Hi? An introduction

Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by Another Shy One, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    Definitely. The ones with the ten foot tall hardwood shelves and nooks with overstuffed chairs and coffee tables... Pretty much my favorite place to be. It's just so hard not to come home with way too many books.
  2. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    I know that feeling. I always kick myself (not literally!) whenever I forget to bring a bag with me when I go to the library. I check out way too many books (and sometimes CDs as well...).
  3. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    I kick myself when I DO bring a bag, because I already have ten checked out and damnit, I promised myself I was just going to return things today, not check out more! Oh well, worse problems to have. XD
  4. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    the never-ending cycle of book borrowing and returning is a beautiful thing. You can't help wanting to take more books home. I'm always sad whenever I have to return books, but then again, I'm really happy to read more new books...
  5. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    heh, my problem with the library is i keep forgetting to return things. once they're in my house i kind of assume they belong to me until i try checking more out and the librarian tells me i actually have a whole bunch overdue. oops.
  6. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    I just take it personally whenever something accidentally goes overdue. It's on my PERMANENT RECORD FOREVER and also I am five. XD And I have a bunch of books at home that I keep getting distracted from by the shiny library books.
  7. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    this sounds like a joke but i promise it's 100% true:

    the last time i had an overdue book the librarian waived the fees because she found it so hilarious. it was a book on overcoming procrastination.
    • Like x 5
  8. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    I am the complete opposite. I am so paranoid about getting late fees I return books on the exact day that they're due...
  9. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    Now that is an awesome librarian. Also...phfffft. I guess that book didn't work out XD
  10. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    That is in fact my plan for TOMORROW, because technically it's not late until the library opens!
  11. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    Lol, I've done that too :P
  12. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    ... in my defense, it's a textbook, it took a little while to read. :T
  13. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    ewww, text books. I have to deal with reading about 120-160 pages worth of text book right on a weekly basis XP... that reminds me... I have homework I should be doing...noooooo
  14. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    Advantages of not being in school: None of it's mandatory. :D

    (It's totally work reading, but uh, at least it's interesting? Textbook about making websites easier to use.)

    Good luck on the homework front though. At least you're almost done?
  15. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    At least you're not being forced to read the textbook and its of interest to you, things would infinetely be more interesting if one of my teachers hadn't assigned the most repetitive book on social psychology ever and the other teacher expects us to go through 60 pages of reading in one night -_- i'm going to need all the luck I can get. Almost done? I'm counting down the days until may 16th, it seems so far away right now...
  16. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    Yeah, I did my time in that world; I hated school. :\ The 'adult' world is WAY more fun, for what it's worth, but the bs everyone has to go through still sucks.
  17. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    Unlike everyone, I actually like school, well... I like certain aspects of it; the new concepts and materials, the everchanging view of the world and (sometimes) the camraderie. What I don't like is that some teachers think that their class is the only important class that you are taking and therefore you should focus all your time on it. I have a hard time managing my time becuase of my ADD and that kind of expectation only gets me rattled and then my ADD acts up even more :/ its a bit of a problem.
  18. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    Hated is probably a strong word; I liked those parts of it. The unending workload was really hard on me psychologically though, and I was always terrified of teachers/professors due to Past Experience; I couldn't go to office hours without breaking down in tears. And my college coursework was mostly useless and boring, because the computer science curriculum was from 1975. So... on the whole, I'm really glad to be done! I've missed the chance for nerd discussion, though.
  19. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    I'm not terrified of my teachers, I just never go to their office hours because I think I'm going to inconvience them (even though the office hours are for advice and help). 0.o thats...thats some outdated curriculum. I'm kind of glad I went into English, there is always some aspect about english that is changing and there is some parts of it that remains the same, so nerdly discussions are always around XD (in all honesty though, I could nerd about book covers for forever)
  20. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    That too. Interacting with teachers is hard!

    Yeah, computer science coursework is useless, but unfortunately semi-mandatory to get a job. :\ It's what you get when professors have been teaching the exact same curriculum for thirty years. Some of them bragged about that. I am so jealous of your nerd discussions.
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