
Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by raginghearts, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. Greywing

    Greywing Resident dead bird

    That is a lot of gemsonas! Many of yours are quite thought-out. Mine is less so, but here they are: Hypersthene

    And a dollmaker version I just now made without looking at my original drawing:
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  2. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    @Greywing i like your gemsona. the stripes are really cool, and their colour is perfect for you. like, i looked at them and was like, "yep, i can definitely see @Greywing in this Gem." yeah, i really hope that made sense.
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  3. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    So I was fiddling around with palettes, and got a pretty cool modified Nacre:
    Then I realized, since nacre is in fact mother-of-pearl: SHE'S THE PEARLMAKER. IT'S HER.
    So, yeah. Three parts Temperamental Fashion Designer, one part Mad Scientist, stir to combine and bake in Oppressively Hierarchical Dystopia, top rack. Top with Sheltered Rich Kid if desired.
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  4. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Emerald the librarian. (Who sometimes fudges papers to make it look like runaway pearls got crushed and therefore need no longer be looked for)

    Attached Files:

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  5. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    More thoughts on Nacre: Her Igors assistants are the Keshi Pearls. Most of them were sent back to her when their masters were disgraced or broken (or one then the other, this being Homeworld), or possibly defaulted on payment if Gems even use money. Some never left, if that happened before the Pearl was finished.

    Not sure if they've all got nicknames, or if there's a running gag where Nacre can just say "Pearl" and they all instantly know which one she means.
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  6. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    Got a few... darker... thoughts about Nacre now. At first I figured that of course she wouldn't know how to summon a weapon. But it occurred to me that- since Gems presumably can't just stay shapeshifted all the time, and one probably can't engage in much communication with a "newborn" Gem before she's formed her first body- it's probably necessary to poof each Pearl just once, after carefully explaining their expected appearance, before they're truly ready to go.

    As someone who expects to be performing death blows on unresisting targets, her weapon would of course be a misericorde.

    OR NOT, if I don't want to go that dark I can just declare that she can guide that first embodiment because bullshit space magic. (Still creepy but that's Homeworld perliculture for you.) And either way she's not gonna be breaking them- the few who reach completion without making the grade can just join the Keshis.
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  7. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    [sneaks in with sketches]
    I... may or may not have started making gemsonas for my Magic Rocks since a gemsona of me would just be a less-outspoken greyscale pearl
    Scribbly sketch-and-watercolor designs for my Main Three, might do more when I get a better grip on my other stones' personalities.

    Hematite. (Physical stone has minor white quartz inclusion, thus the pale streaking on.... I still can't decide if I want that to be a breastplate or a shirt. Top-covering.) Support-type, maybe construction or guarding smth. Intensely loyal to their diamond (whichever one that is-- I used pink for the outfit because color cohesion, but. Eh. Not too settled on one yet), doesn't talk much. Uses a tower shield. Tol buff.

    ...I made an outfit for a non-Homeworld Hematite too but I honestly can't think of any justification for them leaving their Diamond's service, so uh. Will resize and post if anyone's interested, but otherwise I won't bother.

    Citrine. Smol, not designed for combat. Served Yellow Diamond pre-rebellion, probably died in (one of?) the war(s) for Earth. Generally optimistic and enjoys group work, shamelessly fuses with anyone who's interested out of curiosity. Uses a wand to shoot small light/heat flares, better used as signals than proper weapons. Easily tired.

    Labradorite until proven otherwise, anyway. (IRL stone is green, properly vitreous, and displays labradorescence, but also has weird whiteish stripes.) Some sort of noncombatant, courtier or servant or something. Serves (served? dunno if she's still alive) under Blue Diamond. Quiet, patient, sees self-control as the highest virtue. Doesn't know how to use/summon her weapon, but it'd be a sovnya if she ever figured out how.

    Bonus dance:
    Why are gems from two separate courts with two different purposes fusing? What monstrosity would they even turn into?
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  8. BPD anon

    BPD anon Here I sit, broken hearted

    Hi I would like everybody to meet my Gemsona. Her name is Peridot.
    A gemsona is you in gem form, right?
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
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  9. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    Suddenly, I decided to make a fanpearl. She's Pistaccio :P I have no idea who she belongs to, but slowly coming up with her personality >u<
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  10. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    @Raire omg I love that little shawl and her fluffy hair, I want to ruffle it
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  11. Secret Squirrel

    Secret Squirrel certainly something

    That reminded me of my fanpearl, and I finally got the gemsona maker to run long enough to make her! She's a Black Pearl, that's all that's for certain. Playing around in the maker (which doesn't have good short hair options so I sort of threw something together that looks ok), I decided her diamond is White Diamond (because color scheme), but she probably belongs to a lower level gem. She's not very fancy, this is her trying her hardest to look nice. Those shoulder thingies aren't part of her physical construct, they're decoration. She wants to dance A Lot but doesn't because that's not what she's for. (Also, given some recent episodes, it seems like self expression through the arts is not fostered on Homeworld.) Her weapon would be a cane. For dancing with. And also for hitting people.

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  12. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    shows up late with a handful of Pearls

    Brass Pearl:

    Rose Pearl:

    Gold Pearl:

    Peacock Pearl:

    Cranberry Pearl:

    Peach Pearl:
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  13. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    @Shingleback I love her and also when I first glanced at her I thought she was doing (eyetwitch) :D
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  14. Secret Squirrel

    Secret Squirrel certainly something

    I mean, Pearls probably experience a lot of eyetwitch worthy things. (And thanks!)
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  15. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    Look at all these amazing Pearls aaaaaah

    Oh oh I should totally make the Pearl I made in the SU game into a legit character
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  16. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    oh right i drew my blue pearl a new outfit. she go blep
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  17. Secret Squirrel

    Secret Squirrel certainly something

    I had a terrible wonderful idea, & I drew a fusion between my gemsona Topaz and Jasper. Picture and additional deets under spoiler.

    She's beauty, she's grace, she'll punch you in the face.

    Tiger is basically a terrifying wrestler, Eye of the Tiger is her walk up music. Her thighs can and will kill a gem. Same can be said of her winged eyeliner. Besides loud music and murder, her other hobbies include her muscles, flexing her muscles, making her muscles larger, and making her muscles stronger. Her natural chatoyancy makes her appear to be freshly oiled at all times.

    Tiger's Eye lacks Jasper's long term directedness due to Topaz's ease of distractibility. She can be highly focused, but usually only on the first thing that catches her attention (muscles, fights, you get the picture). Her fighting style is very ruthless, going straight for the kill as soon as she's got a sense of her opponent, but she doesn't tend to pursue fights for the sake of fights if the other party forfeits.

    She has markings that are more detailed and multi color than Jasper, more like actual tigers eye. The second set of arms wasn't made smaller on purpose, I just don't plan well.
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  18. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    I did it, I finally made my Soundtrack Attack gems in the gemsona maker


    I have no idea what gems they are other than the tol one is some sort of Pearl and the smol one is... I dunno.
    the Pearl is a very Sporty Pearl and was either a Crystal Gem or else is just sort of an unaligned renegade Pearl. She doesn't give a shit about being pretty anymore. She just likes to be ENERGETIC and SPORTY and she probably loves to jog everywhere and also her fusion dance is absolutely jazzercise

    the smol one is a little punk. And is a nerd. I think she's currently a Homeworld gem but would be easily turned and then she'd absolutely love video games and movies. She'd play FPS games and unironically yell "GIT WRECKED SON" at people. I feel like she'd also get super worked up about depictions of space getting it wrong and would yell at the screen. Basically she's Shouty.
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