I've opened a hatchery thread, in case any of you are interested in any of my pairs or current offspring for sale :)
8D the deed is done, I'm water flight now. and hooooo boy, pretty babies will be incoming, im excited about these nests.
LAIR IS VERY FULL..... got some cheapo dergs Spoiler F sanguine/sunset/terracotta M white/crimson/ivory M strawberry/cherry/grapefruit stone/driftwood/driftwood silver/crocodile/flaxen shadow/moon/dust pistachio/watermelon/white ALL OF EM ARE PAY WHAT YOU WANT
in Today I Fucked Up: i bought this sweet baby angel for a breeding project, thinking he had glimmer but alas, he does not, and i found a boy i prefer because i won't have to pay for a gem gene, just swapping treasure genes around so i can make my lisa frank abomination pair. so does anyone want him? i spend 25k on him so i'd like to make that back, but i'm cool selling him at a loss just to get him the heck out i'll also be looking for a lightning nest in uhhhhhHH 19 days, i can pay a rental fee + provide food for them if anyone's got a spare around that time
help me make.............. a decision sweet babey girl Aurelie is beautiful and perfect...... but could be Enhanced with Opal..... (second girl is a Different derg with same genes (+ opal) which is why the shadow eyes) opal would also enable her to make XTREMELY hansom babies with one of my imp boys thoughts??????????