Food Fight: Mayo Discourse

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by budgie, Jan 10, 2017.

  1. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    people get really good results with Challah too
    • Informative x 1
  2. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    99% of my breakfast choices are sweet, when i have breakfast. if i wake up at 10 am or later I just wait for lunch cause it takes me an hour or so to eat without nausea following anyways. i rotate from sugary cereal to insta-waffles/other toaster sweet things to toast with jam or cinnamon sugar (or if i'm going to be doing more substantial work in the morning, peanut butter for the extra fill)

    not very fond of french toast, I am not terribly fond of egg in most forms. I've discovered I like fried egg with runny yolk when paired with a savory thing; one food place called spudnik i went to was 100% baked potato foods and they had one that was like, cheese and chives and bacon and a fried egg and mixing runny yolk with baked potato and melty cheese was a+. I also like an egg on a burger when I can.
    the only other good egg state i enjoy enough to go out of my way to have is scrambled eggs mixed into hashbrowns with cheese.

    i wish i liked eggs more, as they're an excellent food for you, but alas :c
  3. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    eggs are the best except hard boiled. for some reason after puberty I stopped enjoying them, even though I devoured them eagerly before then
    unless they're deviled for some reason, those are acceptable
  4. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    @theambernerd In that case you might also like a fried egg on pizza. I put it on a slice of pepperoni I had reheated and it did an excellent job of counterbalancing the dryness.
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  5. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    huh! that might be worth trying!
  6. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Love the french toast though admittedly the German method is preferred

    Also, re: textural suck: you get less soggy bread if instead of a whole slice of toast you chop some dry/stale toast down into bits, toss it with the eggmilk and then fry it. Gives you a better 'fried surface, soft insides' ration imo.
    • Informative x 1
  7. Tea and Rain

    Tea and Rain angry squirrel

    I eat eggs scrambled or in omelettes otherwise no.
  8. KaidaShade

    KaidaShade Definitely not a horse

    French toast tends to be weirdly soggy to me but I really enjoy fried eggs on buttered toast. The butter adds just the right level of salty to the egg white and the yolk/bread combo is a real good classic.
    • Agree x 2
  9. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    I do not care for it personally (good gluten free spaghetti IS a thing and it's a thing I prefer to eat with butter and cheese, alfredo sauce, or maybe arrabiata with a lot of parmesan) but it's common enough in Japan that you should probably assume any spaghetti with red stuff on it has ketchup involved.
    • Informative x 1
  10. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Powdered mustard I would guess, not a mustard condiment sauce thing. Powdered mustard is good in Welsh rarebit and other cheese sauces.
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  11. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    We need an EW button.
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  12. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    pfft I can't eat wheat any more but EVERYBODY KNOWS you're supposed to use challah.
  13. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    • Informative x 1
  14. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous


    also, same hat with the wheat thing
  15. I don't know if I'm allowed to eat challah. But it sounds good.
  16. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

  17. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    yeah you can eat it if you can find a place to buy it
  18. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    ... It's bread. I don't think there's any religion or culture out there that bans eating its food.
  19. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    I was honestly interpreting that as a health thingy? Like you know, not being allowed to eat a thing because it gives you 500 years of migraine or worse, but like, interpretation there.
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