Fool's Journey

Discussion in 'The Queen of Cups' started by Zin, Jul 9, 2016.

  1. Freddie Ehrlich

    Freddie Ehrlich Galen, Witch of Life

    "Well, that's one of the reasons I thought it was a good idea to run after you, today."
  2. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    "So... you kinda knew some of this tower shit would happen?"
  3. Freddie Ehrlich

    Freddie Ehrlich Galen, Witch of Life

    "Uh huh." The kettle begins to whistle, and he paces over to pour three cups.
  4. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    Kainze slaps his hands to his ears, shrieking in a bit of alarm. "Fuck! That's loud!!"

    "... did you forget we were gonna have tea?" Mischa teases him.

    "Whaaaat!? I can't hear you I'm deaf now!" He totally did.

    Mischa giggles at her twin, then gently sets Henrietta down on the floor by her feet. "Okay Rie, you gotta go back outside now. We'll come snuggle you again later, okay~."

    Roll 1 : 9 - 10
    Roll 2 : 9
  5. Freddie Ehrlich

    Freddie Ehrlich Galen, Witch of Life

    The hen reluctantly clucks, heading for the backdoor, as Freddie silences the kettle. "Sorry about that, Kainze..."

    The cups are set on the table, and Freddie checks the time. "Huh. So. Questions?"
  6. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    Kainze makes his way back to the table to sit in the chair he had earlier abandoned. "Kinda hard to ask questions 'bout somethin' you know nothing about. Like. What do we even ask?" He leans in to sniff at the tea, "Mmm~ I got one. Do you have honey and cream? Or goats cream!?"

    "I'm still kind'a confused about the tower thing... how did no one else see it and freak out?"
  7. Freddie Ehrlich

    Freddie Ehrlich Galen, Witch of Life

    "Honey, yes, Cream, yes, Goat's Cream, No. Jaguar ate the goat last time I tried to keep one." Fred sighs. "How much would you like of each?"

    "They aren't mages. And... uh. Kind of dumb luck, honestly, I'm surprised. Hopefully we don't end up on youtube."
  8. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    "... how did you have a jaguar? In Africa?" Kainze asks. "I'd like just a little bit of each please~."

    "I'll have honey, if you don't mind." Mischa says, gently blowing on her tea to cool it. "It'd be neat to have goats~. They're so cute!"
  9. Freddie Ehrlich

    Freddie Ehrlich Galen, Witch of Life

    "My girlfriend is weird and it followed me home from South America. Very... long story." He grimaces. "...let's just say that I panicked. And. Uh."

    He goes silent, then stands to grab the cream and honey, quietly serving it to the twins with a furrowed brow. "...I guess, in all fairness, I was kind of. Out of my head. And turned the other one into a rabbit. So."
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
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  10. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    "You turned your other girlfriend into a rabbit?" Kainze asks, genuinely confused.

    "Kainze!!" Mischa gives him a look! Even though he can't see it, the tone of her voice conveys enough.

    "...I was just asking!?" He pouts a bit, then sighs. "Sorry... The other one of what got turned into a rabbit?"
  11. Freddie Ehrlich

    Freddie Ehrlich Galen, Witch of Life

    "The other jaguar?"
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  12. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    "... you were stalked by two jaguars!? Holy shit!!"
  13. Freddie Ehrlich

    Freddie Ehrlich Galen, Witch of Life

    "Uh. Well. My friends were." He taps the side of his head. "I kind of had a weird... I had to do a thing. They waited for me, the jaguars arrived, I showed up just in time and now my head glows if I don't spell it on a regular basis."

    As if to punctuate his statement, a gentle red glow begins to seep around him.
  14. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    "So... magic is weird." Mischa concludes. "Was this part of your tower thing? Is that why you were out of it?"
  15. Freddie Ehrlich

    Freddie Ehrlich Galen, Witch of Life

    "...nnno. it was. Uh. God. Way more complicated than that. Let's just say I'm not fond of Arcadia. I ended up going on an accidental trip to not die."
  16. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    "Good thing you were with Mischa instead of me then." Kainze points out, "That's where I went with Emberlynn."

    "So... Arcadia is our realm of magic; Fate and Time." Mischa recaps, counting on her fingers, "It's weird and dangerous and fae lands.... yours is Life and Spirits though, so what's your realm called?"
  17. Freddie Ehrlich

    Freddie Ehrlich Galen, Witch of Life

    "Primal Wilds." He answers, picking up his tea. "Natural-born Shaman, whoo-hoo. Really helps with gardening and having dump friends who get hurt, though."

    He pauses. "Speaking of."

    He presses one hand to his arm and breathes out, Nimbus flaring bright.

    He pulls his hand from the name carved into his arm, staring quietly. "...well. it could be far worse. At least it's closed up and not super obvious."
  18. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    "Shamans are fucking cool!" Kainze grins. "You get to do like, stuff with bones and drums and shit. Like the natives did!"

    "Do." Mischa corrects.

    "... well yeah but not as much. But it's still fucking cool!! I wanna do that stuff!!"
  19. Freddie Ehrlich

    Freddie Ehrlich Galen, Witch of Life

    " be fair, I may be more of a druid? I do far less communing with spirits...or playing drums. Bones, though, are fun."
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  20. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    "And more stuff with plants and bones and crystals?" Mischa asks, perking up. "We've got a lot of skulls and bones at home too. And furs."

    "We collect roadkill for fun!" Kainze grins, then laughs.
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