Seriously, what is up with "DNI" banners that are just, like... aggressively rude or threatening, other than signalling to people who think that's an appropriate way to interact with strangers as well as normalising being casually aggressive to people in your in-group. I see a DNI that's like "dni if [bigot] or [threat]" and I kinda just go.... okay, Mx. Edgelord? I don't really wanna talk to you at all, even if we might get along, if the first impression you wanna give to me? Do you genuinely think the neo-nazis are gonna look at your threat to cuck them and go "oh man what a tough guy, better not mess with them" What is the purpose of a DNI that insults the people you don't want interacting with you? At best, you're making people who get pedophilia libel lobbed at them uncomfortable at your presence and at worst you're making yourself a target for genuinely unhinged trolls who just want any reason to hurt a minority.
I love how "purple", "divine", "a jackass" is like a whole type I have. There's Furude Hanyu, Ashikaga Yoshiteru, Alvis... even Prime Galvatron kind of qualifies :D
The erotic tension between wanting more people on my robot server to get more conversations going vs the fear that I'm going to have to do some fucking moderating when the twits of the fandom finally find it. Also hey, happy Vore Day everyone.
"in the spirit of not just complaining about the thing" might as well be my catchphrase for how bad I am at jumping straight to providing solutions and never properly putting my issues with Thing into words. Admirable, self, but misguided. If you don't complain a little people will not understand what problem you're trying to solve with your suggestions.
I should probably have this thread moved behind the age gate so I can talk about my latest sex toy purchases and also about the inexplicable urge to write some substance abuse fic that hits me about every nine months that I can't really talk with anyone about. Like, the sex toy convo is easier to start, frankly.
I really hate that I keep having eToro show me that one particular add with the smug person telling me "suuuuuure click away and miss out just like you missed out on investing on Tech Capital" like bitch first of all, telling me I could have benefitted from Google and Amazon being objectively evil is not the sales pitch you think it is second of all -- I am fucking broke fuck off
Finished the AWE DLC for Control! I love how it's just a thing in the Oldest House that nobody knows or remembers how many different kinda horrors there are running around, they just collapse the Firebreak or seal off whatever wing was taken over and basically say "eh. Can't be helped". Then Jesse shows up and starts Mucking With Them.
You can always tell when a "hating on something because you don't know the context and history" post has taken off on Tumblr b/c suddenly you'll have people making snippy commentary and performing incredulity over something that isn't even that weird. Case in point -- radical language games, and words like "folx", "yxll" and neuters in Romance languages made using "x".
And the point about how replacing a vowel with "x" fucks up screenreaders and is really hard on dyslexic is real and valid, btw -- this is why "latine" is favoured over "latinx" by most people, and why I doubt something like "yxll" will stick around for too long. I'm old enough to remember language games over words like "policeman", "fireman", "congressman", and how it took until the end of the Nineties until we properly had words like "police officer" and "firefighter" in official use. Queer language has been like this even moreso -- both the push to recognise nonbinary singular pronouns and the push to provide neuter options in gendered languages are quite fresh in the mainstream. Which is why this feels a whole lot like some saturn-eating-his-young nonsense. It's always progressive neologisms that get derided as "unnecessary" and "redundant" and "ridiculous" instead of reactionary ones. Pile on top of that the idea that language games are always "performative" and engaged in by people who don't do any "real" activism (despite the fact that language games are often started by people who see a need for specific kind of in-group signalling) and it's really obvious that this follows the pattern of "young people seeing people more radical and non-normative than they are and fall right back into reactionary affect they've been fed from birth". And especially when it comes to language games this is like... Like, what harm does "folx" do??? Why is "folx" a problem, but every hip and cool person is calling themselves a "simp" now b/c a right-wing dipshit called them that after they said a Woman was Cool? Why are right-wing neologisms adopted without a blink of an eye, sometimes with their entire meanings seemingly changing overnight, making it very hard to tell if someone is a gay nazi or just a reactionary baby gay?
Oh, also the "if you use 'folx' then you're implying everyone who uses 'folks' is a white supremacist homophobe" talking point is bullshit because that's not how language fucking works. The baseline isn't inclusion, and everyone who pretends it is is living in a goddamn bubble. "Folks" is the accepted word. "Folks" is the normative word. "Folks" is what people, both bigoted jackasses and inclusive progressives, use. "Folx" is the word picked up by a few progressives in order to clear away that ambiguity. Fucking Christ.
Oh and speaking of reactionary neologisms -- I really fucking hope that at some point we're gonna, like. Reckon with how not every insult is worth reclaiming. "Simp" has brought it out in me, but I very nearly got there with "virtue signal" before people made the sensible choice and started using it to just mean "aggressively talking up a set of beliefs without displaying them in your actions", and even that is getting misused by everyone assuming that if a person is talking about a thing online, that's the only thing they're doing (which -- see my previous points about the origins of language games) It just smacks of "you're only [for a good cause] b/c it's popular" type of rhetoric, which traditionally?? Is more of a shitlord thing, but has been getting picked up by marginalised reactionaries to do gatekeeping. The word "performative" should probably be taken away from the internet for a while.
God, the first thing in months I feel righteously indignant about and it's people not realising that all language serves a purpose, or nobody would use it. Y'can think it's stupid!! But there is no such thing as a useless word.
"I don't know what language games are and I'm not going to look it up because I think it's a thing you made up. I am very smart and the perfect arbiter for what is and isn't performative" lmao fuck
Seriously tho a server I'm on randomly changed a character stan tag to say "simp" and I felt absolutely revolted when I noticed. Like, no, okay, maybe that word is too new to have baggage and therefore people are glomming onto it but I literally feel dirty from having it even passively applied to me. Get that shit away from me.
"Nigeria has introduced chemical castration for rapists and capital punishment for child molesters!" Cool. Did y'all know being gay is also punishable by death in Nigeria? But I guess state-sanctioned violence is good when it's against an ambiguous class of "bad people".
Oh, it's not stated directly, it's just that people go "people I think are monsters getting punished in ways that violate their human rights is cool" without thinking that repressive states that rely on heavily punitive measures like that usually aren't the bastion of rights for people like themselves, either. Like... even if we agree that LGBT people aren't inherently predatory and child molestation is done by opportunist abusers regardless of their sexuality, it is deeply disingenious to ignore the way allegations of child abuse and sexual coercion have been used against specifically gay men, and trans women, and how health education, especially sex ed, has been labeled child abuse. Like, there's just a wilful blindness to the fact that not everyone has their definition of rape, and not everyone is on top of what a pedophile even is (without even getting into how even people who know the difference between a pedophile and a child molester don't always seem to grasp why prosecuting people for things that aren't actions is fucked up). There's just this... wilful naivety about the world some people exhibit. They are not a bad person who commits bad actions, and therefore they're Safe(tm) from societal harm. Only bigots do harm. All the problems of the world are caused by Bad People who intentionally harm innocents, but of course if someone agrees with them on who the Bad People and Good People are then their actions are justified. Everyone everywhere uses the same definition of words and disagreement is always a question of morality and principle, and some people just choose to not be the Best Possible Person like they are.