Gravity Falls!

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Acey, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. Neurogabu

    Neurogabu Garbage Day

    Okay, so is anyone else being thrown for a loop about Stan's age? Like, it looks, sounds and Stan himself says he's nearing 70, though it feels like 40 years has passed between the whole perpetual motion machine incident and now, not 50. And Ford does look younger than Stan despite the two being twins. Am I just missing something painfully obvious and literally stated? Or did Stan get portal'd too searching for Ford, but just somehow managed to pop out like two hours later in our time but have ten years pass by for him? Or is Stan literally so memory impaired and old that every time he talks about his past he's doing the same shit as always and messing up important facts? Or am I doing said shit?
  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I think the reason Stan looks older than Ford is that Stan leads a fairly unhealthy lifestyle from what's shown in the show? while Ford is much fitter and healthier.
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  3. soulsuckingisaacnewton

    soulsuckingisaacnewton strange fuzzy creature

    In AToTS Stan said that he and Ford found the boat in "1960-something", at which time they appeared to be Dipper and Mabel's age or a little younger. This would mean that they were probably born in 1950-something, putting them in their late 50s or early 60s at the time of the show. Stan might have exaggerated his age for dramatic effect when talking to Mabel. Stan definitely comes across as a bit older than that. This could be for comic effect or, as @IvyLB suggests, he could have aged prematurely due to his life circumstances. He was homeless, presumably without access to healthcare or good nutrition, for ten years. Even once he established a more stable life in the Mystery Shack, he seems to have made less-than-stellar lifestyle choices - losing sleep to work on the portal, eating unhealthy foods (didn't he say something about eating ice cream for breakfast in that same conversation with Mabel?) and avoiding medical attention due to his secretive lifestyle and distrust of the system ("I'm not giving my life savings to some quack doctor!"). We have no idea what Ford's life was like during his thirty years of interdimensional wandering so we can't really compare the two.
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  4. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Gravity Falls wikia states that both Stan and Ford are in their 60s (being twins). But Ford has been running around through multiple dimensions being a fucking badass so it's no surprise he looks younger. Also he doesn't have a five o'clock shadow because he has probably burned the shit out of all the hair follicles on his face. (I actually have set my hair on fire by accident and don't quite get the appeal. It smells horrible).
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  5. Neurogabu

    Neurogabu Garbage Day

    Probably the best thread to explain that I played some OpenRCT2 earlier today, named a peep 'Dipper', and saved him twice from a ride exit water trap of death from a somehow popular 1x1 maze ride in the middle of the woods.
    It was called Taco Bell.
    I put a burger stall next to said ride because I'm just that terrible of a person.
    Again, saved Dipper twice from Taco Bell.

    EDIT: Also found a joke and ran with it.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2015
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  6. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i'm not entirely sure about this headcanon - haven't really thought about how it applies to present!stanley - but i kinda started thinking that stanley might have ad(h)d after watching a tale of two stans for the first time. 'cause, i dunno, something about his particular childhood struggles and the way he was treated by his parents and stuff just really pinged me as ad(h)d. like, the way that everyone assumed he wasn't smart and/or wasn't trying - which might've just been the result of his brother being a super genius and his parents being abusive but also, well, is the type of perception-by-other-people-in-canon that makes a character seem ad(h)d to me. and how he reminded me of my very ad(h)d brother at times during the ep.

    and just yeah, i don't need to list my disability credentials or anything and i don't think they mean much but, well, i do have ad(h)d too. it's not something i've spent as much time learning about as autism (which i also have) but yeah... i have it and i think i know something about it, at least.

    so yeah... i hope this isn't too dumb a headcanon, haha.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2015
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  7. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    anyway, once i've finished my gravity falls rewatch or, well, at any time during it in which i'm reminded of the headcanon, i'll update the thread with any new thoughts i end up having about my headcanon.
  8. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    and i just really like the thought of stan and ford as an adhd guy + autistic guy pair
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  9. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    I think it's a totally reasonable headcanon. I'm actually pretty sure in my own mind that he probably has either that or some other kind of learning disability, because to the viewer he's clearly not stupid, but that kind of thing does so often get someone labeled as The Dumb One/Designated Fuckup as he clearly was.
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  10. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    awesome! :D
    i'm glad that my headcanon does make some sense. :D i wouldn't want it to be too ridiculous.
    and i think i've read a post (or a few posts) on tumblr about how people sometimes acquire that kind of label as a result of it and/or executive dysfunction, and how they just generally get really insecure about, like, their abilities and stuff. that and well, i know the feel of "argh, i'm trying my best! why are people always saying it's not good enough and/or that i should be trying harder/doing better or that they expect my best to be better than that! i am trying hella hard here, dammit!"
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  11. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    I can totally see Stan as ADHD. I have that.
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  12. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    awesome! :D
    i'm really glad the headcanon makes sense to you too.
  13. soulsuckingisaacnewton

    soulsuckingisaacnewton strange fuzzy creature

    Plus a spoiler-free goofy Stan video. There are also a couple new Puppet!Fiddleford trailers on that same youtube channel.

    and @unknownanonymous I've definitely seen that headcanon mentioned on tumblr before, although I'm not gonna be able to pull up a link. I don't know enough about AD(H)D to feel qualified to weigh in myself but it seems like a few people who do have that knowledge have had that thought.
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  14. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    @soulsuckingisaacnewton i haven't it seen on tumblr actually, but i'm not surprised, haha. i'm glad that it makes sense to a lot of people. :D
  15. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

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  16. soulsuckingisaacnewton

    soulsuckingisaacnewton strange fuzzy creature

    I had a dream that Bill had taken Ford prisoner during Weirdmageddon, but Ford was not a statue. Bill had been psychologically torturing Ford in this manner: Bill would pose a riddle, or ask Ford to guess something, and threaten to do something awful to some unrelated person or place if Ford answered wrong. The questions were all tricks, it was impossible to answer correctly, but Ford hadn't realized that. He would earnestly try to answer every time, and when he inevitably got it "wrong" Bill would make him watch whatever horrible thing he did and taunt him about it like "too bad Sixer, if only you were smart enough to figure it out you could have stopped this, but I guess that's the story of your life, right?" At one point Bill had captured Dipper as well and had him nearby while he was messing with Ford. Bill asked Ford another trick question and gave him three guesses. Ford offered his first guess, Bill declared it wrong and said "Come on, this is your last chance to keep Dipper's respect," or something along those lines. At this point Ford broke down crying and Dipper ran to him and tried to comfort him, saying that Ford would always have his respect no matter what Bill did. I think the dream stopped there. This has nothing to do with anything, I just wanted to share it with someone.
    edit: it occurs to me that this dream may have been influenced by this fan comic (particularly the first part)
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2015
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  17. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i am so disappointed that i can't find anything involving bill cipher and/or weirdmaggedon combined with the "snakes started manifesting in my house physically" meme
    it seems like they'd fit really well together
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  18. soulsuckingisaacnewton

    soulsuckingisaacnewton strange fuzzy creature

    Alex Hirsch has just announced that Gravity Falls is ending.
  19. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    i mean i kind of expected it to end after weirdmaggeddon but DDDDDDD:
  20. soulsuckingisaacnewton

    soulsuckingisaacnewton strange fuzzy creature

    D: indeed, my friend.

    edit to add: I'm not really surprised either. It'd be hard to carry on a show after the apocalypse, y'know? Nevertheless, D: Although the fact that we get an hour-long series finale is kind of :D
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
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