what i consider comfort food is warm and simple and probably salty tomato soup and grilled cheese, tuna melts, egg salad sandwiches, with hot black tea or milk comfort subcategory "food that tastes good when you have no energy to prepare something hot": cottage cheese with tinned mandarin oranges, cheese and apples on crackers
Miso soup, beef stew, fresh bread with butter, instant ramen, cheerios, scrambled eggs, biscuits, rice dishes, Swedish meatballs from Ikea
(mostly I'm just shitposting bc it popped into my head so i need to share my brain's absolute nonsense with people so I'm not alone in my suffering)
Consider: all deep fried food with some sort of carbohydrates involved can be boiled down to "weird shaped donut", "weird stuffed donut", and "weird material donut"