Hello Sunshine

Discussion in 'The Queen of Cups' started by Zin, Jul 6, 2016.

  1. -Sunshine-

    -Sunshine- Sometimes You Have To Burn Up And Keep Breathing

    Oh!!! Yeah, no problem! The stake vanishes with a quiet little pop as it fades into Twilight. Oooh. We should figure out what other cool things we can do, later. Do you think we can set people on fire with our brain?
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  2. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    Eirik stares, wide-eyed. "...that's... so... cool!!! Can you show me how to do that?!"
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  3. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "I'm not sure I can do that with anything else- we'll have to see about that. And the fire thing." Though Corrie would prefer the ability to punch people through the Internet. Would that be a ghost power? There are stories that have them coming out of screens and stuff, right?

    First things first: keys in the ignition, back onto the dirt road toward the land of cell reception. It's... a lot later than she should be calling Lee. Hopefully he hasn't actually called out the National Guard yet.
  4. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    The boy watches, then sneakily turns on the radio, which starts blaring heavy metal.
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  5. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    It's a bit startling to have turned on suddenly, and it's not entirely Corrie's favorite, but she can go with it for a while. "This is what your Dad does?"
  6. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    "...yeah! Actually..." He closes his eyes, humming along. "...I think this is a live feed from their concert. They're the headliners for tonight at the Desert Rock Fest."
  7. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "Great!" ...well, she can hardly change the station now. "Don't stop keeping your eye on the phone, though, all right?"
  8. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    "Yeah, you got it." He hums, kicking his feet lightly against the bottom of the seat, watching the phone as a man sings out in... what language is that, anyway?

    Eirik seems to be singing along, anyway.
  9. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    Probably something Scandinavian, from the sound of it. Also from the sound of "jotun" from before.

    You got a favorite kind of music, Sunshine? she wonders.
  10. -Sunshine-

    -Sunshine- Sometimes You Have To Burn Up And Keep Breathing

    I like sing-alongs, and... uhm. Like. Glory, Glory, Hallellujah, Glory Glory Hallelujah.... He quietly sings the Battle Hymn of the Republic in the back of her head.
  11. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    It kind of clashes horribly, but... her new friends are enjoying themselves. Makes for a weirdly warm-fuzzy feeling, even in the midst of all this weird bullshit.

    And it's a beautiful night, too.
  12. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    Eirik turns down the radio a minute later, holding up the phone, which immediately starts to vibrate. "IT's working, oh. Uh."

    He clicks accept call. "Hi. Uh. The lady is driving how are you?"
  13. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "Whoa, give me that-" There's literally nothing to run into within sight, even the most cautious of drivers couldn't have objected to Corrie reaching a free hand over for the phone. "Lee? Oh my God, Lee, I'm sorry-"
  14. Lee Charlot

    Lee Charlot The Practical One

    "Corrie?!" Lee's voice is loud, breathless. "I've been trying to get ahold of you for thirty minutes, what happened-"
  15. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "I know, I'm so sorry, I had some trouble..." Corrie's vision is starting to blur. Tears. She was actually- She's known it since it happened, it's not something you can miss, but hearing the fear in Lee's voice now just makes everything--

    She was actually dead.

    "...I had a lot of trouble, actually, but I'm fine now, I promise, and I'm going to be just fine, and I'm fine. I really am."

    She died all alone and her Mom and her Dad and her Lee would all have never seen her again. How long would it have taken before anyone but Sunshine even knew?
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  16. Lee Charlot

    Lee Charlot The Practical One

    "I. I. Okay. Okay. I just. Thank god you're okay, Corrie. I panicked." He forces himself to laugh, but she can hear the plastic of his phone case creak a little under the grip he has on it. "Everything's okay? I..."

    He goes quiet, then bursts into a nervous, overwhelmed laugh, though his voice is warm all the same as he reaches a conclusion. "Oh god. A kid answered the phone. Did you save the kittens, too?"
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  17. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    An answering oh-god-it's-too-much laugh bursts from Corrie's own throat. "I, uh. No, I couldn't find any. I looked. But." The tears are flowing openly now; it's easier to see but harder to talk. "Thanks. For worrying. Everything's gonna be okay though. I promise."
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  18. Lee Charlot

    Lee Charlot The Practical One

    "Okay. Okay. Good. I'm glad." Lee's sigh of relief echoes down the line, and she can hear him slumping into his favorite overstuffed, battered chair. "So. Good shots, today? Have... everything's good?"
  19. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    A slightly cold hand rests on Corrie's, as Eirik scoots over to press against her side and keep the wheel straight, face carefully concentrating and clearly pretending he can't hear her crying at all.
  20. Lee Charlot

    Lee Charlot The Practical One

    "Do... do you want me to come down?" Lee asks abruptly, pushed on by Corrie's relieved tears. "...I. if you want. I can probably take a few days off work?"
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