Feeling shitty about my weight.

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by ChelG, Feb 3, 2017.

  1. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Ahhh. Yeah I don't know England stores. If you wanted it though, I could ask around (my moirail lives in the UK). As for the rats, you might try to set up an attention friendly way to make sure they don't chew your nice clothes. Like have a sign on their cage as a reminder or a Designated Rat Sweater that just lives over there that you can throw one when you play with them.

    I feel you on bus fare. That's how I get around too. It might be a bit of upfront work, but are there bus passes you can get? Any discounts that you might be able to get? Like here you can get a disabled card that lets you pay less than half of the normal fare.

    As for gorging on dairy and sugar. same hat... I wish I had more advice on that front ;-; being unemployed sucks on that front because whenever I get bored I want to eat.
  2. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    I've also felt gross about my weight for basically forever. One thing that's accidentally worked out for me was getting really into loose leaf tea. There are some white and fruit teas that taste super nice and sweet. I swear to God I found one that tastes like hot cherry kool-aid so I drink that one chilled now. Not wanting pop or juice drinks as much has been pretty healthy for me I think. The ritual of making the tea in is little infuser is also nice, I like the routine.

    Basically, if you think it would help, see if you can find a fun food or drink activity that you enjoy that could replace eating foods you don't want to eat. For me, both drinking AND the ritual of making the tea is soothing so I'm not tempted to get even more drinks or foods to help with stress. I hope this makes sense...
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  3. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Soft drinks are a big thing for me. It's really hard to not buy them. Any alternatives? I tried sparkling water but it's gross.
  4. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    Diet/low-calorie versions of it? I basically depend on Coke Zero for hydration.
  5. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen


    That shit tastes like the last desperate gasp of a dying man. It's so gross. I also can't drink diet anything, I'm allergic to all sugar substitutes.

    My friend stumbled across ONE brand of pop-like stuff that's not gross, but the carbonation in it is intense so I don't know if that'll be a deal breaker.

    The brand is just called Dry, and the website is here: http://www.drysparkling.com

    I also drink RedBull on occasion because I don't love myself enough and for some reason I really like the taste of perfume. >>;

    (That's not even a "oh this is so unhealthy" thing, it's more "this literally tastes like walking down the perfume isle at a department store and breathing deep, why do I like this???")
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2017
  6. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    im a fan of the Izze line of fizzy fruit sodas
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  7. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    Damn, I drank a mouthful of red bull once and decided i didn't hate myself enough to drink a full can of it.
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  8. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    It's Lucozade for me. Lurid orange British drink which is basically pure sugar and tastes like it too. (Meanwhile the Scots have Irn Bru, which is also lurid orange but tastes like licking razors.) I know I'm never going to stop gaining weight if I don't cut down but it's quite possibly addictive in the literal sense.
  9. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Carbonation makes me feel sick so soft drinks aren't a problem for me. Do you know what it is about them? Like the carbonation? The sweet? And yes, there is good evidence that junk food is for realz addictive. So I encourage you to be gentle and patient with yourself as you try to cut down.
  10. Willowanderer

    Willowanderer Does her best

    Hear that. So much a pain in the butt, trying to find gum (inamerica) without some kind of sugar substitute is a trial.
    So about the soft drinks; is it the carbonation or the sweetness that you're really into? I drink fruit juice cut 50-50 or 60-40 with unflavored seltzer (or just water) which is ... really harder on a budget it occurs to me.
    I hear you though, I've been super depressed this last month or so and probably spent $50 on chocolate covered pretzels, which I then ate instead of getting food.

    But yeah, cut down a little don't try to root them out from the start.
  11. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    I think it's a bit of both. The mouthfeel in general is somehow unique with this stuff, and since it basically is liquid sugar they don't really offer a low-sugar variety.
  12. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Just started crying for no reason again and the reason my brain latched onto is because I'm ugly :(

    Looking into local dance classes. If I have a type of exercise I actually want to do it may help. Might help my fucked-up coordination as well.
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  13. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    I too have terrible coordination, but exercise has helped me with that. It's never going to be great, but it's noticeably better, so I'll take it.

    Would you be interested in any kinds of exercise videos at all? I've found some that are very beginner friendly (low impact, no complicated moves, and some are only five to ten minutes long so they're a lot easier to squeeze in) and don't take a lot of room to do. They're also pretty straightforward without too much blabbing about food or calories and no shamey bullshit. They are kind of boring cardio, but for me the boringness is more bearable with a video to follow along with than it is to do it all by myself.
  14. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    I have one, but my coord's so bad I can't keep up with it :(
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  15. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    That's a bummer. :(

    I forgot to specify - these are on YouTube, so you won't be out anything by giving them a look. Let me know if you want links, but it's fine if you don't. <3
  16. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Links would be nice. Thanks! :)
  17. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Ok, cool!

    HASFit has a ton of videos - link is to their beginner specific program, but they have other videos not in the program that may be suitable. They're very straightforward and no nonsense and acknowledge that some of the moves are hard and tiring and that you should take breaks when you need it, or modify exercises if needed for your range of motion. One downside is that the instructor tends to transfer from one exercise to another pretty fast; sometimes I need to pause and scroll back a lot with a new video. (Also, I haven't been doing ~the program~; I stayed on the first 10 minute video for quite a while and it did me a lot of good.)

    Leslie Sansone's 1 Mile At-Home walk - she's almost gratingly perky and tends to go "Doesn't that feel good??" at the point I'm like no I'm fucking tired, but I like her videos all the same. The moves consist of four different steps - walking in place, side-to-side steps, low kicks, and knee raises, with occasional arm movements - and she's good at telegraphing when to go into the next move. She has longer videos as well and other 1 mile videos.

    Jane Fonda Walking Cardio Workout Level 1 - Similar to Leslie Sansone's, but a gentler pace. She's not quite as good at telegraphing when to go into the next move and some of her moves ask for a lot of floor space to move around in, but those can always be substituted with walking in place.

    It's important to keep in mind that it's okay to do only part of a video if that's all you can do at the time, and it's okay to modify exercises to use a smaller range of motion or be slower if you need it. Don't be like me - every time I've taken up exercise again I invariably push too hard too fast and injure myself and get discouraged. Five minutes of gentle exercise is better than none.
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  18. Willowanderer

    Willowanderer Does her best

    Yeah, I find classes and videos move too fast, I like need a loop of the middle part for a bit to get it done.
  19. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    I just can't keep up with the movements :(

    Feeling especially crappy today and yesterday. Yesterday I went on a bit of a shopping spree and got some fairly pricey cosmetics and a sports bra in the biggest size the shop had. When I got home, I discovered the eyeliner had fallen out of my bag and vanished somewhere along the way and that the bra wouldn't close around me, and poking at my sides discovered that almost all of my width at that point is actually ribcage so I couldn't even lose the weight to make it fit. Even without my excess flab I'm bulky-boned, and so it's probably physically impossible for me to ever fit into standard sizes at all.
  20. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    I wonder if this Body Positive Yoga podcast would be okay? I find that videos are terrible because I'm legally blind without my glasses and who wants to be doing this stuff with glasses on?

    This is a 100% verbal instruction based yoga routine that has very slow transitions with explicit instructions on how to do each thing, and even how to move between each thing, because there's no video.

    There are also modifications for larger bodies for each of the poses on the same site, even the resting pose.

    Last edited: Feb 11, 2017
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