The /only/ good part of a persecution complex is that it makes me immune to having my feelings invalidated. "You wanna be oppressed so bad, nobody gives a shit about your feefees", thanks, man, you sound like my CBT therapy sheet.
Having put some distance between myself and this, I realise it was less the "the audience are johns" jokes that got to me and more them being made in the context of an article full of graphic descriptions of rape and transphobic abuse. I generally think I'm pretty good and not triggered by sexual violence but apparently it puts me enough off-kilter to get triggered by /other/ things. Good to know.
Also I kept thinking about the video and the article and like, full disclosure, maybe I'm still just overly affected but I'm still very unconvinced. Like, yes, the author of that article should ever have to do sex work again, nobody should ever have to do sex work if they don't want to (arguably, nobody should have to work /any/ job they find traumatising and degrading), but I'm still not sure if sex work can really be argued to be the one exception to all the boats rising with the tide when it comes to worker's rights, and that the advancement of the legal right to dignity as a worker wouldn't help with a lot of the issues that create the demand for prostitution across the globe. I also 100% do not know enough about the intersection of the history of slave and the history of prostitution to really say if the first created the other, but I don't buy the idea that no indigenous culture had a concept of sex work or prostitution before colonizers forced the concept on them.
The difficulty I'm having is that I /have/ heard the arguments for legalisation and worker's rights from people who used to be abolitionists, but I haven't really heard arguments from former advocates for worker's rights who became abolitionists. So I have heard legalisation advocates explain why abolition wouldn't work to fix the problems with the sex industry, but I haven't heard an abolitionist explain why legalisation wouldn't solve the problems it purports to.
And IDK I know that holding an opinion simply because you haven't been persuaded /out/ of it is not holding myself to a rigorous intellectual standard. But I'm just wary advocating for any solution that might have immediate negative consequences that are expected to be ameliorated by the long-term benefits. Creating new problems or exacerbating older ones to arrive at the best ending sounds too accelerationist for my tastes.
OH wait I /do/ actually have an argument against abolition on intellectual grounds, lmao All paths to abolition are "if everyone just" solutions. If everyone just stopped selling sex. If everyone just used the exit services. If everyone just provided exit services. If everyone just wanted money, and didn't actually want to have sex to get it. This isn't even hard to counter. Maybe I haven't look hard enough. But the solution abolition seems to provide for people who want to keep doing sex work over other work seems to just be shaming them for being collaborators with abusers who just want access to easy victims.
I'm so grateful to whoever introduced "bite bite kill kill" into my vocabulary. Truly groundbreaking technology.
the tension between wanting to read sexuality/gender/disability issuefic to sate a craving for being Seen(tm), but cringing out of my soul and paging back the moment modern anthropocentric terminology gets used.
*stares in motherfucker at JTM's anons* How do you start an anon with "this might ruin your day but could you pretty please ruin your day for me" and still be like "feel free to ignore this though???" And why would you LINK SOMETHING instead of just ASKING ABOUT IT.
Why is this Bionic Reading thing bringing out the worst in everyone, I've seen so many people make completely unfounded comments about how "easy" something like this is to make and immediately jump to "the developers are greedy!" when there's even a whiff of monetisation.
I'm both surprised and unsurprised at the way a lot of people on Tumblr I followed for a) not being antis and b) not being anti-sj have somehow collectively lost their minds over the Depp vs Heard case and are now openly siding with Ann Coulter and Candance Owens about this. I think the fandom microcosm of having dealt with constant bad faith attacks and false accusations for something like the seventh ongoing year shows the level of damage it can do if you constantly need to be checking in with reality, constantly having to fight to not lose control of a narrative that is specifically being spun to disrupt the social environment in a way that would exclude you from it. The kneejerk need to close ranks around one of your own from bad faith attacks feels depressingly understandable, yet wholly inappropriate. I can't blame people for wanting a W after all this time. In a way, watching this happen is making me feel more sympathetic towards LE, someone who I'm still very bitter towards for making me go through a loss of confidence in her sincerity as an audience. I know the kind of psychological overhead a lot of the people I've had to follow in the past few weeks over the ruling have been under because that's my shared psychological overhead just interacting with fandom in general. I can actually intuit on an emotional level what they may be going through, because I've gone through the same thing back in 2017 or whatever.
But like having to unfollow literally dozens of bloggers over their Depp stanning has been... Yeah. Woof.
I got my friend to start Umineko :) While posting "Katayoku no tori" into the Umineko reading channel he set up, I looked at a translation of the lyrics and motherfucker.
Me: people are allowed to change also me: I don't want to hear a single word of anti-puritanism rhetoric from SZ until she deletes that one fucking video and apologises for the downplaying of harassment she made in it.
I would not be surprised to discover that she doesn't even think that she's changed her mind and in fact, I am still just a cringe adult with no life for y'know :) Being a convenient narrative villain to really emphasise because the other side is all "mentally ill teenagers nobody should take seriously".
Like I wanna ignore her existence, I really do. I have her blocked on every platform and I have her URL filtered on Tumblr.