okay let's refocus on the game Goofus deliberately does not follow safety guidelines, and blatantly encourages others to follow in his footsteps. Gallant helps you shop for a new laptop when your old one breaks.
Goofus broke your laptop, and is also the reason the warranty is voided from "liquid damage" Gallant always offers to split the bill
Goofus leaves before the meal is done so that you have to pay the bill yourself. Gallant rescues a kitten from a tree.
Goofus cites articles that say the opposite of what he says they do and blocks and sends anon hate to anyone who points this out. Gallant always turns his cell phone off when seeing a movie in theaters.
Goofus live-tweets every movie using the voice-t0-text feature on his phone. Gallant cleans up the kitchen after he's done cooking.
Goofus loudly chats on his phone while simultaneously attempting to record the movie on another phone. Gallant is always polite to the opposing soccer team after a game. edit: ninja'd
Goofus shoveled snow into his neighbor's driveway. Gallant always turns off the lights when a room is empty to save electricity.
Goofus has convinced 219 people that Alexandria's Genesis is a real thing so far. Gallant always throws his garbage in the trash can.
Goofus leaves his garbage everywhere. Gallant politely corrects people who are wrong on the Internet.
Goofus is that person who "corrected" that one (very wrong) post about using the membrane inside an egg instead of a Band-Aid who thought formaldehyde was a microbe. Except with more profanity and death threats. Gallant always makes his bed in the morning.
Goofus hasn't even put his bed back together since the last time someone forced him to wash his sheets. Gallant never raises his voice during arguments.
Goofus doesn't raise his voice in arguments either, but that's only because he's always at top volume. Gallant replaced your favourite t-shirt after accidentally spilling spaghetti on you.
Goofus deliberately dumped spaghetti and tomato sauce on your favorite t-shirt, and then blueberry jam, for good measure. Gallant offers to pay for the movies when you can't afford to go.
Goofus steals your wallet and pays for himself to go to the movies when you can't afford to go. Gallant is careful to avoid tracking mud into the house.