Flight Rising/that dragon game

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by siveambrai, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine


    petals/toxin/runes on PC (WC also looks pretty good but those scrolls are murder). You lucked out on the sky toxin having just enough red in it that the runes makes it look unified, and same with the banana petals having just enough blue.

    EDIT: The boy, in skink/hex/contour; he looks good in just about every breed you could make him except nocturne (too busy) and tundra (loses that critical neck section of blue-green) though SD and bogsneak were my faves.


    I enjoy challenges like this, tbh, they're about the only part of FR I still have fun with. Unfortunately actually buying those genes is near-impossible in gameplay.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2016
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  2. Ouija

    Ouija Nani the fuck?

    I am really not fond of sky toxin, ultimately I went with pet/spin/stain because sky spinner has yellow in it and petals has sky blue, but crimson stain makes them a purple sort of tint

    Also I was going to make the boy skink/toxin/contour, there wasn't a problem with him.

    Both coatls.
    • Like x 1
  3. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    I try to avoid stained in doing my challenges, feels like cheating.
  4. Ouija

    Ouija Nani the fuck?

    Runes were definitely a second option, but the fact that its so bright is what made me pick stained. If Banana didn't have the gross "bruised banana" secondary in its genes I'd probably be able to work with runes better.

    It doesn't look bad, at least.
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  5. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    contour kind of blends in with the edges of petals
  6. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Some crystal and/or facet children, if anyone likes 'em + some petals








    Last edited: Nov 13, 2016
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  7. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    Today I hatched a five egg nest with some lovely little pearlies :D Click on the images to find their profile if you want to check on them. I am surprised and proud of how they turned out, I'm going to have to breed these two again in the future.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]
    I love the last three the most. What pretty soft pearlies.
  8. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    is anyone here dersequeen, in earth flight? i just got a friend request
  9. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    That Jade/Cyan/Orca Noc. I have a mighty need.
    -pounces on-
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  10. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    every time i decide i have too many dragons and need to thin the heard i somehow end up with a new permadragon

    meet Carl:


    he's level 25 and no one else wanted him and i thought it'd be a damn shame if he got exalted ;_;
    never let me inside an animal shelter

    possible scrys:
    • Like x 6
  11. Ouija

    Ouija Nani the fuck?

    Do poispin
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  12. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    i forgot to show my teensy gene project I had + the perfect skin option I had to highlight it.

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  13. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    got two autumn kids if anyone wants 'em

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  14. Aqua Vitae

    Aqua Vitae put some honey and sea water by your bed.

    Could I maybe have the ID for that coatl bab? I'd like to see what they'd look like as an adult.
  15. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    not a problem! 28551954
  16. Aqua Vitae

    Aqua Vitae put some honey and sea water by your bed.

    Damn, it doesn't look like he'd fit with my #aesthetic. Still very pretty, though!
  17. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    no worries, and thanks! that pair either has excellent kids or complete disasters, so it's nice when something cute comes out :p
  18. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    @cassikat can i have the ID for the wildclaw?
  19. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    28551955 :D
  20. Aqua Vitae

    Aqua Vitae put some honey and sea water by your bed.

    I found this....nest....
    • Like x 6
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