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Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by HonestlyVan, Feb 16, 2020.

  1. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    And obligatory extra disclaimer that the pushback I got on Kintsugi largely annoys me because man, that was so avoidable. I could have given more grace, and frankly I could have been given more grace but since then I've discovered that apparently my tone just constantly grates on people on this site anyway, so it's, like. Not really anyone's fault.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2024 at 6:14 AM
  2. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    I've since figured out how to better pitch Rekudo. Rekudo has since improved as a tool. I've figured out exactly what kind of users and fandomgoers Rekudo is for, and just a while ago I still had a clickthrough/adoption rate that was something absurd, like 6%, compared to the notes on the Tumblr post.

    I just get so extremely frustrated by this every time I see a writer say "I abandoned/removed my fic because I felt too discouraged by the sense of rejection and people got mad at me". That was so fucking unavoidable, actually, that could have been avoided.
  3. HonestlyVan

    HonestlyVan a very funny person who never tells jokes

    At least I no longer have to see people going "writers who want feedback are selfish and hang their self-esteem on the attention of others" as much, there has actually been development there and people take the more nuanced position of "being obsessed with metrics-based popularity is generally bad for you" and "if writers were writing for themselves exclusively then they would have zero reason to publish things."
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