Fishin' in the stream of consciousness (all-purpose, no topic chat thread)

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Wiwaxia, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

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  2. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    I've discovered I really have a taste for what I guess I'd categorize as 'club hits about how drunk you are (ft. Lil Jon)' and my sister calls 'those songs that you have no idea why anyone likes until you listen to them super fucked up and then you get it'. They're just so aggressively energetic and fun and thumpy, it soothes my brain. So if anyone has any recs for songs like this one or this one or this one or of course this one, hmu.
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  3. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    Last edited: Apr 20, 2016
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  4. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    geez, I should rewatch chip cheezum's LP of revengeance, that game is ridiculous.

    (muffled "RULES OF NATURE!!" in the distance)
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  5. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    fucking revengeance. my boyfriend is in a dnd game right now where the plot is literally just revengeance.
    so far, they have dealt with blade wolf and mistral. without killing them! just kidnapping them.
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  6. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    things i have not done this vacation week: homework, even though there is so fucking much homework i need to do. i am overwhelmed by the sheer amount and i just Can't

    things i have done this vacation weekend: i finished the chapter one thumbnails for the comic! they're done! i'm free (not really but i can pretend)!
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  7. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"

    I've been wanting to make a Personality Types thread in Fan Town for a while but, problem:

    a) I do not know if I should make a specific one for MBTI or cram everything from MBTI to Sorting Hat Chats to Zodiac signs in the same thread
    b) Since I am uncertain about this I am unable to proceed
    c) I am really sad, guys.
    d) :smithsad:
    e) SO SAD

    Please someone adopt my thread idea, I just want a big thread where people can talk about stuff behind personality tests/types and sort themselves and their characters and other people's characters into nice tidy piles.
  8. vegacoyote

    vegacoyote dog metaphores and pedanticism


    Cat has a dead mouse. I do not know if he is the one who killed the mouse, but it's his now.

    Normally, I would take a dead mouse away from the cats, but he is actually eating it, and this is the most interest he has shown in any food item for weeks.

    It is super gross and also a miracle, and I just know he is going to throw it up on the carpet and then get worms.

    ... At least he gets to spend a few minutes fulfilling the kitty prime directive in his old age?
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  9. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"

    Here's the result! I meant to post it earlier but I forgot oops. I had a lot of fun drawing her so thanks for the suggestion!
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  10. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    i've been watching a lot of naked and afraid since i've been cooped up in this dang camper, and it's surprisingly a lot less gimmicky and stupid than i thought it was. so that's neat. in other news however, my floor is seeping water and there is ants and it is terrible.
  11. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    I was looking up a local restaurant on facebook for potential gluten free options (results inconclusive) and choked laughing when I saw this. Screenshot_2016-04-26-16-12-41.jpg
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  12. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    This quote made me think of @seebs and their description of how they are usually right but fail in weird ways when they do fail. Further proof that Seebs is a geometric math demon?
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  13. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"

    Okay but seriously:

    None of the children can bear the gaze of another child. They cringe away from each other, whining, crying, begging me to stop the pain. Red marks begin to show on their skin where it is not protected by clothing. Tommy will not stop staring.

    Why, says Leanna. Because God made it like that, I explain. Why, says Leanna. I can make a few guesses, but I don't know, I explain. Why, says Leanna. Because it hasn't been explained to us and it's not something we can know for sure based on our own observations and experiences, I explain. Why, says Leanna. I have lost my place in the universe and I struggle to keep my feet on the ground as the walls of the nursery melt away into stars. Help me, I say. Why, says Leanna.

    There is glue on the paper. There is glue on the foam cut-outs. There is glue on the table. There is glue on the children's hands. There is glue in Alex's hair. There is glue in the carpet. My feet are glued to the ground and I cannot move.

    One of the children needs to be told to stop running and shouting, but I cannot remember his name. He runs a circuit of the room with a a dozen other children. They are all small and blond and energetic and there are dark circles under their blue eyes. Their faces blur together. I cannot remember their names.

    The children are thirsty and we are out of cups. We will have to leave the safety of the nursery to visit the water fountain in the hallway. Line up, I tell the children. Hold each other's hands. Be very quiet. We don't want to disturb your parents while they're in the service. The children nod, eyes bright. I am afraid to open the door, but they are so very thirsty.

    The children are gone, but someone has left a pair of shoes. I wander the halls of the church, carrying the shoes, looking for a bare-footed child. There are children here and there, but none with bare feet, and none that I recognise. The shoes grow heavier and heavier. I want to go home.​
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  14. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

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  15. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    lookit this thing i found:

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  16. Alska

    Alska Well-Known Member

    Okay so like, everyone knows about the thing where you dip small balloons in chocolate to make chocolate bowls, right? Well, i just realized that you would need to be careful not to blow the balloons too big. The chocolate would heat the air inside and since warm air expands if the balloon is already really tight then it could pop. And you would have chocolate EVERYWHERE.
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  17. Shade

    Shade Member

    Just make the balloon edible.

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  18. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

    @Shade that's some Gordian Knot shit.
  19. leitstern

    leitstern 6756 Shatter Every Sword Break Down Every Door

    My dude come over here let me just set up a little club in the backyard where we can sit and shoot a little

    How's your Kesha these days? How about Blow or Die Young? Have you listened to I Love It recently? You heard this shit yet? (How club are you, by the way?) You may like the sound here too my dude. Freezepop might be a little out of the bounds of your sound, but this Frontload remix is unbelievable and preeeetty party anthem. Do you like your club a little silly? Because BOOM BOOM!! WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN THE CLUB GOES LO OH OH OH OH CO

    Vodka cran on me.
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  20. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    @littlewhitemouse Kesha is so much my jam, and thank you for reminding me that I Love It exists. Also slightly silly is the best, ty for the fab recs. (and I'm super into a lot of trance and hard house, too, so I'm down for whatever).
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