I like this idea! seriously for reals going to bed now though like for real this time yepp here i go byyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeee
Hey guys! Grimsqueaker's gonna help me learn to crochet and I will be joining into the stitching and the bitching and I can finally post here and I am so happy!! EDIT: I can only make it after like 8PM EST though.
Also interested, and have discord, but I'm not sure how often I would make it as Friday and Saturday are usually family hangouts (they don't mind me not hanging out, but I'll miss it if I skip too often lol)
I think I have discord set up properly on my tablet, but I had trouble getting it to work last time. Regardless, lmk when you're doing the thing and I'll give it another go :)
yo, it's ok if you don't show up every time, or if you only come occasionally! no one is obligated to come every single time, I'm just happy that anyone is interested 38D
@thegrimsqueaker My naem is Grim an for crochet when makin stuff or just to plae I do my chaen it's not forgot the zeroth step- I slip the knot
@evilas perf also, discord link is here tell me if something goes wrong w it bc I have no idea what I'm doing I only downloaded the thing a few days ago