I have some reflector shoelaces that are too short for all of my shoes that have laces so I guess I gotta find a tutorial for turning this thing into a reflector for my bag which currently doesn't have one :|c
Hmm. "I see the problem with this thing being that people include X Features And Concepts without thinking about their implications further than 'this is how they work for me' and it makes for worse discussions all around" "Well, I like including those things and I don't want to be convinced out of liking them." .... yes? I think we're talking past each other, but okay.
Like I'm not sure how you got "I don't want people to like this thing" out of me saying "the way people write this thing is frustrating because people don't think about the implications you were discussing before"
I'm not coming for your right to feel a strong personal connection to a thing because I dislike the way most people do it.
Chatting with my friend and once again stunned and surprised about how much Canada/Quebec is just Finland But Over There.
Northeners similar climate lingistically separated from their geographic neighbours (monolingualism is a social statement) A majority population present as a minority in the society Xenophobic for reasons that track historically but in the present just result in hostility towards brown people for no fucking reason Project an outward appearance of secularity while still having a strong unexamined streak of Conservative Christian values (Catholic over there, Lutheran over here) hockey swearing!!!!
Also I was gonna say "politics that are in conflict with the social values of the culture thanks to the aforementioned xenophobia" but like... almost everywhere puts some level of emphasis on getting-along and hospitality and almost everywhere is undergoing a bit of a Moment Of Right-Wing Agitation against strangers who have done jack nor shit to us. Also technically subjects and victims of imperialism while also being the beneficiaries of our own colonialism and trying to act like we were totally only ever independent victims of the selfsame. This comparison is also weaker because while French-Quebecois aren't native to North America, Finns are native to the Finnish peninsula, even if there are other peoples native to this region that we frankly can't stop getting our fucking colonialism on at.
Someone tell me I'm being ridiculous, it's been five years since the Xenofandom let me down and I am an entirely different level of writer now + I don't care whether a single person likes my meta if the girl I'm flirting with calls me clever for it.
I guess I just can't get over the fear of "if there's even one person in the fandom who found me kind of annoying, seeing me get popular off my current efforts, they could easily arrange a harassment campaign based on just the fact that I used to be even more mentally ill than I am right now", even over the "this fandom thinks I'm annoying because I don't really go for character drama and care more about the wild worldbuilding potential"
I was reminded of this by remembering just who it was that decided that four years ago soursoppi's life needed to be ruined for the crime of being popular and having a sense of humour.
Like how??? How did it get this bad?? Why are people in fandom *this* afraid of talking to each other???
Like yeah I'm also rapidly losing respect for people who I honestly think have a point in that "this is is a second kudos" or "I'm rereading" is not a substantial comment, because apparently they're LOUD ENOUGH ABOUT THAT to genuinely be putting the fear of not suitably impressing the writer with their comment in the hearts of people who have NEVER LEFT COMMENTS BEFORE IN THEIR LIFE
Unfortunately I know I can't code my way out of other people having social anxiety and our websites being built to incentivise high-volume low-commitment engagement. Well, I *could* code my way out of that latter one. Or try, at least. But the former one I am just SOL with