Hello Sunshine

Discussion in 'The Queen of Cups' started by Zin, Jul 6, 2016.

  1. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    "I was just gonna guzzle a lot of water down from the tap. I mean. I can go, like, at least a week without drinking water if I drank a bunch before. Haven't tested it further 'cause Dad was upset and made me drink my milk instead of pouring it out in the sink." He happily munches more bacon.
  2. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "Sounds pretty convenient!" The juice is also way better than she'd expected from this place.

    Can we bring some with us? comes a voice from inside. Absently, she responds It gets gross when it's warm.

    What time is it, anyway? The light- "Whoa, ten-forty already? I was more tired than I thought."
  3. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    "Yeah, you slept a loooong time, so I figured I should find food. Want to take the rest in the truck?" Eirik wanders towards the sink, turning it on and sticking his face under the faucet.
  4. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "Guess dying takes it out of you," she mutters, quieter than the rush of the tap. More loudly, she says "I'd say it wouldn't keep all day, but I'm guessing 'all day' won't be an issue, right?"
  5. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    Eirik gives her a thumbs up, gulping down mouthfuls of water.
  6. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    Can we try-

    We are not a jotun, it wouldn't work.

    Corrie shuts the bathroom door on Eirik so she can get her daytime clothes on in privacy- apart from Sunshine, of course, but there'll always be Sunshine, and the nevernude lifestyle does not appeal so it's clearly best to just not make it awkward in the first place. Cargo pants, bright blue shirt, fishing vest. (Pockets are life.)
  7. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    Pockets are absolutely life.

    When she emerges, Eirik has packed up their food and is looking at the bags they'll need for the day.
  8. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    Some of those are still out in the truck, for convenience's sake, but anything worth stealing was brought in. Corrie's had the camera's battery pack recharging overnight, and now she takes it off and fishes the camera out of its bag to attach it.

    "I think we've got everything we brought in now, right?"
  9. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    Eirik nods, and stretches, grabbing the bags of food. "uh-huh! Ready, steady... race you?"
  10. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    Sunshine definitely wants to race. Corrie... well, she suspects that bags of equipment are more of a handicap than bags of breakfast, and that possibly-demigods should probably not race in the same category as humans, even slightly possessed ones. And that running through the halls of the hotel might not be especially appreciated, even if it is basically the middle of the day now. But she kind of wants to, too.

    She makes a show of thinking about it, noticing in the process that Eirik must have propped the door open. Then she says "Go!" and starts running at the same time.
  11. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    Eirik has to stop before he can careen into her, and lets out an upset little yelp, kicking the doorstop back up and chasing after her to the truck. "Awww man! Noooo!"
  12. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    The outer door does cause her a slight delay, but by that point she's established a pretty solid lead. "It was your idea!" she laughs.
  13. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    "I was gonna run out first!" He complains loudly.

    Corrie's definitely going to beat him there.
  14. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "You snooze, you lose~" Corrie singsongs. She's got the keyfob remote in her pocket, she might even manage to get inside the truck before he reaches it.
  15. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    The young man lunges up, scrambing up the hood and into the bed of the truck, landing next to the bags. "WHOO!"
  16. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "Good times, good times," says Corrie, once she stops laughing long enough to speak. "Come on in if you want to ride inside."
  17. Eirik Gunn

    Eirik Gunn Under The Broad Blue Sky

    Eirik pops his head up. "I can ride in here, too. I kinda wanna?"
  18. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    "That works too!" And, with that sorted out, she starts the ignition and moves back onto the road.

    (( Rolls Wits 2 + Academics 1 = 8,2,3 (1 success) ))
  19. Zin

    Zin Professional Lurker

    You vaguely remember a bit more from Norse mythology as you drive... the Jotun are Giants, obviously... but... maybe some more things will rise from your memories as the day goes on... and... Angrboda had kids with Loki, right? Or... something... Huh.

    A raven wheels overhead in the desert sun as you head back into the desert.
  20. Corrie Macpherson

    Corrie Macpherson I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert

    It's probably not the same as it is in those superhero movies, anyway. Christ, how is this suddenly her life?

    Anyway, she's in sole control of the radio this time, though her options will diminish as she gets further from civilizations. For now she just station-surfs, eventually settling on some unobjectionable classic rock.
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