hello yes chickens are cool and i love them

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by taxonomicAtrocity, Sep 21, 2016.

  1. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    Makes sense! That's been my problem too; they don't like to let people close, and my uncle just got them from another farmer. :)
  2. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    I know v little of chickens/birbs in general bc my mom grew up with them and was then deathly afraid of birds (theirs were vicious as hell for some reason). BUT.

    I desire all of these chickens. I also desire enoby's spiritual successor.

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  3. versi2

    versi2 ???????

    oh my gosh, these are wonderful chicken pics

    I've barely had any opportunity to interact with chickens, but I really like them. I love how they move their heads and their clucks. Birds are great chickens are great

    I don't think they're allowed in my city and I don't really have the space or the energy to take care of chickens, but I wish I did.
  4. fibromelanistic breeds r gr8. have u seen the svart hona? v similar to the ayam but more cold hardy
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  5. if you're ever in a place where you think you can swing it, you should totally try! they're pretty low spoons pets tbh, and bantams will fit fuckin' anywhere. ppl keep seramas as apartment chickens. just make sure you've got hens! 8P
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  6. versi2

    versi2 ???????

    Seramas are adorable, holy shit
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  7. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    man i'm kind of sad now because my city had a big backyard chicken discussion at city council but they basically decided "No, also Never Talk to Me Or My 12 Fellow Councillors About Chickens Again"
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  8. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Yay, thanks to good friend I'm not completely screwed out of getting my new chickens later today! I'll post pics
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  9. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

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  10. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard



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  11. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Zebanon is so confused and distressed that his two new girls are not in the run with the flock proper. Of course they are his girls because all hens are his girls. He keeps standing in that corner picking up bits of things and doing the "come look at the potential yummy I found," cluck and looking at them expectantly. Poor Zeb does not understand fences all that well.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2016
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  12. @Lizardlicks how did your girls settle in?

    (also look at these potential New Friends omg)

    Attached Files:

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  13. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard


    Nugget and V are settling in pretty well. They integrated with the flock earlier than I intended, 'cuz V-bird got out of their pen and scurried her little butt over to the main run and under the coop where I couldn't reach, and I couldn't well leave Nugget in the holding pen by herself with it getting colder. They are happier to be part of the flock and get pecked I guess :/

    My Easter Eggers are still laying. Rose stopped like a month ago and is in full on molt rn, but I'm still getting eggs from Blue and Aubrey. What the hell I didn't buy these as production birds but here we are???
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  14. the potential New Friends are nine month old tame buff orpingtons who are laying daily. they're $10 each and i have my eye on getting three of the nine the lady's selling. not show quality, obvi, but they're cute enough and i'm not showing.

    @Lizardlicks omg your ees are so good. my first one was like that, laid till she was five and a half! hope you get similar continuing production from your girls 8D

    nugget's your buff, right? she's cute! so is v obvi but i am Biased
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  15. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    I'm a little concerned they haven't started molting yet and it's November and getting colder. i don't want them being half featherless in the snow ;__;
  16. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    these felt important to share [X]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
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  17. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    I went out to check the chickens yesterday and found the gate eschew and the human hatch door to the coop wide open, and v-bird is missing. I am pissed and if I find who did this they owe me $15 for a new bird or I'm taking it out of their knee caps with a golf club.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2016
  18. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

  19. Zin

    Zin Professional Lurker


    @Lizardlicks omg. I'm so sorry :(
    • Like x 1
  20. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    why can't chickens actually be like this
    • Like x 1
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