"Uh... what? Guys, I haven't worked with anything related to Vanilla since... like. Two weeks ago." Freddie frowns.
"... are you suuuuure." Kainze inclines his head towards him. "When I met you, you smelled like pee-fountain-clock and blood and... Vanilla!"
"I still smell the Vanilla." Mischa admits, and sips her drink. "... and I also smell the dusty old book smell. But I wasn't gonna say anything about that one."
"The vanilla smell?" Mischa asks, confused. "Yeah. With vanilla... oh. And the wand I bought kind smelled like vanilla... and it tingles when I touch it." "It just smelled like quartz and blood when I found you in the fountain. A lot of stuff you get from the hippie shop smells though." Kainze says. "Even my necklace still smells."
"Spot spells like cat and blood and sorta like dusty books but not as much as Rosie." He picks up his cane and makes a show of sniffing along it's length. "Smells like wood, and not as much vanilla as it did earlier."
"....okay. That's... probably..." He squints. "...you're both using a spell to ID magic and supernatural things around you..."
Rosie goes slightly pink, excusing herself into the house and grabbing a chicken, mumbling about 'breakfast'.