MERCY i love getting my feathery ass handed to me. and then mei, and then lucio and 76 are tied for third this is so hard... i like origin's story and characters the best i think? the gameplay is Absolute Shit and yet somehow ive logged like 400 hours in it. i love da2's cast and it was Fun to play even tho it had same dungeon syndrome. and dai was best gameplay and interesting story and lots of lore which i love but... i didnt actually like very many of the characters? rip i have a koi pond and some cichlids inside. we thought the cichlids were different enough species that htey wouldnt reproduce but they DID and they keep DOING IT and now theres like twelve of them and im 100% theyre horribly interrelated now my tumblr icon was aradia for a couple months there! i changed it to the ok pill when i uploaded my avatar here haha