
Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by raginghearts, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    and for the gemsona thread!

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  2. An Actual Bird

    An Actual Bird neverthelass, Brid persisted, ate third baggel

    (me yelling about gemsonas in the distance) (spoilered for big)

    Pyrite (me) - masculinity, creativity, vitality
    Unakite (@a tiny mushroom ) - nurturing, compassion, kindness
    Chrysoprase (fusion!) - happiness, confidence, good fortune
    (the joke is that unakite is really obsessed with symmetry so only the gem on her right hand is real - the other is a fake that she generates to complete her look. pyrite is asymmetrical, so when they fuse unakite adds a second 'pyrite' to their head. pyrite just goes along with it.)
    eta RUDE she already posted unakite WHATEVER they look good next to each other
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2015
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  3. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    And here is Smoky Quartz, who is for a fanfic... thing. She uses a ridiculous huge ax, creates shapeable smoke from her gem (oddly enough it stains what it touches, including her hands and feet because she uses it that much and also considers it kind of weird when she's just regenerated and all shiny-clean), and turns into a giant dragon when her Gem is corrupted.
    Smoky Quartz.png
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  4. I made one! I've been having a hard time finding a gem whose coloring I liked but I looove Tanzanite.
    Gemsona-Maker-wide-1.jpg Gemsona-Maker-wide.jpg
    I may tweak her design a bit when I get around to drawing her. For now, the fleshing out I do have:
    • She's young enough to have been born after the rebellion, so she's a Homeworld gem with only a vague impression of what happened on Earth.
    • She's a bit of a daydreamer, easily distractible and often forgets what she's doing.
    • Despite this she's often curious and hyperfocused. She latches onto tasks and/or stories and won't let go of them until she's satisfied. Her interests also tend to jump around a lot, which she's allowed to do a bit being slightly higher up in the Homeworld hierarchy. So far she's got decent training as an engineer/technician as well as an artist. She refuses to do architecture, instead focusing her art on sculptures.
    • She knows something's weird about the story of the rebellion but she doesn't know what, and doesn't really have the perspective to pick it out.
    • Despite liking the idea of fusion she's generally a terrible dancer. She'll do better if it's someone she really likes but not much.
    • If she ever went to Earth she'd probably have a problem with being female-gendered in a human sense, but she hasn't and such doesn't really have a problem except when someone tells her she can't do something for appearance's sake.
    • ETA: Weapon is probably a knife.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2015
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  5. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    I think I blathered about my pokes at a gemsona earlier... here is a pic of my attempt at a Tanzanite.

    she is an architect/engineer combo. very decorative stuff is her preference - she likes to design and build for Important Gems. she secretly loves music (i headcanon that Homeworld is culturally stagnant) and likes to build Aeolian harps. she pretends to be very unimpressed with everything, but freaks out majorly when someone legitimately takes interest in her work. i like to think she'd fit in nicely with the Crystal Gems. :D
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  6. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    And now, redone in the doll maker!


    There's no hairstyle with headbands, which is a bit disappointing. And the two shortish ones brushed back are this and a really slick looking one that I didn't like.
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  7. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    I made another version of Unakite that better fits the actual colour of unakite.
    Gemsona-Maker-wide again.jpg
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  8. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    OOH this gemsona creator thing is just what I needed after working Black Friday
    I couldn't find satisfactory clothes for Earth Zincite, so I made a Homeworld Zincite instead!

    She was not a happy camper for multiple reasons she couldn't quite place her finger on. Later she figured out it was probably because she was on the receiving end of a whole lot of shitty treatment :'D she was basically a knight/guard and was probably not treated like much more than a guard dog.
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  9. Aaaaah *rolls around* I love these. @Kaylotta Tanzanite buddies! You wanna talk class politics?

    Forgot to mention: my gemsona's weapon is probably a knife of some kind.
  10. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    I've made a few attempts at previous identities of corrupted Gems!
    The leftmost one is the one generally referred to as "Desert Glass". No pink on her because I figure the pillow part, like Lapis' mirror, is just something someone implanted a damaged Gem in to make a magic tool rather than an actual part of her. Still, I made as much of her body squarish and pillowy as I could manage. I figure her for a sort of architect/stonemason, who used to be able to construct with larger chunks of rock, but the broken tool can only manage sand grains.

    Next, the Invisible Gem Monster, who I figure for just a straight-up bruiser like Jasper or what Amethyst was supposed to be. Like the shape we saw when the monster got muddy, she's as top-heavy with muscles as I could manage.

    Third is the Lighthouse Monster, who seems to share Pearl's holo-projection ability, so I tried to recreate that with light transparent diamonds but it didn't come through all that well. Oh well.

    And then, the one I think I like best, the sea worm from Bubble Buddies! Wet-looking ponytail, swimsuit-like outfit, inexpertly depicted trident... given that the sea worm was gathering up shiny things, I'm guessing she used to track down poofed or broken gems and the pieces thereof, so she might as well have dived for them.
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  11. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    there are SO MANY here's a not-entirely accurate dioptase :"0 got overwhelmed by all the options omfg
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  12. Queer Disaster

    Queer Disaster existing

    Eee. So many cute Gemsonas.

    I have Citrine! Also oh gods usually I love dollmakers but I have never been so frustrated with one so here take homeworld Citrine. Her gem is on the other side of her face, she only has one eyebrow, the other being her gem.

    I've always liked the Rose Quartz is Rose Diamond headcanon, so, Citrine's been around for eons, a failed kindergarden prototype of a Quartz, so she was suppose to be a warrior, ended up a desk jockey for Rose, tried to avoid the war by going back home, ended up drafted, is now a paranoid mess of a gem who's a historian and under Yellow's thumb. I'll just add in my rough draft of something I'm writing for my RP partner. (Her gem is Red Fluorite she is the cutest and saddest)

    Citrine was ‘born’ in a small cavern, filled with other gems hovering about. Hands pulled her out the last few inches of her hole, pulling eyelids open, stabbing her with needles.

    Not that she was particularly together for all of this, she’d just been fully formed. Her gem, cooked in the heat of a simulated kindergarden test site, had been slowly growing for a century. One of many test cases, their Quartz subject.

    She blinked, feeling around the steel table, hand trailing up her body. Voices filtered in, as everything started to wake up, her hand softly tracing the contours of her own face. “She’s not quite a real Quartz is she?”

    “She has the body mass, but not the muscle structure or the height. Honestly, she doesn’t even rank up to the low grade Quartz we have. It’s like the gemeticists accidentally messed up the injections, adding in a little bit of pearl, maybe peridot by accident.”

    “What a waste of material, honestly. Tell them to review her gem, compare it to the cases of the natural quartz that we have. Look at Jasper’s, she’s a prime example of what I want out of the kindergarden project.”

    “Yellow, she’s a test case. A prototype. So she’s a failed prototype. We’ll try again.”

    Nails tapping. “It’s not soon enough though. We need an army, White. Blue and Rose are both hard at work to. We have so few resources left on Homeworld. We have to start conquering planets, there’s no way to naturally reproduce anymore. The kindergardens are our last hope.”

    “I know, I know. You think I’m not worried too? I’m just… trying to be relaxed about it. We don’t have the time.”

    Citrine gripped her arm, nails digging into skin, hologram skin.

    “Well, what are we going to do with her?”

    “Give her a job, I guess? She might be a failed prototype, but we can use her for other things. Doesn’t Rose need a new secretary? Her typed reports are awful, I swear, she lets that Pearl write them.”

    “Fine, send her out. Get someone to put a bow on her.”

    Citrine huffed, brushing back her hair. Rose’s reports were honestly the worst things to rewrite, but this one took the cake. It wasn’t like they were bereft of content, but Rose wrote in such a circular way that fitting them into the typical form the other three diamonds preferred. Turning five pages into one was never a fun job.

    There was a knock.

    “Citrine, I’m sorry, but can you file these reports? I’d do it myself, but there’s a meeting about Project Earth, and…”

    Citrine waved her off. “I’ll deal with it, don’t worry Rose, go on to your meeting. It’s no trouble.”

    “Thank you, Citrine. When you’re done, go on home, okay?” Citrine nodded, watching Rose turn around and leave to meet up with the other diamonds. Trailing behind, with not even a glance at the failure of a quartz, was Rose’s pearl. A tall & thin fancy pearl, dressed in the finest Rose could get.

    Citrine almost envied the decoration. She could be useless for everything, a toy, a beautiful ornament, and no one cared that she was useless. Citrine was constantly reminded that she was flawed, a useless prototype that didn’t work out, but was a waste to destroy. She wasn’t a real quartz.

    Every time Jasper or one of the other Commanders reported to Rose, she got to see what she should of been. Tall, beefy, commanding, a gem you wouldn’t quickly forget.

    Citrine was the kind of Gem you would forget. Taller then a peridot, about the height of a pearl. Not tall, nor beefy, with a off-center gem. That wasn’t anything like a quartz. And she was terrible at shapeshifting. This was her default form, and she had trouble holding any form for longer then thirty minutes.

    Not that she’d try to spend hours at her little… apartment, in a shape more befitting a Quartz, and stare longingly at a reflection unlike her own.

    No, she’d never do that.

    Besides, she had studies to catch up on. Quartz gems didn’t need to know much that wasn’t battle related at first. If they could obey orders, summon their weapon, and fight, they were fine.

    Citrine wasn’t particularly good at any of that. She’d summoned her weapon once, and she barely remembered what it looked like, what it felt like. It was part of being tested as a prototype. Obeying orders? Citrine tried, sure. But there was a point when she was tired of following the orders of someone who thought so little of her.

    And fighting? She’d be clobbered by a pearl, honestly. But that’s why she was studying. She knew nothing but bureaucracy, and she planed to change that. War tactics, history, languages, math, science… Homeworld had been busy in the couple of millennia since she’d been created.

    She figured she might be a useless waste of material, but she planned to prove everyone wrong.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
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  13. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    Screen Shot 2015-11-30 at 12.48.00 AM.png Have another Red Hematite, probably caught being somewhere she isn't sure she should be.
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  14. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Oh, here's another (hopefully final!) Celestine. I just kept thinking of things to tweak...

    Celestine 4.png

    Her hair is pinned back basically with nothing/magic, but once she gets to Earth she probably picks up a pretty hairclip, or magics one up in her next regeneration. Her shawlcloak thing has a hood, and it it a mystery to all how she gets that massive hair inside. She likes Earth birds, mostly the crows as they are smart and fun to play with and occasionally she shapeshifts into one.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
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  15. Socratease

    Socratease Well-Known Member

    This was more difficult than I anticipated and I wound up just going "I guess??? this counts???" so necroing this thread because I did this thing:


    There was an attempt. She's a Peridot, probably. I've always been kind of enamored with the idea of Gem technicians. Given the nature of Gems, a technician could be a surgeon, scientist, and sorcerer all in one.
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  16. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

    More-or-less finalized Carnelian because she's currently trying to be the Doof Warrior with a flute and failing miserably :P
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  17. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

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  18. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    @prismaticvoid yassssss I was hoping someone from the Escape From Homeworld thread would migrate over here cause I didn't want to be pushy but man I wanna have all these awesome gems in one place


    @Socratease that is one awesome looking Peridot! :U Is she a Peri fusion? Or does she just have extra arms because reasons?
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  19. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    Sooo... I'm not sure how many of you are also into Discworld, but once the idea of a Chrysoprase in the same line of work as that Chrysoprase hit me, I really kinda had to.
    The weapons are my attempt at trench knives, though she doesn't really need to use them much these days. The diamond-shapes motif is intentionally kind of audacious of her.

    If the Escape from Homeworld people want a potential bad guy for later, I might offer her... if I can figure out what Gem organized crime would even look like...
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  20. Socratease

    Socratease Well-Known Member

    @raginghearts Thank you very much for giving me an excuse to braindump everything I've been brewing for her.

    So I saw the whole Escape from Homeworld thing and it made me go all "huh I should have a Gem character."

    Four arms and four eyes because I like the image of her focusing on up to four different things at once, each arm and eye moving independently of the other. So, maybe a fusion? I have a habit of being terribly self-indulgent when it comes to OCs.

    I imagine she's big on recycling! Efficient and intelligent use of resources is key. Nothing is wasted if she can help it. She doesn't discard, she repurposes. This probably becomes very annoying very fast for anyone around her.

    Not really sure on her weapon. I'm really attracted to the image of her fighting like a caster - manipulating energy, creating temporary control surfaces to hijack nearby tech, maybe even screwing directly with other Gems by interrupting their abilities. I'm really into the thought of her being really, really good at Gem magic, and really terrible at explaining it. She could technobabble forever about Gem tech and how it works, but ask her about the more spell-like abilities Gems have and she'll just be all "You just do it, obviously."

    With how Gem technology seems to be Gem-powered, there's room for a lot of creepiness with her whole recycling mentality. Why save a cracked Gem when it could be so much more efficient and useful to use her shards to power a squad of Gem-bots, or grind her into dust and use her to spackle a Warp Pad? Which makes a solid base for a rebellion arc where she comes to see the greater value in people, starts to care about them, and becomes more of a passionate healer and less of a weird spooky Gem Frankenstein. (In this hypothetical rebel future she has a Quartz companion with visibly patched cracks in her gem. No healing tears here, just seed crystals and superglue.)

    She's very task-oriented. Few opinions, just orders and the steps to completing those orders. Probably not very good at discussion or group input and such. If a discussion becomes too complicated for her to follow she just kinda exits with a "Let me know what you need me to do and I'll do it."
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