Hello Sunshine

Discussion in 'The Queen of Cups' started by Zin, Jul 6, 2016.

  1. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    "Huh? Oh." He smiles slightly. "Nah, I don't mind. I mean. I'm used to having my picture taken. My folks aren't really stalked by paparazzi or anything, but... well. You asked."

    He nods to himself. "So yeah. It's okay. But I want copies, too."
    • Like x 1
  2. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "No problem." Corrie grins, then hops out the door. "Now come on, I'm getting hungry now too. I'll pay as long as you don't clean 'em out or anything."
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  3. Zin

    Zin Professional Lurker

    The night goes well - and Eirik is actually decent company, especially when he tries to charm the lady at the counter, but his behavior is much better.

    Sunshine delights in the idea of chewing on ice, gleefully giggling in the back of her head.

    Once she heads back to her hotel, Eirik gratefully crashes on the little sofa in it, drifting off to sleep.

    Corrie's sleep is less restful, full of heat and fire and dusty whispers, and when she finally wakes, it's to the scent of bacon, sausage, waffles, and other delicious breakfasty foods.
  4. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert


    ...wait, that's not just her dreams taking a much-more-pleasant turn, that's real. That's even better!

    Corrie rubs the night's eye-gunk away and looks around the room. Did she call room service in her sleep or something? (Does this place have room service? She doesn't recall right at the moment.)
  5. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    Eirik has piled the desk up with a mountain of food, and is perched on the couch, happily nibbling on bacon. "Morninh. I got food.'
  6. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "Wow." Corrie groans appreciatively. "Eirik, you're a wonderful... actually, don't take this the wrong way, but what are you exactly?"
  7. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    "I'm a jotun. And maybe a demigod? I dunno. I look like Dad-Mom, so..." he hops to his feet and grabs her a plate. "I mean, I can handle heat, but. I'm a lizard. So... uhm. I think Dad-Mom said our great-something gramma is Angrboda? It's weird."
  8. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "You're a wonderful jotun, then." Corrie's totally going to google that stuff soon, but first she's going to have waffles. Not everyone gets actual, factual breakfast in bed the morning after they die, and she intends to enjoy it enough for everyone. "Thanks a bunch. Ooh, are these chocolate chip?"
  9. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    "Uh huh!" He grins hugely, popping a sausage in his mouth and chewing for a moment before he speaks again. "There's blueberry, too!"
  10. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "'s rlly gud," she says, a little muffled. Sunshine's reflected enjoyment is just gravy. Or probably more like syrup, in context?
  11. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    "Mnh-hnn." He hums happily, wiggling his toes. "'Ll you show me how you use the camera?" He asks curiosly.
    • Like x 1
  12. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "Y'wah-" okay, this is not working, Corrie finishes her mouthful and then starts asking the question. "You want to come back out with me? I kind of assumed you'd be job hunting today."
  13. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    "....naaah... I mean. If I gotta figure something out..." He downs another mouthful of food. "...well. I know a few things that should get me through trouble..."
  14. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "Well, you can come if you like, of course. I don't know how much of a teacher I am, but I'll try to explain you a thing or two. Now pass me that bacon, okay?"
  15. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    "Well, since you asked nicely," he grins, holding out a plate of bacon.
  16. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    Corrie's answering grin turns thoughtful before she starts in on those. "Thanks. How'd you get them to let you take all this?"
  17. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    "My parents are rich?" He blinks cutely.
  18. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "...good point." She scarfs down another strip, then stretches out a bit. Her hair has taken on an interesting sculptural shape after sleeping on it wet; she couldn't wash yesterday's dust and sweat and pain off fast enough last night.
  19. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    "Do we need to get more water for today?"
  20. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "I, uh, didn't end up using as much as expected yesterday. But I'll definitely refill what I did use." On the other hand, there's going to be another hiker with her today, so maybe more than that would be appropriate? "I don't know if you need human amounts of water or not. You obviously need more than Gila-monster amounts of food..."

    The echoes of Sunshine definitely seem to want more water. Water is amazing. Actually, Corrie's going to climb out of bed finally and go introduce him to the wonders of orange juice.
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