((no successes)) Mutt tries to taste the magic, sticking their tongue out and waggling it around. It doesn't feel any different from the rest of the air around them. They'll do as Legion says, though, if they think someone is doing this to them. It's not as fun, but she seems serious about this.
She nods, seemingly pleased. "...good. alright. What do you want to do? Find a game, food, dancing, or just watch people a bit?"
"...then keep an eye on the sea monster," she murmurs. "And understand why I told you not to agree." The two are fighting, or... the top one is, struggling and howling before something catches her wrists and jerks her back from where she's guarding her terrified partner's face.
Mutt stares at the two. "That's what the spider wanted me to do?" No wonder Legion was upset. They touch a finger to the hilt of their knife and look around the room. They hope the spider does try something. They really want to make her hurt now.
"She wanted you to be a display for people to amuse themselves with." Part of the crowd is howling with amusement, and one holds up a knife, howling out "Tragedy! A poet with no tongue!" The larger, fearful half of the sea monster lets out a high-pitched squeal of fear as the magic locks them into place and the individual advances with their blade.
That could have been them trapped over there. That would have been bad. And this is bad. And - They're already gripping the knife when they start moving, and it's already out and raised before they reach the bad man. He's still teasing at the sea serpent, not yet done with that part of his fun. It's not too late to keep him from doing more bad things. They slip in between the bad man and the sea serpent and they drive the knife into his stomach with all the force they have in them.
The man lets out a startled grunt, and the crowd jerks back in surprise - allowing the woman on top to be loosened from her bonds and let out a howl of fury. She tries to swipe at the man Mutt stabbed, long nails sharp, but her reach isn't big enough to help. The man tries to grapple with Mutt, attempting to take their knife without taking more damage. (( roll your attack again to move with him and twist the knife or roll strength plus brawl to try and pull away with your knife in hand. Or take a third option? ))
((5 successes to move with him and twist the knife, 3 successes to cut his tongue out)) Mutt twists the knife as they try to pull it out, and manage after a few moments. Grinning, they reach up and grab the bad man's tongue and pull it out as far as they can. They slice it off as close to the base as they can manage with the bad man's struggling.
The man's blade dives down as he grapples with Mutt, managing to gouge his shoulder ( 2 Lethal ) before he jerks back with a tongueless howl, blood pouring down his mouth as he staggers, already woozy from his injuries and trying not to choke on his own blood. The top woman of the seamonster lets out a vicious howl, trying to escape the magic holding them in place, desperately trying to reach through and help, to get her hands on the bleeding man. "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET, YOU BASTARDS!" A few of those in the crowd are pulling their own claws and blades, but Legion is swiftly at your side, Even bubbling and belching smoke from beneath her skin.
They've done what they wanted to do, and they release the bad man and stumble backwards, trying to assess their wound. The man won't be hurting anyone any time soon, and Mutt can finish him off later if that's necessary. And Legion and Even are here now, and can help.
The crowd seems to be uncertain about what to do, even as Legion carefully puts a hand on Mutt's uninjured shoulder. "Hey, you going to beg to get your tongue back?" She bares her teeth in a nasty smile. "Oh. Wait, I guess you can't. Who else wants to be spitting out blood until the Queen deems them worthy of being put together - if ever?" She growls.
Oh, right, they're still holding the tongue. Their arm hurts incredibly and they don't want to try moving it, so they'll have to get rid of it later. They grin at Legion proudly instead.
The crowd backs off, somewhat, as the spider comes through, arms crossed. "...why are you disrupting the entertainment, little Mutt? They agreed to participate." The more aggressive half of the seamonster snarls at her, clawing at the wall of magic.
Theb spider frowns. Tilting her head, she gi es a sneer. "And what does that make you, Mutt? You're a tool other people use to get their dirty work done.'
"I'm not a tool!" The only people that ever tell them to do things are Legion and Even, and Legion and Even are smart and good and know what's right. "I'm good, and I'm better than you."
"You're not better than me. You're just a little creature that thinks it's big." She bares her teeth. "Your little 'friends' aren't moving, either, are they? They're scared of what will happen if you pick a fight."