If you are at all familiar with Jason Todd from Batman, please watch this vid. Please watch it even if you aren't. I literally watched it three times in a row last night and watched it again this morning. Song choice is perfect, extremely emotional, editing is spot-on.
DID SOMEONE SAY AMVS? Intense! Kickass! Fucking bawlworthy! Actually, pretty much anything by Viinurify is great, this one is the "look how cool and terrifying our bad guys are" video I discovered her through.
Aughhhhhh how did I not see this thread before FANVIDS ARE MY JAM, YO <3 Y'all are inspiring me to try making them again :D Some favourites (Mahou Shoujo Requiem is what got me into PMMM, Soul Eater: This is Halloween is a fucking CLASSIC, same with FMA:B L.I.B, yo and nineteenthing Hold Om Mig, even though I never much got into Princess Tutu despite it's best efforts :P) are already here, which makes me so happy you don't even <3 Okay, some ones I didn't see, however (Steven Universe Spoilers abound) - (WickedGeek is awesome - I haven't seen all their stuff because I'm not into Gravity Falls or Over The Garden Wall, but if their SU stuff is any indication...) (I am shocked, SHOCKED that this one is not here already :3) (Anything by PurviewProductions is pretty damn good, imho) (I love this one just because I wanted so badly for it to exist and then it DID OMG) MORE UPCOMING SOON :D
Okay so more are still upcoming, but I just wanted to share this one - It gave me fucking chills, man. (Prior knowledge of the Hunger Games movies not necessary, but it helps XD) Oh, and spoilers for the Rebellion movie, as well.
OKAY MOTHERFUCKERS ARE YOU READY IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS AND YOU'RE INTO HOMESTUCK THEN I'M JUDGING YOU SO HARD RN. this makes me fucking weep every time okay (Dolorosa Signless sadstuck you have been warned XD) This is the one that made me go back and watch all of Korra - a friend of mine had told me intially that they didn't much like it, around the time season two ended. And I love this one because it's just so fucking Korra. And I know there's a ton of Pompeii vids on here, but this is one of the best, imho.
It's not as high quality as some of my other recs, but this one is just so FUN it got me into Steven Universe in a big way :D This is an old one, but it's a beautiful take on the AtLA finale Another Korra vid, and the only one I've found yet that uses 'Immortals' to it's full effect I JUST FOUND MY FAVOURITE GURREN LAGANN VID AGAIN And lastly, a truly fantastic Code Geass vid -
I'm looking through a lot of my old favourites now and I found this truly beautiful and thoroughly overlooked Wolf Children vid - It's wonderfully upbeat and triumphant, but at the same time captures exactly the tone of the film. (SOMEONE TELL ME TO STOP POSTING HELP)
Some Voltron ones! The song choices here are a bit overused but the editing is nice. and my eternal fandom (I appreciate 'cause we were made for flying' while one of the characters flies straight up so quickly she breaks window glass. And 'hands up' has clever clips.)
Mahoutale was finally finished!! edit: Actually on the subject of Chiikaboom, this is still one of my favorite AMVs.
The Mighty Oak Has Fallen is a Lupin IIIrd AMV set to the Dangeresque Theme (of Homestar Runner Dot Com fame). Requires registering for the website, but worth it IMO.