Flight Rising/that dragon game

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by siveambrai, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    • Agree x 2
  2. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    I do hope this set gets picked for recolors though. I think it'd be cool.
  3. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    Woo! Okay. I was kind of shy about starting on the Coliseum because I didn't want to do Player v. Player. The combat thingie wasn't too hard to figure out, and the mechanics/animation reminds me of the one rip off of pokemon game on facebook that I can't stand, only without the various things about the facebook game that makes it utterly detestable! (That is to say, I like it.)
  4. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Wait do you mean that zodiac based monster game
    • Agree x 1
  5. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I have literally never touched PvP in all.... dang, three years now? that I've been onsite, it's by no means required :P Coli farming can net you a lot of food, or you can train babies up for better exalt bonuses in the higher-level zones. (Or you can just stare at the pretty pretty backgrounds and sit on your hoard of loot like a dragon, as I do with Crystal Pools :P)
  6. Corvus

    Corvus old fashioned hurgusburgus

    probably because of Stormcatcher's weird mantis arms
    • Agree x 1
  7. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Oh, and Lightweaver has rabbit ears. Huh!
  8. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    ...does this mean clydesdale Ice familiar with Popsicle's leg floofies
    • Like x 3
  9. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

  10. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    I can provide some battlestones for coli-ing! I have three Berserkers, a Tincture of Dissolution, a Scholar, a Haste, a Regeneration, and some Might Fragments. I can also get more and can even train up to two dragons at once for you!
  11. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    Cross posted from tumblr:

    I am trying to figure out the Watsonian placement of the Player in Flight Rising. As you do. Is the player also a dragon, in charge of the clan and all purchases/decision, or is the Player more of a household spirit/god of place, directing the life of their starter and their starter’s clan?

    (We’ll save the questionable ethics of “purchasing of sentient beings to make them your familiar" and “purchasing sentient dragons for your clan” for another theoretical world building wander )

    Think you could take it either way. Spirit!Player messing around with the genes and providing various boons and gifts while helping the clan succeed, Dragon!Player making all the decisions for their clan of who pairs off with who and major purchases/expansions.

    (I rather like the idea of the Player character being the spirit of someone who died during the cataclysm that destroyed the magi-tech civilization at the end of the second age, carefully or haphazardly guiding their clans via the starter.)
    • Like x 1
  12. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    Yes. The variation I started on was okay, but later iterations/developments began to piss me off until I gave up on it.
  13. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    Quick question: I bought "dark bolt" for my level seven dragon, but I haven't be able to use it. The option is always nonclickable and red. what am I doing wrong?
  14. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    Is it the right element/flight to use that stone/attack?
  15. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    Dark bolt is a shadow attack, Terezi is a shadow dragon. I was able to add the stone, I just haven't been able to use it in battle. It's nonclickable and the number is red.
  16. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    Also: I may be/have been randomly adding people. If you get added by TreyLune that's me. :D
  17. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    You don't have enough breath to use Dark Bolt.
  18. OtherCat

    OtherCat a being of mysterious happenstance

    How do I get more breath? Is this also why I can't use "clobber" for John?
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2017
  19. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    Breath is basically a meter that fills up as you use the basic physical attack "scratch" or if you use "meditate". It's the blue bar under the dragon's HP that fills up with each attack. Once you have a set amount of breath depending on each special ability you can use that ability. That number in the lower right corner of the attack square? That's the amount of breath needed.
    • Like x 1
  20. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    You get breath by using the attack moves that generate them. That would be usually stuff like Scratch, mediate and the shielding move snappers got the name of which escape me rn. (if you want a dragon that's a magic user. DO NOT USE MEDITATE ON A BRAWLER, I'm serious FR requires a relatively early decision on if you want a fighter or a mage)
    You also need breath to use clobber, it should say the amount of breath needed in the lower righthand corner of each attack icon.
    Rule of thumb: if the move is in full color right from the start of coliing, it generates breath, otherwise it uses breath.
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