Fishin' in the stream of consciousness (all-purpose, no topic chat thread)

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Wiwaxia, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    1: Achievement Hunter's WWE2k16 let's play.
    2: Smooth forever. I really hate peanuts, but am okay with peanut butter. For some reason.
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  2. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Goonies, and I don't like peanuts, so no peanut butter opinions here
  3. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    1. Freelance Astronaut's Masterquest LP (or it might have been Twilight Princess)
    2. smooth peanut butter
  4. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    1. never seen either of them, so I think of various streamers/youtubers going like "hey there erryone"
    2. smoov for spreading on things and straight-up eating off of a spoon, but i get chunky bc then i dont have to add chopped peanuts to my spicy peanut noodles
  5. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Peanut butter is the work of the devil's slimy, overgrown asshole, and I will have nothing to do with it.

    #also allergic #but thats you know #secondary #:v
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  6. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"

    1. Neither.
    2. Creamy.

    I'm trying to write a thread soliciting anecdata about squicks, and I feel weird and can't tell if I am a) uneasy about talking about my squicks; b) squicking myself out trying to pinpoint my squicks; or c) hungry.

    I think part of it is definitely hunger. I'm gonna go hunt up some lunch. What's good for eating at lunchtime?
  7. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    not peanut butter
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  8. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    a) neither b) chunky!!!
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  9. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    I would be interested in a squick thread
  10. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"

    I have acquired punpernickel bread, swiss cheese, an egg, and some slices of Steak-umm. No peanut butter, don't worry @Wiwaxia. Let's see how this goes.

    @Aviari I may go ahead and post the thread asking for anecdata and then come back with my own later, after I run some errands and watch Zootpia.
  11. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    @Elaienar things I like to make for lunch: salad, fried rice, egg salad, Spanish rice with beans and cheese, and sometimes I will just eat sauteed vegetables. Other people like wraps and pita pockets a lot but I rarely eat bread products. I also almost always have eggs, cooked rice, some kind of bean, and fresh or frozen veggies around the house, so the list is mostly based on my staples.
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  12. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"

    @sirsparklepants Ahhh, sounds tasty! I fried the egg and made a toasted sandwich, and it's pretty good so far even though I don't usually like pumpernickel.

    @Aviari Thread made!
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  13. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    1. Electric company
    2. smooth
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  14. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    in Hamilton, phillip says “they don’t exactly cover this subject in boarding school” about the duel and it’s a laugh line, but I went to boarding school and honestly I would not have been surprised if there was some weird tradition where they taught us how to duel

    here are some actualfax things that happened to me while I was at boarding school:

    - i went to a meeting of German Longsword Club
- my friend skipped a required assembly by hiding in a bush
- a mysterious group of anonymous gender abolitionists spent weeks putting up signs supporting unisex bathrooms, then carried off a giant gold cardboard Eiffel Tower the dining hall staff had put out for an event and weren’t using anymore. they covered the tower in signs saying things like DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE GENDER OF YOUR DEANS? and erected it in the quad at six in the morning

    - I kept a pet axolotl in the science building and would go visit it during free time I had in the lab. my teacher was fine with this
- also my PE teacher that term let us go on walks as our workout and I would just go back to the science building to work with my fruit flies

    - my friend decided to go out onto the fire escape because it was too hot in his dorm room, accidentally shut the window by leaning on it, got locked out and had to go down a floor and go in another (sleeping) guy’s window
- a guy got kicked out for writing an op-ed where the first letters of the paragraphs spelled out a rude message
- the parents of a girl in my dorm said that if I wanted to I could take the chartered plane she was taking home, since she lived near me (?!?! as a scholarship student I was alarmed)
- the track team discovered that the Lindt Factory nearby threw out large quantities of expired-but-still-good chocolate in the dumpster behind their store. my friends and I were walking to get groceries when two track girls saw us, beckoned us over and opened their backpacks to show us boxes and boxes of chocolate.
- we bought garbage bags from the dollar store, hit up the dumpster and melted down the chocolate we got to make our own chocolate truffles. for a while this was a Thing and then the school newspaper wrote an article about it, causing the store to officially prohibit taking their garbage chocolate
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  15. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I remembered more things

    - so many nostalgic alumni gave money to the classics department. so many. they had so much money
- one Latin teacher convinced the department head to let him buy LARPING GEAR for the classics students’ upcoming CHARIOT RACE AND GLADIATOR FIGHT against a few other schools’ classics departments

    - the same teacher played d&d with us once
- notices of absence were called dickeys. this is so ingrained in my brain that I’m confused when people are surprised by this.
- “if I skip class do you think [teacher] will dick me or nah”
- we also had different names for all the grades because the school predated the freshman-sophomore-junior-senior system. I still can’t reliably remember, on the spot, that 11th grade is “junior”

    - all the guys had to wear a button-down shirt and tie all the time, but there was this guy who wore, like. shirts with tails. a big black greatcoat. carried an umbrella regardless of the weather. one day I was sitting around after class with my history teacher and this guy - who was also friends with the teacher - came in, put one foot on a chair in a dramatic pose, and declaimed something dramatic about the editor of the New York Times being too liberal. the teacher said “why are you dressed so nicely, are you going to the opera?” and he said
- he said
- “when I got dressed this morning, my goal was to look so bourgeois I was in danger of being shot by a communist”
- ….
- swear to god.
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  16. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    there's something incredibly uplifting about
    (a) cheating to race to the finish to mess around getting different endings in undertale
    (b) going down to do the dishes and finding someone else already filled and started the dishwasher
    (c) not being called repeatedly by my dad, now that he knows i know about the engagement
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  17. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    @blue what were the grades called
  18. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    preps, lowers, uppers and seniors!

    bc first there were just "preparatory students," and then they had some of them stay on a year and there were also "senior preparatory students." then they put "middlers" in the middle. then they divided that into lower and upper middlers.

    also my tumblr post of this escaped into the tumblosphere and people have reblogged it now so I can't figure out how I could/should add more stuff, so I will just add it here:

    so there was this thing every Tuesday called evening prayer. I never actually went, but it was a secular-ish words-and-music event conducted by the school's reverend (we also had a rabbi, but rev did most of the organizational stuff for the church.) you would sit in the dark candlelit church and rev would talk about something, and people would play music, and then they'd blow out the candles and then people would go back to their dorms.

    INEXPLICABLY, evening prayer was date night. like, the default date activity. Going To Evening Prayer was the first step in a relationship. I don't know why!!

    rev disapproved, in the frustrated but amused way of someone who had known a lot of teenagers throughout his life, but despite his occasional admonishments people kept, you know, being romantic at it. for a while couples would pick one of the candles and then if he put that one out last they'd kiss. eventually he worked this out and started putting them out in order.

    evening prayer! why.
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  19. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"

    My mom is taking a class where they're reading and discussing Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, particularly the part where he's staying in someone's house and flirting constantly with the lady of the house:
    • "His reputation was for courage, lechery, and treachery."
    • Apparently an upstanding Christian magazine wrote a piece abound how Sir Gawain was "the ideal Christian man." Quoth my mom: "He's lying in bed, NAKED, FLIRTING WITH HIS HOST'S WIFE. I--" "--Don't wanna be in this religion anymore?" "...Yeah."
    • According to the teacher, this bit is based on the traditional story of a guy needing armour, and being told by another guy that he can have this really cool armour, but Guy 1 has to go to Guy 2's house and resist the advances of Guy 2's wife first, for some reason. So he does, even though Guy 2's wife is so insistent that Guy 1 has to kick her in the stomach to get her to lay off, and then Guy 2 comes home and asks how it went and when Guy 1 tells him, Guy 2 is like "cool!" and knocks over his wife and gives Guy 1 the armour, and then it turns out that the wife was in on the whole thing and everything's cool except, as my mom put it: "That's horrible!"
    The Arthur fandom is a weird place.
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  20. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    I remembered Akane Tendo exists and now I'm trying to figure out what kinda mindset/skills would make a person more effective at fighting against a group than an individual. Akane was never, to the best of my recollection, super effective against any one guy, but she navigates hordes like a champ. I think it's stated in universe that she's wicked strong but not very fast or agile and that she's kinda predictable, and I remember her usually being the first to attack in a 1 v 1 battle. 1 v many battles too, but that tended to work better for her. So she's strong and aggressive, which might help her control the flow of battle in a crowd, but would leave her open in 1 v 1? Maybe.
    I'm trying to think of the times we see her train for stuff. I know she got pretty good at rhythmic gymnastics in a week's worth of practice and that she was terrible at the start, and I remember that we saw her improvement when things were getting more hectic than when she first tried practicing. I wonder if maybe she just has an easier time tracking multiple moving parts and reacting accordingly, but can't read body language super well and has troubles focusing on one thing at a time.

    I think the in universe reason why she was good at crowds but bad at 1 v 1 was cause she was an above average normal fighter, but a below average Nerima fighter, but.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
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