YES. If there's one thing I miss about living at college it's that there I was Evil and Dedicated enough to just straight up take only the charms from the cereal thing.
Man I can't even eat a default marshmallow without sucking down water to remove Sugar Excess, lucky charms bland cereal-ness is Necessary to balance the mallows
I literally dont notice sugary foods affecting my teeth. I suspect my difficulty forming habits + hate of mint leading to me almost never brushing my teeth until adulthood might've helped me get used to varying tooth texture What's funny to me is, carbonation is painful for me so it was within the last six months that I had my first ever coca cola, and THAT made me want to rip out all of my teeth. With the tongue pain and that feeling that your teeth are literally dissolving with every living second, I will never understand what people like about soda that they can't get from juice
What is Best Cereal I like things with freeze dried strawberries, bc many times i cant be assed to get fresh strawbs but i want The Fruits Giant bowl of corn flakes + strawberries + sugar + milk = crumnch Edit: the reason i dont rly like sugary cereal other than the cinnamon stuff is im diabetic and was raised on cornflakes & rice crispies (edit edit: oh rite cheerios also)
Big fan of Rice Krispies and Fruit Loops, I have been informed by my parents that when I was really super little I used to devour Cheerios by the boxfull.
Bitter flavors and foam are my reasons. Stuff like ginger beer and black cherry and grapefruit (which I can't have right now) flavors
My favorite cereal is King vitamin, but they don't sell it in stores anymore. Second favorite is life, it has a great barely there sweetness that I Love
dislike cronch, so cereal must be soaked rice cereals and flakes (corn or bran) kind of disintegrate when soaked, so those are Right Out unless they have an interesting Flavour to outweigh the texture honeycomb or corn pops for best tho
anything with cinnamon on it, though chocolate is a close second contender. With milk (or if I'm out of juice) Local supermarket has those little pillow shaped things with nugat filling and those are IDEAL
Cheerios are a perennial fave, along with Crispix, wheat Chex, and Oatmeal Squares. Recently I mostly eat rice Chex though.
I like Chex. also frosted shreaded wheat. and corn flakes. don't like frosted flakes as much tbh. like rasin bran like oatmeal sometimes, but i recently bought some insta packs AND THEY'RE SO SALTY i love salt but no. not my oats.
are we talking soggy (bad) or raw (also bad) like I like them a lot but there's like PEAK EDIBILITY TIME.
frosted flakes is my most consistent cereal choice but the ones i've had the most enthusiasm about are lucky charms and recees puffs, because we needed to emphasize my sweet tooth even more i never put milk in my cereal growing up for some reason?? legit never remember even trying it as a kid, and i've just never bothered since. I like the taste of dry cereal and it means it's an extremely portable snack, ngl i love milk but i don't like the texture idea of soggy cereal and probably the less milk i include in my life the better, i still have milk at every meal anyways at my parents house cause god i love milk (i don't have it as a drink often on my own because i am Ridiculously Frugal about small extra expenses like paying for liquids to drink when tap water exists)