Founding Father Fandom: Hamilton

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by prismaticvoid, Jan 24, 2016.

  1. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

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  2. Morgan Jae

    Morgan Jae pecure. sontain. crotect.

    did i ghost-write this
    -cabinet battles are some of my favorites, just because hearing jefferson being a snide ass is so satisfying. same reason i like we know.
    -your obedient servant is one of my favorites and also a kismesis song and nobody can pry this terrible idea from my filthy gryphon claws
    -that one part in non-stop. you know. that one part. the end.
    -it's quiet uptown still makes me sad.
    -who lives, who dies. is amazing. every part of it is amazing. really can't say anymore

    my favorite part know the tune in the background of history has its eyes on you? the background singing? you can hear that tune in right-hand man when washington is explaining to hamilton that he needs him and the actual background singing later in that song, and you can also hear the tune near the beginning of world was wide enough. it's very faint, but there.
    i probably already said that on this thread but dude. it's my favorite.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2016
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  3. Choco

    Choco Duke of the Weepy Marshmallow Brigade

    @littlewhitemouse Christopher Jackson also does the singing voice for Moana's dad in Where You Are!! i was scouring the soundtrack notes for any other members of the cast & that's the only one i noticed

    also, a fun Lin Manuel-Miranda Factâ„¢, his son was born while he was working on Moana, and he named him Sebastian because he is that much of a huge giant nerd for the little mermaid, which is his next project for disney
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  4. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    You mean I have to pick a song?! I'll try to narrow it down!
    • Hurricane - the line "And when my prayers to God were met with indifference / I picked up my pen, I wrote my own deliverance" fucking gives me chills every time
    • Satisfied - just every fucking part of the song honestly
    • My Shot - again, the entire song
    • Stay Alive - the Valley Forge demo is also one of my favourites on the mixtape, why do you ask
    • The World Was Wide Enough - sometimes you just want to fucking cry
    I don't know what any of this says about me as a person, but feel free to psychoanalyse my song choices =P
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  5. Silvereye

    Silvereye 89 White Paladin Traverses The Cosmos

    I am notoriously bad at determining favourites. But let's go with Satisfied, because I can sing it better than I can sing Wait For It (my other favourite)
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  6. Elph

    Elph capuchin hacker fucker

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  7. Morgan Jae

    Morgan Jae pecure. sontain. crotect.

    yeah, this. wait for it and satisfied were the two songs that i listened to before i listened to all of Hamilton.
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  8. Morgan Jae

    Morgan Jae pecure. sontain. crotect.

    dear god, send help.
    i didn't know people did this with hamilton
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  9. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    that was amazing, what
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  10. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    ...they... turned into chipmunks. what.

    (i know that's what happens when you speed up audio. it's still hilarious to imagine the cast as alvin and the chipmunks.)
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  11. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    pls appreciation

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  12. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    so because of this I decided to listen to Wait For It for.....literally the first time (no I haven't listened to the whole bunch of songs yet dON'T JUDGE ME) and IT'S AMAZING???? WHAT THE FUCK HOLY SHIT I LOVE IT
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  13. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    .....holy shit
    Stay Alive is
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  14. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    Hello yes just popping in to say The World Was Wide Enough turns me into a sobbing mess every time i hear it
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  15. Morgan Jae

    Morgan Jae pecure. sontain. crotect.

    you should......definitely listen to it in order. the first time i heard non-stop my thoughts were somewhere along the lines of "the fuck is this, it's discordant and terrible" and then i listened to it in order and by the time i reached non-stop i actually recognized the leitmotifs used.

    (hurricane isn't talked about enough. it's not as flashy as guns and ships or as blatantly tragic as satisfied, but i love it)

    (also, it might be kind of trite, but wait for it comforted and calmed me after the shooting in orlando. maybe it wasn't written for a young grieving queer on the other side of the country, but it sure as hell helped, and that means a ridiculous amount to me)
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  16. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    honestly I liked the songs I've heard out of order anyway, but I listened to it all in order yesterday for the first time, so.
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  17. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Yeah, choosing a favorite is just not possible, so some of my top ones are

    Yorktown: The energy, the rhythms a flow of the words just are so great. "we move undercover and we move as one," is one of my favorite lines in the play, just for how it sounds.
    Wait for It: I can't really add anything other people haven't already said. It's amazing. I love it.
    Non Stop: Sort of the One Day More of Hamilton, and I am such a slut for all those refrains coming back with a slightly different meaning.
    Helpless: Just a lot of fun and has some of my other favorite lines: "We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night," and "Laughing at my sister cause she wants to for a harem. 'I'm just sayin if you really love me you would share 'im' "
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  18. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    hurricane, room where it happens, right hand man, your obedient servant, ten duel commandments, and who lives who dies who tells your story are some of my faves

    i love all of them though
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  19. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    me: in the corner, quietly sobbing over Stay Alive and Ten Duel Commandments
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  20. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    i've loved The Room Where It Happens since the first time i listened to it. prob still my fave ham song, though one that i didn't immediately love but now love A Lot is Non-Stop and then also What'd I Miss, i love both of those so much
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