he needs some milk

Discussion in 'Your Bijou Blogette' started by townghost, May 10, 2020.

  1. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    i really like mo(two dots)rges she is a family friendly and wholesome youtuber who calls out weirdos on youtube and its very calming and grounding
  2. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    i think ive been just not giving a shit about other people's feelings for so long because i feel so rejected i felt like there was no point in moolding myself to people's expectations and needs because i was working on making my way to the people i need to meet. but i am that person and i need to demonstrate my own values in my actions for the right people to be attracted to me. fuck rubububububu
  3. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    that sentence made no sense. i really need to work on writing more clearly in this autism forum LSDKJF i am so offensive why did i call kintsugi an autism forum. but it is. it's a neurodiversity safe space
  4. townghost

    townghost mystery crab

    i feel so fucking disgusted like... real kimochi warui hours
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