Fishin' in the stream of consciousness (all-purpose, no topic chat thread)

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Wiwaxia, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    For the future if these options wouldn't be too distracting to fall asleep with, i've found either bringing earplugs or having a white noise app on my phone to play with earbuds in helps me sleep in noisy environments a lot
    • Useful x 2
  2. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Scientists everywhere baffled by recent study's findings that, when feeling guilty and ashamed, withdrawing from the majority of hobbies and social connections in hopes of restoring equilibrium is a unlikely venture.

    aka I spiraled for a week or two there, avoided just about everybody and everything, and then got butthurt that people weren't lining up to do the things i wanted to do

    why are emotions like this
    • Witnessed x 9
  3. Wormwitch

    Wormwitch I wish the Affini were real :(

  4. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    Oh my God, that poor man.
    • Agree x 3
  5. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    On a lighter note it reminds me of a story that happened to my grandpa where he tried to withdraw money from an atm only to have a human arm jam itself out the dispensary hole holding his card and a voice saying "sorry im fixing the atm right now"
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  6. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    prolly already here or someone else but i dont keep on top of everything so, have this from my dash while i giggle.[​IMG]
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  7. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Well theres something I never needed to know about Megatron.
    • Agree x 3
  8. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Stay classy, deadspin.
    • Agree x 1
  9. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Oh nooooo my friend is telling me to breathe and please not die because I can't stop laughing in horror.
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  10. chthonicfatigue

    chthonicfatigue Bitten by a radioactive trickster god

    You know you're old when your idea of calming activity becomes a latte and registering a new electrical appliance online
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  11. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Latte´s are not calming to me but I would like one.
    • Agree x 1
  12. hi i could really use some happy/funny content please, just had a bad experience and want to put it out of my mind.
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  13. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

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  14. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i just discovered that the ao3 function for searching tags literally hallucinates pairings that have literally never been posted on ao3

    here are some of the ones that it came up with for leonard church from red vs blue

    AI Program Epsilon | Leonard Church/Junior
    Leonard Church | AI Program Alpha/AI Program Epsilon | Leonard Church

    and yes, i checked very carefully to make sure none of these actually existed on the archive. and i'm not judging (i honestly would be down for churchcest, and i would read church/junior just for the hell of it), i'm just amazed that this is even possible. amazed that the very code of ao3 itself has it's own red vs blue shipping opinions.

    (of course, the less amusing and more likely explanation would be that there used to be church/junior and alpha/epsilon fics on ao3, but they got deleted, but... i prefer my AO3 Has A (Literal) Mind Of Its Own one.)
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2017
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  15. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    my wikipedia troll has come back and he's more Christian than ever
    "I am a humble Christian soldier and obedient servant of the Glorious First Church of Jesus Christ Militant. I full obedience to the Commands of the Church and of its Most Holy Leader and Spiritual Guide, The Most Holy Reverend Ebenezer Abel Lux, I have come into Wikipedia to do here my Most Holy Duty to God Almighty and The Risen Jesus Christ Militant and issue a Challenge to Personal Combat to the Satanic Minions who have infested Wikipedia and are Charged by their Most Foul Infernal Master with the Nefarious Task of block the True Word of God from being heard and disseminated. In pursuance with my above-mentioned duty I have embarked on issuing the challenges in the Prescribed Form as follows:
    Satanic Minion, I Challenge Thee To Single Combat! Foul Fiend, thou stands Unmasked and revealed as the Satanic Minion thou art! Yea Indeed! Being enmeshed in the Coils and Most Nefarious Designs of thy Infernal Master, thou hast Transgressed, Blasphemed and Presumed to block the True Word of God in Wikipedia! For such an Enormity of Mortal Sin there is not – and cannot be – any Forgiveness! Know, thou Wretch, thou Foul Fiend, thou Satanic Minion, that the True Word of God issues and emanates from The Most Holy Person Now Living, none less than The Most Holy Reverend Ebenezer Abel Lux, Consecrated Pastor and Prophetic Leader of the First Church of Jesus Christ Militant, to whom were vouchsafed Divine Visions and Angelic Visitations and who is Fated and Destined to Stand at the Right Hand of Christ in the Second Coming. Know, thou Wretch, that the Synod of The First Church of Jesus Christ Militant has duly resolved and commanded and commended that Wikipedia must be and shalt be Cleansed and Purified and be made a Ready and Fitting Vehicle for the True Word of God. Know, thou Wretch, that I, Thomas Lucas McGregor III, am a faithful, zealous, righteous and upright Christian soldier, a True, Faithful and
    Loyal Son and Knight of the Church, and that I most willingly and happily do the bidding of the Synod and of the Most Holy Reverend Lux – so help me God Almighty and the Risen Jesus Christ Militant. Thereupon I, Thomas Lucas McGregor III, Soldier of Christ, hereby challenge thou, Foul Fiend and Minion of Satan, to single combat! Yea, to single combat! Choose your Arms and Come to Me on the Field of Tournament! You may prepare all thy Infernal Devices, you may beseech the Aid and Succor of thy Foul Infernal Master – but it would avail thee Naught. For it is God Almighty who Guides my sword arm, and it is Jesus’ Bright Sword of Justice which I Bear. To the Righteous shalt Victory go, yea indeed, most assuredly! I shalt meet thee on the Field of Testing and I shalt mete out to thee thy Just Deserts. Thy Earthly Husk shalt go to a miserable shameful burial in Unhallowed Ground, and thy Doomed Immortal Soul shalt go down to Total Perdition and a Million Million Years of unceasing Hellish Torture – as thou so very richly Deserve. So be it, so be it, Amen in the Highest! So Hast God Ordained At The Very Creation Of The World, and So Verily Shalt It Be! Amen, Amen, Amen! A Humble Christian Pilgrim and Knight (talk) 12:55, 31 July 2017 (UTC)"
    Black List of Satanic Minions calling themselves “administrators” of Wikipedia – doomed, doomed, doomed, one and all, to Fall before the Bright Sword of Jesus Christ Militant and go down to their Just Deserts, to Perdition and Eternal Hellish Torture: User:Widr,
    User:MereTechnicality, (me!)
    User:Jake Brockman,
    So far the text of the Challenges to Single Combat which I issued to the Foul Satanic Minions in the Prescribed Form as laid down by the One and Only True Church, First Church of Jesus Christ Militant, in accordance with True Traditions and Usages of Chivalry as of Olden Times. I have been disrupted and blocked in this Holy Task of issuing Challenges to Single Combat - clearly yet another Manifestation of the Nefarious Satanic Minions and their Stanglhold on Wikipedia WHICH MUST AND SHALT BE DULY BROKEN! In the process, yet another Satanic Minion, calling himself User:There'sNoTime, has revealed his Ugly Face. He, too, shalt of course be added to the Black List of Satanic Minions calling themselves “administrators” of Wikipedia – doomed, doomed, doomed, one and all, to Fall before the Bright Sword of Jesus Christ Militant and go down to their Just Deserts, to Perdition and Eternal Hellish Torture. He, too, shalt be duly issued with a Challenge to Single Combat and he too shalt most assuredly Fall before the Bright Sword of Jesus Christ Militant wielded by my Sword Arm.
    and at the end added "So thereupon I request and indeed most sternly DEMAND that this stupid Satanic "block" be removed forthwith and that that I be enabled to continue uninterrupted on my Holy Task of Cleansing Wikipedia and making it a Fit Vehicle for the True Word of God. And again do I sternly warn that all who presuming to stop the Humble Servant of Gon in the Fulfilment of his Ordained Task are risking their immortal Souls, that anyone persisting and maintaining this stupid Satanic "block" are risking no less than Utter Perdition, a Million Million Years of the Most Hellish Unceasing Torture. I have spoken, you have been WARNED, so Help Me God! Amen, Amen, Amen![[User:A Humble Christian Pilgrim and Knight|A Humble Christian Pilgrim and Knight]] ([[User talk:A Humble Christian Pilgrim and Knight#top|talk]]) 12:55, 31 July 2017 (UTC)}}"
    • Informative x 5
  16. syntheme

    syntheme Active Member

    Single... combat?
    • Agree x 4
  17. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

  18. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    Also Sonic has holoprosencephaly (warning for picture of a brain) often caused by mutation of the Sonic Hedgehog gene. (Specifically cyclopia/cyclocephaly/synophthalmia, he has one eye that meets in the middle instead of two fully separate eyes, at least in most games.)
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  19. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    Inspired by a conversation in the tumbl.txt thread

    Being from canada, i have very little actual knowledge of U.S. geography

    until recently i didnt fully realize i had a wacky mental image of boston maine

    In my head its like... somewhere near like the west coast, but not on the west coast. Probably where (pauses to consult a map) utah is. Dont ask why, i have a vaguely accurate idea of where maine is so idek.

    Then my boss pointed out that the reason our other locations in new brunswick care about the red sox is because they can go across the border for games

    And i was like "wait shit boston is in the maritimes basically?"


    Edit: its it massachusetts but thats still basically the maritimes
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
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  20. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    ... Am I missing something, because Boston isn't in Maine
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