he needs some milk

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by townghost, May 10, 2020.

  1. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    i should make cosplay of my classpect. i’m late but i don’t care. i don’t like the attention and the pressure. it’s too much for a gay teenager in 2012. i needed time and i’m on my own time. don’t call it autism or adhd or schizophrenia or bipolar or bpd. i’m just a fucking person
  2. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    these few years are probably the meanest i’ve ever been in my life and it took a hell of a lot for me to be pushed that far. i’m sweet
  3. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    oof yesterday was rough and today has the potential of being rough too
  4. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

  5. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    my cognition changed in a way that i liked more when i was off the internet and out of this culture for a while
  6. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    i want muscles i want to like science by myself as me for me and inspired by me. i’m me

    i am me
  7. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    i had a breakthrough for an affirmation to say with my heart sub-verbally

    i am peace
  8. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    i just realized i can say "we're not gonna get into it right now"
    it's a perfectly ǝɟɐs puɐ pᴉlɐʌ way to set a boundary without expressing obnoxiously that you have mental health issues
  9. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    im playing heaven will be mine to try to get over my issues with lesbians
  10. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    i had nothing to worry about with that older gay man. he’s exactly the kind of friend i wanted. just a respectful person to compare experiences with
  11. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    i didn’t share much about my history but i did share what little art i have currently
  12. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    i should not have drinken that much coffee. iced coffee hits me like a ton of bricks esp with the simple syrup. whyyy
  13. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    “drinken” is the past tense of “drunk”
  14. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    i just had like a solid 3 hours of just actual chilling

    not only in the act of doing nothing but also just actually being at peace and in a relaxed mood
  15. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    one of my friends from Before the Thing asked me if i could find an emergency contact so he knows if i'm ever arrested or anything happens to me again

    i'm having trouble processing the concept that bad things shouldn't happen to me
  16. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    im wondering if anybody here wants to address my arguments re: being truscum in page 7 of my brainbent thread
  17. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    does anybody wanna join my stream where i will be streaming heaven will be mine
  18. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    OKAY.... WHOA... i'm just gonna quit making thread for attention (for attention, it's for attention. i get it.) and just hang out in my blog here because chances are people are mostly creeped out and yucked out by me.
    UPDATE. the person who left me all traumatized came back doing a whole bunch of shady shit in public and lying to kids about their age. i was genuinely scared.
  19. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    this is going to take some processing

    also i've already had like 5 donuts tonight and last night and i have 2 more in the fridge. so fuck that. brb i'm about to throw them out
  20. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    fuck i just sprayed lysol air spray over an open cup of tea

    i liked that tea
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