Water is the lusus of the empress.

    At the time of the ancestors trolls have not yet invented deep space travel, but they are able to reach orbit and experiment with helmsmen.

    At one point two tyrian heiresses were hatched at the same time. One of them was likely allied with the First Guardian and called herself Dawnbane. The other was named Storming in her youth. This is where the Tale of the Ancestors starts (ancestors first, then trolls, at least in my reckoning).

    The old Empress was entertained by her two heiresses. She covertly propped them up on opposite sides of the planet, allowing them to assemble small courts. It is assumed she considered herself strong enough to take down both when they would come for her. She was wrong. The Absolute (then still named Storming) somehow arranged her assassination and ended up with majority of imperial assets. However, she was not capable of finishing off Dawnbane as easily. She seemed under the protection of... something. Or someone. The rival empresses started gathering armies and bided their time.

    Storming found a stalwart supporter in a violet-blood, Adanat. She was already assembling a psionic corps. While Adanat herself was incredibly high on the hemospectrum she understood how useful lowblood psionics could be in war. She, her teal matesprit Seirah and the leader of psionic corps Etelle became indispensable parts of Storming's inner circle. After the first victories against Dawnbane's forces they were promoted. Adanat was named Sunderer and became the general of empress' forces. Seirah became the Adjutant. Etelle was named Sealight, as she had certainly brightened the sea during the battles.

    Several enemy psionics were taken prisoner during that last battle. It was Adjutant's idea to use them as stealth drones and satellites. Psionics were more attentive and precise than computer systems. The biotech rigs imprisoning them removed their free will, so they were incapable of rebelling or defecting. While they were instrumental in several further victories not much is known about their names or elemental allegiances. They were just sentinels.

    The empress found two more supporters, a purple called Carenn and his close friend then already named Firebird. Firebird was more talented of the two, although he was younger and a shade lower than Carenn. He was also black for Carenn. Carenn was pale for him. Both sides were unrequited and still undeclared when Firebird went to infiltrate Dawnbane's court. Carenn moped a little, proved himself in battle and was given the title of Warflame for his prowess.

    Meanwhile, a rustblooded mechanic running maintenance for psionic slaves started pitying one of them maybe a bit too much. She started tinkering with this particular psionic's rig and found a way to restore some of her autonomy. After some deliberation she turned off the slaver circuits. The Sentinel was smart enough to continue pretending she was still a mindless slave. She also returned Engineer's feelings. They were about as happy as a psionic spaceship and lowly engineer could be.

    The Sentinel was responsible for monitoring Firebird. She knew he was keeping things from his official communications. He must have been in danger of becoming turncloak. However, all those sweeps spent watching him had done their damage. She was hopelessly, one-sidedly pale for him.

    Meanwhile, yet another talent joined the empress. She was a jade who had found her life's calling in weaponizing plants, not taking care of the caverns. She was called Hederosa, meaning "overgrown with ivy" in a dead tongue. The actual conclusion to her attacks wasn't nearly as soothing as her name suggested. Red sparks flew between her and Warflame, but they didn't actually consummate anything. It was wartime.

    Hederosa's moirail, a brown smith called Tempered wasn't nearly as interested in the war. He went to dwell with his matesprit Stonearm, a cerulean who found the serenity of rocky badlands much preferable to empresses, their wars and most other trolls. His only contacts with the outside world were Tempered and a greenblood who had escaped from Dawnbane's lands when war started and settled nearby. The green was named Listener for his uncanny ability to use ground vibrations to hear sounds from far further than commonly possible, even among earth-aligned trolls.

    Firebird was called back, because the empress needed more fire-aligned trolls. He had changed during his sweeps away. In less than a fortnight after his return he and Warflame almost fought to death, separated only by Hederosa stepping in. She felt awful about being their auspistice, because it snuffed her red prospects with Warflame. But someone had to do it. Sunderer and Adjutant, meanwhile, were suspicious of the changes in Firebird. They arranged a strategy meeting.

    Firebird didn't have a chance. He couldn't hide how sympathetic he had become to Dawnbane's side. Hederosa had to keep him from attacking Warflame again. While she was talking him down Sunderer gave a quiet order to Warflame. Kill him. Otherwise we might think you are too neutral. Warflame was angry enough to do it without thinking, powerful enough to keep Firebird from retaliating and precise enough to keep bystanders safe. Firebird burned to death, Hederosa still holding him by the lapels.

    Hederosa had had no particular love for Firebird, but killing him like this was unjust. She threw her vines around Warflame. When he understood she was going to poison, choke and stab to death he saw no way out except to fight back. Sunderer struck the killing blow, but Hederosa wouldn't have survived after the burns anyway.

    She was called Terminus after her death. Some say she was the last impure thing in empress' court and her death heralded the new age. Others say she was the last just troll of Storming's side. It's easier with Firebird. He's called Deserter, all records of his previous heroism erased. After this, the empress started calling herself the Absolute. The tide had turned in her favour.

    Adjutant audited the psionics' logs and discovered the tampering. She and Sealight went to confront the Engineer. They should have had easy time killing a rust worker, but Sentinel interfered. She wasn't meant for flying this low and Sealight was a worthy opponent. They dueled, spraying metal and blood and psionic sparks. In the end, Sentinel lay defeated on the ground and Sealight stood, barely. She hesitated and Sentinel gathered herself for long enough to escape. Adjutant had slain the Engineer. She would not suffer this insubordination. She attacked Sealight who only escaped by blinding Adjutant.

    The Sentinel was found and brought in for maintenance. Her lifespan was extended, her metal shell repaired enough to withstand the space and her slaver circuits modified. She can still see and know what she is seeing, but she cannot act. She just orbits. She is conscious enough to remember the deaths of her matesprit and would-be-moirail, but she can tell no one. After centuries she's starting to forget their names. Mirai, Shesha and Rathe, but who was who...?

    Sealight made it to the badlands. She would have perished, had Listener not found her and brought her to his hive. Stonearm knew a little about healing and she was naturally tough. She survived. When she had recuperated enough she told them about the course of the war. Not that they had asked, she needed to pour it out.

    The Tempered left before next sunset, taking the finest weapon he had ever crafted. He reached Sunderer's hive and would have killed her, had it not been for the Adjutant. Ever vigilant, she heard the intruder and fought him off. He died shortly after, not even getting out of the hive. But the Adjutant hadn't gotten used to blindness and was mortally wounded in the fight. She perished the next night.

    The Sunderer threw Tempered's weapon into the ocean. It was a fine thing, but it had ended her matesprit's life. The ocean floor was deep. No one could reach the weapon. No one but her or the Absolute.

    (She was wrong. When Sealight heard of the Tempered's death she blamed herself. She would not be Hesitant any more. So she convinced Listener to come with her. Sealight was water-aligned and a powerful psionic, even if only lime-blooded. She descended to the ocean floor and found the weapon. Listener retrieved it from the surf. Sealight herself never returned. Perhaps limes weren't meant to dive that deep after all.)

    Dawnbane's side was crushed. They say she died laughing. Perhaps.

    Warflame died in battle, still bearing the vinescars. Some say no bloodpusher was meant to survive being pale and black for the same person, then red and ash for another and then killing both, so it was just his broken soul catching up to him. Eventually, Listener died of old age. Stonearm became an old broken troll, the now-ancient weapon his only company. Sentinel still lives, if you can call it that. Absolute still rules and the Sunderer still stands at her bloody red hand.

    I have ideas about some of the descendants, but nothing as polished as that. I'll try to get it going after I'm less busy.
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  15. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    so I've been reading boat trolls, and finally am inspired enough to make my own fantroll. so far i've only had my fankid. here goes :)

    Ellehi Maruca
    jade-blood, waxing teal (#00815B), nine sweeps old(?)
    sign: Eridanus
    strife specibus: crowbarkind
    fetch modus: wallet
    class: not sure - possibly thief or knight
    aspect: not sure - possibly void or mind
    trollian handle: some combination of lapidescent/latitant/loganamnotic and mythoclast/minimifidian/mnemonist
    typing quirk: replaces l's with |'s and m's with |=|'s
    (he||o, |=|y na|=|e is e||ehi |=|aruca. i a|=| a nine-sweeps-o|d jade-b|ood. i |ive in a rock hive with |=|y |usus, wasp|=|o|=|.)
    lusus: waspmom (eucharitid wasp)
    horns curve back over her head; one has one big loop and the other two smaller loops.
    she keeps her hair short because otherwise it gets ridiculously tangled in the horns.
    she does not like nonsense (see chosen fetch modus), but she does like swishy skirts.
    Last edited: May 29, 2015
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  16. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    Nearly tyrian #bb00dd


    Seisin is an asshole. He (genitals: nook and bulge) is the closest to tyrian you can get on the spectrum without actually being tyrian. He’s relishing his future job as an imperial concubine, because that’s what he feels his caste is entitled to. His typing quirk replaces pretty much every letter possible with Greek letters to symbolize how fucking pretentious his accent is. His text is nigh-unreadable because of this. His sign is Jupiter. He has a tattoo of it across his breastbone, because he's so proud of being lord of the signs. Axolotldad.

    He actually files down his horns–originally they looked sort of like drumsticks attached to his head but he files down the bulbous ends into sharp points. And polishes them like crazy. His hair is ridiculously foppish and came with a natural white streak at the crown, which he dyes various colors to symbolize the caste he hates most that week.

    He will willingly kill you if you get in the way of his ambitions. He is the be-all end-all of his universe because he believes he will grow up to have the most important job. He monopolizes people’s time and thinks himself entitled to a lot of things. He is the type of person who unironically wears an ascot on a daily basis. One of the things he’s obsessed with is foreign languages. And manners, and respecting caste lines, and everything to do with diplomacy–even though he’s a fucking huge asshole who’s not inherently diplomatic in the slightest.

    Did I mention he’s going to be an imperial concubine? He’s kind of my bicycle. He uses sex and sexuality as a weapon to continue being an asshole.

    His strife specibus is ranseurkind, because that's the closest you can get to a trident without being culled. His outfits are just. He's a pretentious fuck, okay. A total fop, the worst of both Eridan and Cronus combined. My wonderful shitprince.
    Last edited: May 29, 2015
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  17. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    Oh no, fantrollsssss.
    Right, so I have five. The original four were for a rp with a group of friends which never actually got off the ground. The last one was for the troll rp here that hasn't got off the ground.
    Paveti Ganeya, a deadpan jadeblood who is an artist. She acts serious, but she loves really stupid fantasy novels and likes to imagine herself as a dramatic heroine while staring out the window.
    Moriya Murade, a stepford smiler seadweller, who is secretly a suicidal ball of self hatred. He's pretty pessimistic, but tries to hide it.
    Liluli Jibela, a creepy secretive tealblood. In our rp, she was supposed to be the thief of time, and halfway a doomed Liluli would steal the original's postion in the alpha timeline.
    And then the only happy one, Kezeky Anikai, who is a cheerful friendly yellowblood who's always up for ADVENTURE, and has an excellent sense of direction. He really hates romance novels. I think he was supposed to end up in <3 with Paveti, but I forget.
    Then the one from this forum
    name: Sacara Raleni
    gender: Female
    blood color: teal
    symbol: resembles an eye
    age: 9 sweeps
    lusus: raccoonmom
    abilities: good at make up, sewing, knitting, speed reading, getting out of awful situations with minimum of bloodshed.
    affiliations: currently open
    typing quirk: i's aren't capitalized, often ends sentences as question?
    quadrants: Open! She had a moirail a while back, but the relationship was toxic and the breakup was messy. Will flirt back if she actually realizes she's being flirted with.
    physical appearance: short, flat chested but with rather curvy hips. Hair in a neat bob with bangs. Nearly always has a dramatic eyeliner going on. Her horns are smallish but pointy, and vaguely resemble raccoon ears, if you're already thinking of it.
    strife specibus: scissorkind.
    Description: Sacara is actually pretty happy. Having recently got out of a not so fun relationship, she's enjoying her improved life. She's sometimes quiet, but mostly she's perfectly willing to get into a conversation with anyone who will talk to her. Her make up brushes are constantly being washed, along with her hands. Has a fondness for trashy pale romance novels, and hides them wherever she has space. In her bag, in her room, anywhere. If she gets called out on it she will totally deny liking them at all. She will help people experiment with their own make up, but generally for herself sticks to the same look all the time.
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  18. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    Rust #af1000

    Pronouns: she. Transgender (nook+bulge+seedflaps, but female trolls only have nook+seedflaps in this 'verse). Plural's hair is thin and straight and hangs down to the backs of her knees, sort of fading out as it goes; she uses it as a shroud/veil a lot of the time. Her horns are Baphomet/hail Satan horns, y'know, that double set with the outside set curling down to the outside and the inner set like Peixes horns. She's the lowest of my trolls on the spectrum.

    The two real things you need to know about her is that she can see/hear/talk to dead people, and that she's obsessed with chucklevoodoos. Because of her caste, she's not eligible for priesthood in the chucklevoodoo religion thing, but she's devout--sort of. She twists those beliefs and powers to her own purposes. Basically she's using it to summon angels (the right terrifying Homestuck kind) and raise the dead, through a mixture of learning the true names of things. She paints her face in Dia de los Muertos style because she believes it helps her commune. Exaggerated wide eyes, deep red lips. (Just allow me this, okay, I have a boner for Qabalah and the Sephirot and Enochian angels.) Her strife specibus is tarotkind.

    She wields a psychic power called 'resonance.' She can make things vibrate so hard they fall the fuck apart, dissolving and crumbling. It also draws a lot from the bones of the earth. Her friends call her bonemom because her lusus was actually the skeletal remains of a triceratops-like creature, and because she's very maternal towards her friends.
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  19. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    Dark green #006600

    He (nook+bulge). The ‘pelage’ is the part of an animal’s pelt which does not include the skin. Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alephbeth and corresponds to alpha in the Greek alphabet. His lusus is wolfdad. You’ll often find his skin streaked in blood, some decorative, some not. He doesn’t tend to cook much, just eats meat and eats it raw. That being said, he’s also good at preserving parts of an animal that can be preserved and used for later: he’s good at tanning, for instance, and likes to give his bone remnants to Plural for them to use in whatever weird ways Plural uses bones, the creep.

    He is a hunter by nature and gets easily aggravated when Asfadf (bronzeblood, more about him soon) steps in to protect the animals or lusii he’s tracking. However, his nature means he’s also good friends with Murder (purpleblood, more about them soon), who is on track to be an Orphaner and certainly knows their way around ocean-based creatures. Two strife specibi. Primary: daggerkind. Auxiliary: spearkind.

    Pelage retreats to feral behavior when he doesn’t know how to express himself. He thinks, for instance, that he’s clearly broadcasting playfulness or aggressiveness when it’s a subtle distinction of how his lips are pursed around his fangs. He also likes to growl, click, chirp, etc. He can communicate effectively with beasts this way, in their native language instead of inside their heads like Asfadf can, but communicating with fellow trolls is a whole nother exercise. Except for Murder. He can effectively communicate with Murder by hissing at them like Murder’s lusus does.

    He wears his hair long and shaggy, tied back by a leather cord. If you catch him in a hunting mood he’ll probably be wearing a leather loincloth, a lusus pelt as a cloak, a mask, and not much else besides a ton of matted blood. He keeps his claws in top condition and usually has them lacquered black; he also has black bands of tattoos up his arms. He has horns somewhat shaped like Nepeta’s but cupped like an animal’s ear. His sign is Mars and he has circle tattoos on each shoulder with radial arrows that point to the spur of bone at the place where his neck turns into his spine.

    His other chief interest besides hunting is making and collecting masks. He has a mask for each of his friends. You know how Nepeta has her shipping wall? Pelage has an analog: a wall full of masks of his friends that he matches on a daily basis. He also just likes wearing masks; they're facial armor and keep others from reading his expressions when he doesn't want to be readable.
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  20. Arxon

    Arxon Well-Known Member

    I have a google doc full of about 47 fantrolls, plus some fankids, but since a lot of them are for sessions there are some that are extremely planned out and some that are still in the name and sign part of existence. Sooo instead here are some of my nonsession fantrolls, most of whom are solo and reserved for when I finally stop being a baby and try rping with them.

    Clavis Avarim ([​IMG]) is a orangeblooded mutant who was raised by the remainder of the cult of the Sufferer, saved from culling by a sympathetic jadeblood. She works as an errand runner, recruiter, and professional distraction, and is often involved in highly dangerous chases. Since she's on the move so much and lives such a dangerous lifestyle she hasn't really had a chance to form a lot of long term friendships, even among the Suffererists. In order to hide her loneliness, she tries to act super cool and tough and witty and disaffected by the world.
    Revlis Pallid ([​IMG]), a violetblood who was technically a mutant by virtue of her white hair, was the hatch name of Admirala Snowhair. Despite her high title she was prone to acting more like a wild party goer, often showing and spending wealth in obnoxious ways, as well as being generally an obnoxious and reckless excuse for nobility, which did not earn her any admirers among the more traditional factions but made her very popular among the young blue and purple blooded nobility. One night she held a grand party in honor of the Empress (not the Condesce) and poisoned all of the guests, nearly killing the Empress herself and causing one of the greatest mass deathes outside of wartime in trollish history up to that point. Investigators later found that she had ingested a slow acting poison earlier in the day, and died shortly after destroying some of her documents. It is still unknown if she snapped suddenly or if her entire public life had been one long con. She later became known as The Deceiver.
    Arseni Pallid (also [​IMG]) was born with the same pure white hair as her ancestor, as well as the same species of lionfish lusus. She figured out who her ancestor was at a young age and has devoted her life to trying to figure out The Deceiver's motives- a search that has led her to shady back alleys and high class joints alike. She's an extremely meticulous and insightful person, gifted at manipulation and observation and an absolutely peerless actress. Because of the dangerous lifestyle she leads she has developed a series of rules that she follows almost dogmatically, and one of the only ways to get her panicky is to get her to break a rule or to go off book. In her off time she keeps a garden of poisonous plants.
    Verite Temoin([​IMG]) is a trashy ass tealblooded reporter, always looking for the best way to twist the truth and increase her readership. She delights in getting trolls to get worked up and do dumb shit for what she believes to be stupid reasons, and she very subtly sways minds and hearts as she pleases- or at least, she think she does. She lives in a large quasi-metropolitan area in an upper class hivestem and her lusus is a ratmom.
    Vaceti Alegar([​IMG]) is an oliveblood who lives in a hilly grassland area a ways outside the nearest city with her flymom. Ever since she had a nasty breakup with her moirail she's been pretty quiet and depressed, breaking herself off from all of her outside contacts and even neglecting her one big passion in life, poetry. In order to earn caegars she's been working as an underground online counselor and matchmaker, helping those who are soon to be culled because of emotional issues or lack of quadrants.
    Quinne Aethea([​IMG]) is a well off violetblood who's really into re-enactment sea battles, as well as various artistic endeavors. She's good enough at it, but she struggles with the feeling that everything she does and everything she is will turn out to be meaningless. She also has deep feelings of inadequacy and lack of talent. She's very nervous and stuttery when talking to others and quickly panics, often doing ridiculous things out of stress, fear, and just being unable to cope, and being even more nervous and on edge in later interactions, making the issue worse. She lives in an underground manor with a small fleet of ships and her whalesharkmom.
    Seleni Dianic([​IMG]) is Quinne's wild moirail, also violet. Her lusus died at a very young age and Seleni had to escape her killer, ending up in a deeper part of the sea then even most seadwellers ever travel to, and she stayed there for three sweeps until Quinne found her while looking for a shipwreck. Seleni is calm, cool, and collected, always seeming in control of herself. At first Quinne was very resentful of her and how she seemed so put together even after she had so soon returned to civilization, and there was a bit of one sided black flirtation for a while. However, one day Quinne witnesses Seleni breaking down after a stressful encounter with another seadweller and they came to an understanding, becoming moirails. Seleni is extremely scared of death and of being alone and is constantly searching to give her life purpose, taking up a variety of artforms along the way. because she spent so long in the deep her eyesight is very poor even under moonlight, but the darker it is the better she can see.
    Aeglea Pathic([​IMG]) is a brownblood who has the power to cause diseases. She is extremely into fortune-telling, owning troll tarot cards, crystal balls, "dragon" knuckles, the like. She's interested in the concept of fate and destiny in general, and her research into myths about the Handmaid has led her to also research history in general- not as thorough an education as a seadweller can access, but more then most lowbloods can find. She's calm, patient, and more than a little bit of a deadpan snarker, and over the years she's learned how to handle people to let her get at what she wants to see.
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