i am mostly here to lurk and peek in at interesting discussions because i am terminally shy, but i figured i could at least handle making an intro thread. apologies, i have not used a forum for.... probably five or six years, and the less said about that, the better my tumblr is kaaramel, i mostly go by Karma. they pronouns, please, although i won't object very hard to anything else. college freshman. you may have noticed that i like chameleons and you are correct, but i also love cats, reptiles, weird bugs, and basically every other animal. in no particular order, i like shakespeare, gravity falls, biology, the earthbound/mother series, pokemon, art history, animorphs, math, and robots. i draw a lot. i crochet sometimes. i write sometimes. i can play a really half-assed ukulele. i like doing the explain-in-excruciating-detail thing about topics that i know and am absolutely rubbish at small talk. if you ever need a painfully informal explanation of something i'm familiar with, for homework or curiosity or the burning desire to know just what is UP with imaginary numbers, absolutely hit me up, i like being helpful. so, yes! it's nice to meet you all!
i watch gravity falls, and i like it. :D haven't watched the most recent episode, though. then, maybe you could help me, seebs' modern art theory anon, understand what's going on with modern art theory (after, like, 1945 or so) in plain language? i dunno where to start with that, but... yeah...
SECONDING THIS ...Which given how much interest there's been in the daemon thing, makes me feel the urge to fic rec
ANIMORPHS! fic recs! science! :D oof, most of what i know about art history is from around renaissance-era up until maybe some pop art at the latest, but if there's a particularly baffling artist/art movement, i could definitely take a stab at it. is rothko sufficiently after 1945-ish? i can do rothko
Rothko? Yeah. He's covered in the course I'm taking. And there's a baffling Minimalism essay called Art and Objecthood (there are toms of other baffling essays but that one comes to mind first).
i will take a look at art and objecthood, and maybe make a start on rothko, but probably not write up anything tonight, apologies! i'm hopping off in a few minutes and yes, i saw the most recent gravity falls, and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa have you all seen the new teaser