hello yes chickens are cool and i love them

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by taxonomicAtrocity, Sep 21, 2016.

  1. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    please take picks omg
  2. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    Of the floofed broodies?

    ETA: The chickens don't get out of the run very often, and they aren't always chased by the dog when they are, and there's only been one instance of chickens chasing the dog.
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  3. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    yus, I love angry broody hens so much!
  4. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    They had stopped doing the thing and just all were standing under a tree preening and 'brook brook'-ing at each other :(
  5. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    All of the them, not just the 3 that had been in the henhouse. The one that had been brooding by the outside of the glasshouse was there too (she has a bucket on her nest and all the eggs removed-she was sitting on like...10 rotten eggs and 2 smashed eggshells).
  6. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Oh ugh. Girly no, those weren't gonna hatch XP

    I'm still pondering whether I'm going to let any of my girls set eggs if they go broody. I've got a lovely roo but all the babies would be mixed breeds save the wyandottes.
  7. Shiramina

    Shiramina New Member

    Oh god I'm so glad this thread exists! I live in a small town in CA that has a ton of wild roosters that just have the run of the place. The locals love them, most anything town-branded has a rooster on it somewhere, and there's even an annual Chicken Festival celebrating the feathery goofballs. I'm super excited to have some breed names to go with some of the weirder ones I've seen running around.
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  8. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    There are A LOT of chicken breeds and I am no expert, but if you post pics I can try to identify!
  9. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    At least she was sitting on actual eggs, and not an empty nest, another broody's foot, or a single plastic somewhat eggshaped thing.
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  10. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    Chickens are magic
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  11. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Went out to feed and water everyone yesterday morning before work. Put the food down and there was a rush to it as usual, but Rose just hovered near my feet until I picked her up and gave her a cuddle. Read somewhere that welsummers are supposed to be standoffish, but my Rosie is the sweetest thing in the flock. To me, anyway. She's chicken boss lady to everyone else.
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  12. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

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  13. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Remind me to tell you all the story of Zebanon first attempting to mount Rose, because it is hilarious.
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  14. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I feel like at least someone who likes chickens here might appreciate knowing that there is a game where you save a world of sapient magical chickens from crows trying to steal a wish from a magical chicken egg. That is giant. And legendary.

    they will make your dreams come true the magical chicken charm of going cockdoodledoo

    koo koo koo koo doo doo ruu
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  15. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    i love chickens and i am crying because i love chickens they are so perfect and amazing

    they're just so anxious and poofy and they purr and like to eat and fight all the things

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  16. littlepinkbeast

    littlepinkbeast Imperator Fluttershy

    especially if they are the bantams we used to keep when i was a kid
    bantams are tiny honey badger chickens that will fite everything.

    also here some friends have araucanas and bring colorful eggs to gaming for people
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  17. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    i want to love a tiny honey badger with feathers
  18. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    All birds were raptors once.

    Chickens, in particular, have not forgotten this.
    • Like x 7
  19. okay, so: these guys aren't chickens but omg??? i periodically remember that button quail exist and everyone else must know too.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
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  20. Sethrial MacCoill

    Sethrial MacCoill Attempts were made

    a handful of fluffy children!
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