Hilarious old tech stuff

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by rigorist, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    So, I'm finally getting set up to take credit cards for my law practice. Yeah, GET THE HELL OFF MY LAWN! but I avoided it for a long time because I looked at some potential clients quite a while ago who had really shitty credit card merchant deals and I decided I didn't want to screw around with that stuff.

    The deals have gotten a lot better and my bank really wants everything paperless, so I'm getting set up.

    Anyway, they sent me a magnetic reader that I have to set up with an account and crap. But that's not all they sent. Buried in the materials is a classic charge plate and a package of slips for a classic knuckle-buster manual credit card machine.

    ETA: Damn! I can get a new knuckle-buster for only $8.50 on EBay!
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  2. Mattias

    Mattias Well-Known Member

    We used one of those last time I worked in a store! We only used it when the power was out or the electronic machine wasn't working, but we did have it. This was about eight years ago. I'm really surprised they're still giving them out.
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