Fruity Rumpus Asshole Party - D&D Edition [Closed RP]

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by AbsenteeLandlady123, Jun 11, 2016.

  1. Makizushi

    Makizushi Cheap, Easy, Delicious

    When food appears in front of him Lei makes an effort to eat a bit of it quickly, feeding chunks to Snoop all the while. There is entirely too much meat on his plate, and he's still feeling a bit upset keyed up from orphaning a baby all the excitement of the evening.

    "I'm sure either is fine, thank you both for everything."
  2. lupadracolis

    lupadracolis [This space is intentionally left blank]

    Pyralspite does her best not to gawp like the magical version of the small-town hick who's just heard of cities for the first time, and the plate of food helps. She settles it on her lap and eats with a methodical pace that comes from no great hunger, but the experience of needing to eat as much as she can when she has it available. Altea's apparent embarrassment by other people's beauty is very sweet, as is the dialect she keeps correcting herself on, but Pyralspite has no idea how she'd go about telling her so in a way that wouldn't end up embarrassing both of them, so she stays silent until the offer of lodgings comes.

    "Will we not wake him up, if we go at this hour? I feel like we've done that to enough people already."
  3. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    "He'll still be awake." Altea grins. "The Homely Holt doesn't simmer down until an hour or so before the dawn chorus when it's the end of the working week. People like to let their hair down. If you're nervous, I'm happy to go on in with you all."

    She doesn't quite bat her eyelashes, but subtlety does not appear to be Altea's strong point. Esra buries her face in her hands, shoulders heaving with laughter.

    "I'm sure you are, my dear. Remember your duty however. It's the dawn chorus. Not the midday chorus."
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
  4. lupadracolis

    lupadracolis [This space is intentionally left blank]

    Pyralspite huffs with laughter, shaking her head. "I don't get nervous often, and an inn full of people isn't enough to intimidate me. So while your offer is very generous, I have the confidence needed in heaps." She mops up some meat juice from her plate with a morsel of bread, chews, and swallows it, then gives Altea a wink.

    "Of course, as strangers in this town, if you were to say, show us the way there, that would be far more helpful."

    [Terezi tugs her shades a little way down her nose, so she can waggle her eyebrows outrageously across the table at Rose.]
  5. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    [Rose flutters her eyelashes at Terezi, adjusting her knitted auburn wig. How many things are in her prop bag? You just don't know. "A charisma check, if you please."]
  6. Makizushi

    Makizushi Cheap, Easy, Delicious

    [Dave watches the exchange with a look of amused horror on his face. "Dang Rose, this temple chick you have here is thirsty as fuck."]
    • Like x 1
  7. lupadracolis

    lupadracolis [This space is intentionally left blank]

    ["Ten plus... Oh, fourteen! Fourteen for the thirsty temple cluckbeast grub."]
  8. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    ["Isn't she?" Rose says with great fondness, glancing down at what you can all assume is Altea's character sheet. "Poor, small-town girl." She rolls her own dice, and then laughs.]

    "Oh, I, um." She flushes, and her gaze drifts from Lei to Nowhere, and then back to Pyral. Her brows furrow for a moment, and she tilts her head to one side in deep thought. "Sure thing. Whenever ya'll- I mean, you are all ready."

    She gets up again - reminding you all at this point of a rabbit with the frequency of her hopping up and down - and whisks away all of your plates. Some empty, some not. She knows better than to try and remove the bone from the custody of Snoop.
    In a moment, she's back. In one arm, she totes a handled basket that's covered with a thick, plain brown cloth. Steam rises from it, and there's a few bread rolls piled precariously on top.

    Pyralspite follows her to the door, the Mann unfolding himself from his cushion to do the same.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
  9. Makizushi

    Makizushi Cheap, Easy, Delicious

    Lei takes a moment to gather Snoop into his makeshift sling and stands, but turns to speak quietly to Esra instead of following the others out. "I know that you need your rest, as do we all, but I was wondering if I might have a very quick word with you?"
  10. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    "Of course." She lowers her voice to match his, using her cane to help lever herself to her feet. "What can I do for you?"
  11. Makizushi

    Makizushi Cheap, Easy, Delicious

    Lei pauses a moment, waiting to see that the others are out the door.

    When he turns back to Esra his is expression is very blank. "When you looked at me earlier, looked-looked, did you mind read me? Divine or detect my thoughts in some manner?"
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
  12. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    ["Hm. Dave, can I get just a straight D20 roll from you please?"]
  13. Makizushi

    Makizushi Cheap, Easy, Delicious

    [Mmm... that's a 2.]

    He winces as his voice quietly but very clearly echos across the large, empty stone room.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
  14. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    All those who were at the door, glance back for a moment before continuing out.

    Esra holds up her hand.
    "Speak softly, but don't whisper. Whispers carry, lad. That's a bit of knowledge that may save your life one day. As for your question - I am a cleric of Casta. As such, I am gifted with divine aid when it comes to reading intent and divining the truth. Aye, I gave you a look over. It does not come with words, or visions of past events, so you can rest easy in that regard. Rather, I get an impression of what sort of person you are and where your path has taken you."

    Her face clouds with sympathy.

    "I felt the dark scar suffering has left on your heart. I don't know what you've been through, Lei. And I won't make you tell me either, that's not what my gifts are for. I felt your doubt of your own worth." She reaches out, almost touching his hand, but then pulls back. "But I took your measure, and did not find you wanting. You're a good lad."
  15. Makizushi

    Makizushi Cheap, Easy, Delicious

    Lei wraps his arms around Snoop and listens quietly. She didn't actually invade his mind to get any of this information (just scryed his soul apparently) and that's... good? Well, it's not good, but it's not specifically what he was concerned about.

    As she speaks that intense, hot discomfort comes back, increasing the longer she goes on. For a moment he feels a tiny bit relieved; she doesn't actually know anything and she seems genuine in her promise to not pry. But then she surprises him by reaching for him, and he flinches back minutely before freezing. The rest of what she says is so nonsensical as to be gibberish. He spends a second regaining his composure, but when he replies it's a bit more wooden than he's managed previously.

    [16 for others listening this time.]

    "I am glad to know that you did not... take anything from me that way. I prefer that to, er, not be a thing. I am fine though. My, uh, my... heart? Is fine. Thank you. I should-. I should go, with the others." Lei looks down so that his hair drapes across his eyes, and closes one hand on a strap of his backpack, but stands silently as though waiting for permission to leave.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
  16. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    "Have a good rest. The doors are open at any hour, should you need an ear. Should any of you."
    Esra bows her head, a clear dismissal.
  17. Makizushi

    Makizushi Cheap, Easy, Delicious

    Lei hurries out after the others and rejoins the group brightly. "I am looking forward to seeing your father's inn Altea, and finding a bed soon after."
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
  18. rainbowbarnacle

    rainbowbarnacle Cat Aggrandizer

    Nowhere Mann does not look happy at the idea of facing the cold again. But the inn does sound nice, and it's where everyone else was headed, and he's never one to scorn a free night's sleep in a for actual bed.

    And also there's Altea. His bloodpusher makes a happy skippity feel at the thought. He hasn't known her long, but she's chattery and funny and doesn't seem to mind him and his unwashed hermit's clothes. He's beginning to think he'd swim across a winter lake if she was standing on the other side.

    "Aw hell yeah, I can't even be remembering the last time I was staying in one of those. It was fuckin' forever ago, like, I think there was even some kinda Spring festival all going on? Fuuuuck, it's cold." He curls his tail closer to his body, ears drooping.
  19. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    "Oh, you'll all love it I'm sure! The Holt is so cosy, and there's always a fire going. Daddy practically raised me there, I know it like the back of my hand!" Altea looks Nowhere Mann over, and then steps closer to him and hooks their arms together. She passes him the steaming basket. "Here, that's warm! It's not a long walk, don't you worry. I won't let you fall in the snow."
  20. rainbowbarnacle

    rainbowbarnacle Cat Aggrandizer

    Nowhere Mann toddles a little as she sidles close, but it's just his footing, and he loops his arm with hers eagerly. Once he has the basket, he's temporarily overwhelmed for a few seconds at just how much food is inside, hot food even. It feels like he's carrying a big bag of money or something. After a moment he matches his stride with Altea's and chuckles. "Your Da's sounding like a stellar dude, 'specially if he's willing to have some kinda freakass demon looking motherfucker all up and under his roof." He smiles as he says it, though--for him, people wigging out at his appearance isn't too different from enduring the cold, really. "Hope he don't mind I snore."
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