HABITICA: Your Fridge Is Stinky. Roll For Initiative!

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Vast Derp, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    Sometimes, but usually when it is harder to do the task, I also find the changing of difficulty really hard to do. I don't know why, but the amount of clicks and scrolling needed to change the difficulty just make me nope out of that. If it's a habit thing, I just click twice on the plus sign to kind of... make up for that.
  2. this_chick25

    this_chick25 bean-filled whack-bonk

    Oh yay there is a thread here for this!

    I just got back into HabitRPG because it's an Android app (omg) so I can put it on my phone! It's definitely more fun and rewarding than ticking items off vanilla task lists and memos. I've never done the social aspect of it, though.
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  3. Arxon

    Arxon Well-Known Member

    How different is it with the social aspect? I tried it beginning of last year, I think (or maybe year before I'm not sure) and I stopped it like I stop all similar things- there was something I was freaking out about and getting into a shame spiral over and stopped checking HabitRPG out of guilt and then just stopped, even when I eventually did the thing. I never used the social either, because I have like 2 friends and I am pretty sure neither of them would do it- how does the party and guild stuff work?
  4. Party: Someone starts it and invites other people. You go on quests and fight with them by checking off your dailies. If you miss a daily, your whole party gets attacked and looses hit points. Also where spells & skills come in handy, because you get to cast them on other people in your party.

    Guids: Basically just a message board, but you can also participate in group challenges the guild comes up with. Check out the list on the wiki for some examples.

    As for how different it is... can't really say. Haven't kicked around there enough yet.
  5. ALSO would anyone join a party specifically for people who are trying to get back in the swing of things, since you're not exactly newbies?
  6. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    I feel kinda interested but also hesitant. I don't really want to make other people lose hit points just because I forgot to eat lunch, or worse, because I didn't have the mental energy to go on Habitica and make sure I've checked shit off before bed. And I'm not sure if adding that kind of responsibility/guilt would actually make me more motivated to do things, or less motivated.
  7. Eeeeh forgetting to do stuff every once and a while isn't that much of an issue, and I'm certainly not about to yell at you. As for the forgetting stuff, can you get the app for your phone? I take my phone with me everywhere so it's pretty easy to check off things as I do them.
  8. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    It's more that a few of my dailies are things I want to do as part of my evening routine, so I don't really get the chance to check them off until bedtime... but I just got the app and I think it'll be helpful with that. (The site was frustrating on mobile because it kept making me log in and that was too much thinking right before bed.)
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  9. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    @garden check them in relation to the day before! It's what I do with my 3 before-bed dailies (brush teeth, chapstick, antidepressants). I check them off today if I did them last night. That way there's no rush to check them off before midnight and it's also not a problem if I go to bed a little later than usual and, for example, brush my teeth at 00:02
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2015
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  10. If you're talking about the iPhone app, they've greatly improved it. It used to be super frustrating but now it just does exctly what you'd expect it to.
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  11. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    You can also change the time at which habitica considers a new day. Instead of midnight I set mine at 3am so I tend to add the before bed stuff if I take too long
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  12. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    Yeah I have it set to be a new day at like 5 am, so that's not a problem.

    also: today i ate lunch! which feels like less of an accomplishment when my roommate was the one going "do you want to go get lunch" and I was just thinking "sure ok guess i'm eating lunch instead of taking a nap," but whatever, I had lunch.
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  13. I've given up on structured meals tbh, I just try to keep track of how hungry I am and how long I'll be out.
  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    @Vast Derp bro wtf happened, you are doing massive damage but the boss is doing massive damage to us too, are you putting EVERYTHING as dailies or sth?
  15. Vast Derp

    Vast Derp Professional Griefer

    i didn't mark stuff for two or three days :( i actually died again when i relogged today.

    i do have a lot of dailies tho.
  16. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    trying to decide whether "my furnace is broken and it's cold af in the house" is a good enough reason to temporarily turn off 'physical therapy' and 'ice pack' dailies instead of just taking the hit from not doing them

    like, i don't want to be a cheaterpants, but also there is such a thing as self care, idk
  17. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    I would say it's a good enough reason, @jacktrash. I generally don't amount to much of anything when I am too cold. It really makes the executive functioning worse and the cold doesn't help with any pain I might have at that moment.
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  18. Vast Derp

    Vast Derp Professional Griefer

    now begins the season of my comfort and jesse's grumbling.
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  19. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yeah, but i can always put on another sweater, snowman. in the summer, there's only so naked you can get, and then you just melt into a luka puddle while i sip iced tea, so nyer. <3<
  20. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    Summer is the worst. We had 35 degree temperatures (celcius) here at some points. Good thing hospitals are climate controlled :P
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