Fruity Rumpus Asshole Party - D&D Edition [Closed RP]

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by AbsenteeLandlady123, Jun 11, 2016.

  1. Makizushi

    Makizushi Cheap, Easy, Delicious

    Listening to Esra's description of her goddess, and apparently Altea's and Pyralspite's, makes Lei feel a strange combination of relieved and incredibly bitter. "Some people don't want to be good. Some people would use the opportunity to be good to do even more horrible, evil shit. I think there are some people you can't trust enough to even let them try."

    All of that sort of fell out of his mouth, and the look on his face shows that he clearly didn't expect to hear himself saying anything so contentious. He quickly wipes his face of expression, besides the light dusting of pink on his cheeks, and turns his attention back to Snoop's assault on the boar leg bone.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2016
  2. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    "Aye." Esra eyes you, and you again get the feeling of being finely inspected. It's like her pale blue eyes see into the core of who you are. After a moment, her face relaxes. She gives you a warm, soft smile. It reaches those formerly critical eyes, and it is as welcoming as the smile Altea bestowed on you all earlier. "Rest easy. The Justiciari know well the darkness that lurks in the hearts of those who would do harm for their own gain. We do not rely on good intent alone to enforce the Will of the Dawn Mistress." She puts the hunk of bread in his hand.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2016
  3. Makizushi

    Makizushi Cheap, Easy, Delicious

    The old woman looks at him again, like before but harder, and Lei feels a discomfort so intense his face feels hot with it. He's not sure what he expected to happen after she was done, but her smiling and giving him food was not it. For a split second his face shows that he is frustrated and confused and furious all muddled up into one unmanageable thing, but in a blink he's smiling at Esra gratefully. "Thank you, I don't know when I've last eaten so well. And it is good to know that your order takes everything into consideration. I feel much safer now."
  4. lupadracolis

    lupadracolis [This space is intentionally left blank]

    Pyralspite gives Lei an understanding smile, although whether he'll be able to interpret the dragonborn's facial expressions is anyone's guess. It was over two years ago that she spent her first night awake and active in the wild, but she still remembers it. "The first night you spend walking and alert can be hard, but sleeping will help. Be prepared for stiff muscles tomorrow though."
  5. Makizushi

    Makizushi Cheap, Easy, Delicious

    Expressions are a sight to see on a dragon person's face, but not entirely unreadable. "Thank you for the warning, I'm not used to being on my feet all night or waking up sore in the morning. Or at all really, I find that the afternoon consists of much more reasonable hours."

    His light and pleasant expression turns fond when he glances down. "Snoop is already following your excellent advice." The cub had passed out with their chin resting protectively on the bone. Lei was not excited about the idea of carrying a meaty bone around with him for the next while, but the idea of trying to take it away from Snoop seemed even more awful.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
  6. lupadracolis

    lupadracolis [This space is intentionally left blank]

    The confession startles a laugh out of Pyralspite, a gleeful cackle that has her grabbing at her own snout to stifle it, so as not to wake the wolf baby. Little half-muffled spurts of laughter escape her, until she's able to bring herself back under control. She lets go again, and shakes her head, still grinning. "I'm sure you meant that seriously, but that was a laugh I needed."
  7. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    "That's just a hunk of bread, lad. If that's the best fare you've had in a while- Altea, could you fetch a plate? Pile it high now." Esra eyes Lei, clearly concerned. "If you're going far, I'll gladly provision you. None should go without food when there's some to spare."
  8. Makizushi

    Makizushi Cheap, Easy, Delicious

    Lei's face goes blank for a moment before he dons a humbly grateful, slightly pathetic look. "Well, I've been a few years on my own and not everywhere is as kind, especially in the middle of the night. In my experience most places do not offer hospitality to stray, wild animals dragged into beautiful buildings." He looks at the grease and drool stains on the floor under Snoop's rather messy, meaty bone with concern.

    "I think I will stay in this area until Snoop is settled, and I am curious about the blight mystery. If I can be of any assistance, please allow me to repay you for the trouble I've put you to. If you find my service to be useful I'd gladly take provisions in exchange."

    [Dave glances at Rose and, seeing her look, quietly rolls a d20 where only she can see. 13 plus 7, 20 total for deception.]
  9. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    "Aye, people can be cruel. We have no tolerance for that in these parts. If any give you trouble, any of you. You come to us." Esra says, expression serious for a moment. "If you want to help with the land blight, your skills will be welcome. My son has some minor skill in the bardic arts, but you clearly have a knack for it."

    "Daddy can whistle and fix up some bruises, but he can't carry a tune to save himself." Altea pipes up. "Doesn't stop him from trying every now and then though."

    "It's a more effective repellent for birds than the scarecrows." Esra chuckles. "As for repayment, we don't have need of coin in this hall."
  10. Makizushi

    Makizushi Cheap, Easy, Delicious

    ["I insight check Esra, 16 total."

    Dave leans over and talks in Rose's ear.]

    ["He wants to know if she's legit, and if she's caught him out. She is too insightful for his comfort."]
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
  11. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    [Rose scribbles something on a piece of paper, and then slides it across to Dave.]
    You get the feeling, looking at her, that she knows more than she's letting on. Something in her eyes, a sort of grim understanding that makes you profoundly uncomfortable.
    She is being honest about not needing any payment, you can read that plainly from her.
  12. Makizushi

    Makizushi Cheap, Easy, Delicious

    "Well," Lei says slyly, "It's a good thing I wasn't offering coin then. At the very least it'll be a good chance to get to know your druid when we go out tomorrow, and see if they would be willing to care for Snoop."
  13. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    "Should you wish to lighten our hall with song and music, we hold services with the dawn chorus. Your presence would be welcomed, but is not required." She beams at him, and Altea bounces in place.

    "Oh that would be lovely! I'm sure our Lady would adore that-" She cuts herself off, clapping her hand to her mouth. "Food! Ah, I'm so sorry." Altea scrambles to her feet, hitches up her robe around her ankles, and sprints into the kitchen.
  14. Makizushi

    Makizushi Cheap, Easy, Delicious

    Lei blanches slightly at the mention of dawn, which couldn't be much more than a couple of hours off. However, singing chorus at the temple where both the inn keeper's mother and daughter live and work seems like a good investment. "I would be honored, my lady." He yawns behind his hand. "Whether I join your chorus this dawn depends on when you wanted to head out and follow those tracks a second time. You mentioned doing so in the morning?"

    He turns to the dragonborn. "Pyralspite, you mentioned wanting to continue the search as well. Do you have any thoughts as to the timing?"
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
  15. lupadracolis

    lupadracolis [This space is intentionally left blank]

    "I don't think we should needlessly wait around to do so, as the tracks will get harder to follow the longer it takes us to get back to them, but going out unrested is even more foolish." She offers Lei a grin, adding, "Especially for those who aren't used to getting up at all in the mornings. You seem to have pretty sharp eyesight with all the rabbits you spot, and it'd be a shame to lose out on that due to tiredness."
  16. Makizushi

    Makizushi Cheap, Easy, Delicious

    Lei frowns at her seriously. "Hey, I could have sworn I saw someone out there, like, the outline of a person, but then there was just a rabbit. It was Suspicious."
  17. lupadracolis

    lupadracolis [This space is intentionally left blank]

    Pyralspite holds her hands up in a silent protestation of innocence. "I meant it sincerely! Rabbits are hard to spot at night, especially in the snow. I've never heard of someone turning into a rabbit before, though, and the creatures don't tend to go near larger animals, so I have to admit it seems unlikely that there was anyone near the rabbit."
  18. Makizushi

    Makizushi Cheap, Easy, Delicious

    "I've known all manner of magic users to transform themselves into a variety of wondrous things, from fanciful beasts to the smallest of door mice. But yes, I see the sense in what you are saying. Darkness and stress play tricks on tired eyes."
  19. lupadracolis

    lupadracolis [This space is intentionally left blank]

    Pyralsprite's brow ridges raise in astonishment. "People can do that? That's amazi-" She catches herself, clearing her throat. "I also meant you should make sure you get a good rest before we head out tomorrow. As fine as I'm sure the dawn service here is, maybe wait until the day after to experience it?"
  20. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    Altea comes springing back into the room, carrying two plates which are somewhat haphazardly stacked. She deposits one in front of Pyralspite, and the other in front of Lei. Snoop, who had been content to gnaw on their bone, quickly nabbed a slab of meat off this sudden boon. Altea winces, and drops back onto her cushion next to Nowhere.

    "I've seen Vesta turn into a sparrow before. It sure was something! Scared me half to death, them being a person one moment and a tiny bird the next. First thing they did was eat a worm, too, which." She blanches. "It made my stomach turn. Bird or not, I don't understand how someone could do that. But then they flew away and I was running errands for Daddy so I couldn't linger to watch where they went. I'd ask, but Vesta...intimidates me."

    "Vesta is harmless, child." Esta chides, and Altea ducks her head, cheeks flushing.

    "I know, Esra. I'm not scared of them or nothin- I mean, anything. But they're." She makes a hand gesture at her face, expression helpless. Esra stares at her blankly for a moment, and then bursts out laughing.

    "I don't know what to do with you, my girl. You're going to wind up eloping with a pretty stranger one day at this rate." She shakes her head. "Ah, to be young again." Finishing her tea, she regards you all. "If you've nowhere to stay, you're welcome to sleep in our spare room. If you've somewhere to go, however, these old bones are in need of resting before I can perform the dawn chorus for my Lady."

    "Oh! I told them Daddy would put them up at the Holt. He won't mind if I write them a note."

    "You're a good girl, Altea."
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