Fool's Journey

Discussion in 'The Queen of Cups' started by Zin, Jul 9, 2016.

  1. Freddie Ehrlich

    Freddie Ehrlich Galen, Witch of Life

    "I can walk you through it, but- now you notice the fact it's my arm? Okay, that's. Mischa-" he groans. "I grabbed your purse, it's right there-"

    He gives Kainze a confused look. "...vanilla?"
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  2. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    Mischa looks over at Emberlynn, and what she'd tripped over as Freddie directs her attention. "My purse..." She looks around at the scene at the mall, the people and firetruck that's just now leaving. "Oh noooo..."

    Kainze laughs loudly, cackling a little bit, which only serves to draw more attention that they really don't need right now. "Let's go home!"
  3. Emberlynn Betzalel

    Emberlynn Betzalel The Girl With Gemstone Eyes

    Emberlynn clutches her own purse, looking at Kainze.. "I... I should go."

    She smells strange, like overripe fruit and something untouchable, like home, both of the twins can smell it.
  4. Freddie Ehrlich

    Freddie Ehrlich Galen, Witch of Life

    " about we get you somewhere we can clean this mess up," Freddie hazards, holding his hands to the twins. "Come on."

    Kainze, you feel the magic buzzing from his hands.
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  5. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    Kainze switches his attention between Freddie and Emberlynn, then steps towards latter. "Hey... Are you alright?" His feet find the edge of the fountain, and he climbs out, finding Mischa's purse as he does and slinging it over his shoulder. It's then that he realizes he's still got the rock, and deposits it into the purse.

    "Okay...?" Mischa watches her twin walk over to the strange golden blonde woman, then takes Freddie's hand and follows Kainze out of the water.
  6. Emberlynn Betzalel

    Emberlynn Betzalel The Girl With Gemstone Eyes

    Emberlynn backpedals, hands up, big smile, big smile. Friendly, friendly, friendly...

    Her voice comes out oozing good cheer and chipper attitude. "What? Haha. Yeah, of course I'm okay! Why wouldn't I be? We're back and absolutely a-ok 110%!" She giggles, settling one hand on her hip. "What wouldn't be okay?"
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  7. Freddie Ehrlich

    Freddie Ehrlich Galen, Witch of Life

    .. damnit.

    Freddie groans, pressing his bleeding arm to his side and doing his best to cover up the injury. "...we should move a little quickly, before people pull their cameraphones out?"
  8. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    "Oh. As long as you're okay then." He shrugs, staying where he is on the edge of the fountain while he waits for her sister. "You kiiiinda sound like you're faking it though... so are you suuuure you're alright?"

    Mischa makes a small uncomfortable noise, eyes on Freddie's arm, "Yeah... ugh... do you have a car?? I don't drive."
  9. Emberlynn Betzalel

    Emberlynn Betzalel The Girl With Gemstone Eyes

    "Hah. Even if I wasn't, you have your own stuff to worry about, right?" She smiles awkwardly, laughing quietly. "So. Haha. Don't worry about me."
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2016
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  10. Freddie Ehrlich

    Freddie Ehrlich Galen, Witch of Life

    "...yeah. I got in early, so I'm basically parked in the front row." He motions towards a truck parked near the mall.
  11. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    "Okay..." Mischa walks up to Kainze and pats his shoulder. "Freddie's gonna give us a ride home."

    Kainze reaches up to pat her shoulder in return, running his hand down to hold his sister's arm at the elbow, to let her guide him. "What about Emberlynn?" He points at her. "She's the cool audio-book lady I told you about."

    "Oh... ugh. Hi." Mischa waves awkwardly at her, then quickly hides her hand when she realises there's blood smeared on it where the fountain water hadn't washed it off.
  12. Emberlynn Betzalel

    Emberlynn Betzalel The Girl With Gemstone Eyes

    Emberlynn's eyes flick to the blood on Mischa's hand, but she just broadens her smile. "You've talked about me? Hah. Now I'm embarrassed. Ahah... I've got my own way home. Don't worry about me."
  13. Freddie Ehrlich

    Freddie Ehrlich Galen, Witch of Life

    Freddie crosses his arms, head tilted. "Let ne know when you're ready?"
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  14. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    "Okay bye Emberlynn." Kainze waves at her.

    Mischa nods to Freddie, "Yeah, okay let's go."
  15. Emberlynn Betzalel

    Emberlynn Betzalel The Girl With Gemstone Eyes

    Emberlynn waves, racing off at top speed, pulling her phone out to call Ian, nibbling her lip.
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  16. Freddie Ehrlich

    Freddie Ehrlich Galen, Witch of Life

    "C'mon. Don't worry about getting blood on the car. It's just a thing that happens." He moves at a decent clip. "Don't worry about it."
  17. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    "Okay." Mischa nods again, guiding Kainze along. When they get to the truck, she guides him to the passenger side and opens the door for him once it's unlocked.

    Kainze siiiighs. "My pack and my cane's still at work."

    "We have a spare one at home for you... wait. You're still on shift!?"

    "Just say I had a panic attack when the fire alarm went off." He shrugs, patting around for the seat belt beside him.
  18. Freddie Ehrlich

    Freddie Ehrlich Galen, Witch of Life

    "Do you want me to wait so one of you can get it?" Freddit glances over. "...I'd appreciate the two of you coming to my place, so we can talk about what just happened, but... it can wait if it has to. Though not too long."

    Freddie hands him the buckle. "...or I can just take a risk and make you one."
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  19. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    Kainze cackles at that, hand touching Freddie's when he grabs the buckle. "Yeah sure you can make me a cane!!"

    Mischa siiighs, "... okay. Yeah."
  20. Freddie Ehrlich

    Freddie Ehrlich Galen, Witch of Life

    "I'll give the Birch and the Hazel a talking to, then. I think those would suit you." There's a distinct buzz of magic around his hands, easy to pick up on, now.

    Freddie checks his reflection in the mirror. "...about time to cloak again. Shit. Let's get out of here before my head lights up again." He hits the gas once Mischa is buckled, heading for the edge of town. "Just one rule to start off with for my house - don't go near the basement.'
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