Garage bulletin board

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by HonestlyVan, Feb 16, 2020.

  1. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    Hoping that being "strikingly drunk" stops being a novel experience for me soon.
  2. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    • Informative x 1
  3. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    very politely not calling the people in my notes fucking idiots over their lack of reading comprehension
    • Witnessed x 2
  4. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

  5. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    Me: I love betaing and editing and developing other people's concepts.

    Also me, when I make too many edits: ew this is starting to sound like I wrote it.
  6. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    God I wanna write so baaaaaaad.
  7. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    I should neven work on other people's writing, it makes me feel so productive even though I'm basically doing jack shit but applying pattern recognition.

    It's somehow even worse when people wanna give me credit for it, like, jesus christ don't do that my ego is gonna get out of control.
  8. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    This isn't just about the translation posts, I also worked on this fic (and worked really hard on it too)

    And I also also offered my beta services to another person.

    God I need to stop, this is terrible.
  9. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    I know I have bitch eating crackers syndrome massively for this new guy but also maybe if they hadn't opened with intense misgyny classic I would be more tolerating of them making stupid jokes at other people's expense rather than contribute anything??

    Like you're not actually better than us, dude. You're just not. We're horny but we're free, and you feeling insecure about being vanilla and straight is not our problem.
    • Witnessed x 1
  10. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    Now I'm depressed and sick. Eeeeeexcellent.
    • Witnessed x 2
  11. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    Slept most of the day, I'm back to just being depressed, lmao. I guess the cold got to me a little bit, we've been experiencing Polar Vortex Shenanigans.
  12. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    And the depression is largely because my productivity being a crater makes my self-esteem crater too. It's, like... fine, just one thing on top of another.
  13. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    Seriously considering if I should put a Godbert cosplay together for the coming summer.
    • Winner x 1
  14. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    I wrote some Transformers fic instead of anything AW-related because I have way too much anxiety around writing anything AW-related.

    Your honour, the OTP.
    • Winner x 1
  15. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    So I know we all dislike "unalive" and "weirdo" but *my* absolute least favourite modern babytalk shit is "uncomfy/uncomf"
    • Agree x 1
  16. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    the *real* conundrum with Popular Writer in Fandom opening requests to keep his momentum going is that I *could* send my requests in anonymously and not reveal that it's me with the Weird Kink I would love to see them take a crack at

    *or* I could, like... tell to their face that I would like for them to write Weird Kink (for me) as long as they don't tell people where the idea originated from because it's not something I've discussed in public anywhere.

    So obviously the solution is to go "I'm actually just gonna forget about it".
    • Witnessed x 1
  17. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    "Oh hey! [Popular Tumblr blogger] I'm not following anymore! I like their stuff, I wonder why I unfollowed"

    Popular Tumblr blogger: *immediately reblogs a post to shit on a discourse they're not involved in as "stupid"
    Popular Tumblr blogger: *pals around with people who I know have lead violent harassment campaigns*
    Popular Tumblr blogger: "I don't like parasocial relationships" *forces all interactions with them to be publicly litigated*
    • Witnessed x 3
  18. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    "He would not fucking say that" but it's "he would not say that unless it was a reference, and he wouldn't know that reference."
  19. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    why must I write new meta

    is the old stuff not good enough for you people
  20. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    *rubs eyes* it's not three days from the AW Discord drama and I'm already feeling uncomfortable being a Sam Lake Liker on main because now I know what company it puts me in, apparently
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