
Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by sidneyia, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. sidneyia

    sidneyia from TV

    Hi. I just remembered this forum existed because of some drama that crossed my dash so thank you, random drama-monger!

    Anyway I've been following vastderp/roachpatrol/I think some other folks in that crew for a long time and never formally introduced myself because anxiety. But my New Year's resolution is to push myself socially and make an effort to connect with people, so here I am.

    I'm 31 (until March), she/her pronouns, married for 8 years, have 2 cats, draw a webcomic, and I own and operate a clothing store as my day job. I'm not really active in any fandoms right now but I play Pokemon Go every day and read r/nosleep avidly. I'm a big lover of... just weird and dark-ish stuff in general? Paranormal shit, unsolved mysteries, missing persons, true crime, medical anomalies, curiosity cabinets, you get the picture.

    Oh! and you might have seen my partner and me in the (A)sexual documentary.

    I think that's everything. I look forward to talking to everybody.
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  2. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

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  3. baskerville

    baskerville Well-Known Member

    welcome to kintsugi!! i hope you enjoy your stay!

    we have a pokemon thread, but most of it is S/M rn, but i don't think ppl mind GO material!
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  4. sidneyia

    sidneyia from TV

    My webcomic is called Gecko Jehovah! And I've never gotten into podcasts although considering how much I "watch" TV by just listening to it, I might enjoy them. And I will be sure to spam that thread with dank cat pics.

    Pokemon Go is actually my first Pokemon game ever. It's been weird just now discovering this thing that everybody else has known about for 20 years but I'm enjoying myself.
  5. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    Well, in that case:
    given your interests, for one, there's a NoSleep podcast that gets progressively better in terms of sound & production

    The Black Tapes and TANIS are by the same company, and in the same universe, but possibly at different times? Black Tapes is paranormal, horrorish, attempted debunking that just kind of...gets creepy, and TANIS is slightly more modern creepy, conspiracy theory kind of stuff

    And then of course Welcome to Night Vale, though given that you like creepy & dark, I might actually suggest listening to Alice Isn't Dead or Within the Wires (both also by the welcome to night vale crew)

    and....immediately checking out webcomic! I am a sucker for webcomics
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  6. sidneyia

    sidneyia from TV

    Nosleep podcast? oooh, what do they do, just read the stories or is there additional content too?

    I did try Night Vale and it was just maybe a little too abstract for me, if that makes sense. Will look into those other ones, though.
  7. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    They basically just read the stories, especially in the first few episodes. They have gotten into some more stuff with different readers and some really fucking scary sound production - er, if you've read that one story, where the guy is just constantly moving around after his dad dies, because "they" keep catching up with him...Oh, right, Soft White Damn? They end up doing a (for me) really well done production of that one S5 E18, and then also Every Leaf is a Flower in S6 E25

    Night Vale does get abstract! and even though it does eventually get a little creepy, it's really not about being creepy, so if that's the draw for you, then I can definitely see it not being a winner for you. Alice Isn't Dead is creepy in a different way, and almost more hard-hitting, and Within the Wires is less hardhitting (to me - it's basically a creepy brain washing relaxation tape) but creepy in a subtle way.

    meanwhile, relistening to soft white damn and hating myself because it always scares me
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  8. sidneyia

    sidneyia from TV

    Oh I know the one you're talking about - Dad's Tapes, right? I LOVED the first few of those where it was just like isolated weird/gross stuff happening, butI thought it lost some of its mojo when she tried to tie it altogether in the later installments. (EZMisery is gr8 though. Her medical-themed stuff hits all my horror buttons.)

    What I have been enjoying immensely lately is Monster Factory and I'll probably look into the podcast(s?) that those guys do.
  9. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    I deeply love monster factory. (have you seen car boys yet? 20+ episodes)

    Yeah! I think so
    I wasn't really following the plot, but the voices they have are very damned creepy, so they've got that going for them
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  10. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    what are some of your favorite nosleep writers?

    (also hi!)
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  11. sidneyia

    sidneyia from TV

    Uhh well I'm pretty lazy and usually read stories in order of ratings rather than by author, but I like Cymoril Melnibone, Pippinacious, and Nickbotic, off the top of my head. The stairs in the woods person usually has good stuff too but she changes her name a lot.
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  12. electroTelegram

    electroTelegram Well-Known Member

    ah yeah same, i usually search by ratings too
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  13. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    Hi! We haven't interacted much but I've seen you around a bit. Good to see you here.
    Also, Gecko Jehovah? Doesn't that come from some vastderp drama?
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  14. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Hey, welcome! :D I love seeing you around Tumblr!
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  15. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Hello! I used to follow you on tumblr - stopped because I wanted to keep my dashboard mostly ~aesthethics~, not because I disagreed with you or amything. On the contrary, I think you're a pretty cool bean! Welcome!
    • Like x 1
  16. Rooks

    Rooks How Lost Are You on a Scale of 1-10? ... Zoro.

    Hey! Welcome to Kintsugi! I don't think I've run into you before on the tumbles, but you seem rad. -high five-
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  17. sidneyia

    sidneyia from TV

    ...oh my god, it did. I had completely forgotten.

    I think I just wanted something that sounded like it could be a spooky top-secret project code name and that's what came across my field of vision. If somebody out there wants credit for the name, though, please do let me know.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2017
  18. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Burgess Shale high five!
    • Like x 1
  19. sidneyia

    sidneyia from TV

    Yes! Or six, or eight, or whatever the case may be.
    • Like x 1
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