he needs some milk

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by townghost, May 10, 2020.

  1. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    when they try to touch the fox and the fox bites... bro what did you expect
  2. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    the way i use the internet just replicates the many different ways i talk to myself in different personalities in my head

    why can’t i get better...
  3. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    it takes me a really long time to realize obvious things like...i'm trans attracted
  4. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    in retrospect that’s really obvious. like all of the dramatic posing and posturing as some savior of trans men. it’s just repressed homosexuality
  5. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    i feel like trans people get way too close and intimate way too soon. it scares me
  6. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    "i feel like in this age of the internet, focus is a very important thing."

    that's very true
  7. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    my art is is this stream, i drew the cat

  8. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    i have ass backwards boundaries. i make a statement about myself and then refuse to discuss it. that's why i try to come off as very dark and mysterious. but i don't have to anyway because i'm an enigma. i'm like 5 people at any given time and i switch sets.
  9. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    my child teen self is karkat and my old man self is captain harlock... i hope to be like him one day
  10. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    karkat is like.. BABY me. its not a good identity for me because it's a fragile personality
  11. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    harlock is a good adult me because he contains mature aspects of cartcat..... he greives, he mourns, he's alone... but he still cares for others and fights for his freedom. he actually does shit and doesn't let any of his people get hurt.
  12. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

  13. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

  14. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    i have a fascination with harlock because this series appeared for me during a time when i was experiencing loss.. :) it shows a deep (gay) friendship and loss, and love and proper greiving and honoring your feelings without hurting anyone and turning it into a positive.
  15. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    anyway moving on... dude this boy has beepy disease. i dont want a relationship with another beep. LMAO

    (borderline personality disorder)
  16. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    you were just trying to be an asshole but now i really am writing a book!
  17. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    i’m gonna be practicing making my speech style less feminine, more closed off and more funny. i’ll try to cut out the aggressive violence more.

    but you need to know

    i’m a man

    i have boundaries

    i don’t need to discuss shit with you
  18. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    i love the image of a spider... that’s what i’m doing. i’m charlotte’s web up in here . spinning a story
  19. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

  20. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    nobody cares
    • Witnessed x 1
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