Coming back to this, I am now pre-diabetic, probably due to my exercise having completely dropped off during lockdown. Even the beginner exercise routines I can find are a lot for me, but I've found some which will work, bought sugar-free cookies so I don't have to go totally cold turkey off sweet foods, and have an online appointment with a wellbeing service in May.
I think I'm not getting enough calories from healthy food which is leading to eating too much junk, but I'll need an expert's input to be sure. I don't really feel hungry when I get up so I don't eat much all day, then end up gorging at dinnertime.
Skim milk is kind of yucky but bearable. Will talk to doctor about whether to bother switching. I've heard conflicting reports about sat-fats.
Checking weekly diet instead of daily and divided by seven to find I'm getting way too much protein, which can end up being stored as fat. Time to cut down on meat.