I just realized I should ping y'all - my flight is dominant this week (until the end of today 9/19), so if anyone needs to buy at a discount from the marketplace, feel free to ping me on the site. (Username: Nehyl) (15% discount) Also, I have TON of dragons for sale some of which are marked to sell, because I'm trying to scrape together enough treasure for a second lair expansion during my discount period. If you like the dragon but not the price, feel free to PM and/or CR an offer.
1) You weren't kidding, that was several pages of dragons for sale. 2) *looks at those triple Caribbean blue raspberry jolly rancher lookin' coatls, looks at my treasure + completely full lair, looks back to the coatls, looks at them real hard*
If you need to wait, I pump out 1-4 XXX caribs each time the parents get around to breedin' time, so any time you want them, there will undoubtedly be a couple in there. They take a while to sell, but are my main source o' treasure. Which is good because you do not even want to know how much fake dragon money got spent putting that breeding pair together.
@Keffy I feel that. Dropped probably over 100k on this gorgeous pair of xxx gold crystal facet smoke imperials, but at least they'll make back the investment fairly quickly, I have a few people already who have said they're willing to spend 50k on a hatchling so x___x pretty dragons r life tho so I'm just sorta. . .longingly staring at your caribbean coatls :"D I'm a huge sucker for gold smoke on imperials, though, might buy that one for sure Eta: definitely gonna buy him, he makes a good pairing with a spiral I already have, omg. . .
I started up the world's most casual hatchery. Almost entirely pinglists atm and I'm hazy on pricing so, uh, go look, see if you can give me advice maybe? I'm not really expecting a lot of interest because I play to my own tastes (i am congenitally incapable of noticing trends, besides anything else), but I thought I'd give it something of a go. Here tis!
I could probably stand to put a higher asking price up when I pop out my triple blood/crimsons like I do with fair regularity, huh. If anyone wants anything from the last row of page 5 and on tell me now, especially the adults, they're going up at exaltbat later.
Yeah, I have a few pairings where I charge like 100k a hatchling (Sky/sky/white is gorgeous and also they sell pretty fast for that price, so I feel validated with that). I'm giving it a try with my mulberry-midnight pairing right now but so far no bites.
@Keffy Are you still up for discounts? I could use a ripple to finish a project O: How much is it with the discount
@Starcrossedsky ohhh my gosh those blood/gold/gold imperial hatchies at the end of your lair are gorgeoussss x__x i might have to ask for one of those later, after i do a lair cleanout hhahah
If you don't get one this time their parents shoot out exclusively double golds with a pretty wide primary range.
OH MAN, IT'S PINK WEEK I love every accent and skin for the festival, CRAP HOW DO I CHOOSE also friendly reminder: you can make festival currency and skins via alchemy
I'm disappointed, there aren't any eldritch horror skins this year! Well, they all look cool anyways.
HEY I got some sparkly-ass dragons to sell if anyone wants first shot at 'em, low low price of 6k, U WANT IT, IT'S 4 SALE OK Spoiler: if you exalt them though please name them something even if it's using the random name gen ^ These two are randomly named already, SORRY ^
@Ruevian they're very pretty but I have no room right now; if there are some still available once I clear out a dragon or two I'll send you a request
Another month, another festival. Happy starfall celebration! I thought about splerging on the archivist spellscroll but haha no, I'm not that rich. Does anyone else have dragons dressed up for the festival?
@mizushimo That is one gorgeous dragon! I don't have any dressed up specifically for Starfall, but Ain Soph is easily the most arcane dragon I have:
@Mercury Holy god! That tiny dragon lady looks like she's going to cause some serious arcane trouble in the near future.