So this is my corner of the site; part blog, part art dump, part OC rave, part fic workshop. Basically a place where I'm going to post about stuff NSFW content will absolutely be posted Tasteful nudity will not be spoilered Outright porn will be spoilered Dead dove stuff will be spoilered and tagged (to the best of my ability) But I can't promise I'll tag everything right every time or won't miss something that might be triggery just bc I don't recognize it as such. So fair warning and check spoiled pics at your own discretion
You can't even read the text I just noticed. I haven't actually looked at this for a few years, the things you don't notice haha. So I was ORIGINALLY going to liveblog myself watching Avatar the Last Airbender for the first time but depressive state wouldn't let me even get on the computer for weeks and me and Loke (fiance) already watched the whole damn thing haha. My final verdict: TOO SHORT, MUCH TOO SHORT, WHERE IS THE REST I WANT MORE OMG SOB I WANT MORE it was sO. GOOD!!!! Makes me really wish I had Nickolodeon when it was first on so I could see it back then but better late than never I suppose ~
Legit, no hyperbole, practically every single episode made me tear up if not out and out cry. Not the first few while we're getting to know the characters but it did NOT take long, wow. Just,such good dialogue, didn't pander, didn't smarm, didn't dumb down, presented good life lessons for children without dumbing it down at ALL and presented issues in a very grey, nuanced, complicated say to show not everything is black and white. I think my only, minor, minuscule -- not complaint, but 'i wish this had been done in a slightly different way, or more done with it' - was they way they presented Azula's motivations and personality. She was an AMAZING excellent villain and character, there was just stuff that felt glossed over that I would have liked to seen fleshed out a bit. Got kind of a raw deal. but that said, everything was just beautiful. And i called what would happen at the end, the climax of the final battle -- I muthafuckin CALLED IT hahaha, that was invigorating
We're gonna start watching Korra in a few weeks, looking forward to that. But damn I wish there was more Avatar sob I almost just want to watch the whole thing over again like RIGHT NOW lmao But I did hear there was a comic series so I'm gonna see whether there's digital issues I could check out
Posting this rq so I don't lose it. Summary of the comic I'm trying hard to kick my depression in the head for, so I can draw/write it dammit A comic about a sad gay boy that lies about having his shit together finding both solace & self harm in bad hookups & toxic relationships & a self loathing closeted bisexual submissive that falls for him & how they wind up saving the world aNd EaCh OtHeR???!!? Not autobiographical in any way nope
Hiveswap was cute and I'm enjoying Friendsim, although I'm wondering if every path is possible to win or not, I'm guessing it is bc there's the achievements there, but for some of them I'm ???? how to make it work. I'll have to look up a walkthru I guess haha. I'm on chpt 6 and so far my faves are Amisia, Cirava, Skylla, Bronya, Polypa & Elwurd. Also Folykl and Kuprum are freaky as fuck and I love it. And Zebruh is a trash heap, and I lOVE it. This insight into lore is super cool too, actually learned a few things. It's a lot of fun just learning more official lore and about the homeworld and whatnot. Unless it's not either way it's fun! Makes me just want to make more fantrolls lol
Every path has two failure states and one win state, with one exception who has one sort-of win state and an actual win state that have separate achievements. They're not too bad to get, since there are only a few branches for each troll (basically, as many branches as there are choices), and iirc one failure state always happens early. I did a lot of going back in and fast forwarding to the branch that led me to the failure state and selecting the other option. Glad you're having fun! Friendsim is Real Good.
I found a raid group that's all trans queer folks and I'm SO HAPPY the schedule conflicts with my D&D game and I feel awful quitting that for something that just happened -- been playing for like almost a year now -- but I've been wanting a good raid group since COIL (a long time, in other words) and ... a group of all queer folks is rare enough but all trans folk too?!?!?! That's a goddamn unicorn and I can't pass it up and they're all really nice too!!
Also the first furry I've drawn in a long, long, long long time. LONG long Spoiler: spoiled cos size, also ducttaped boobs They're an enby lesbian-- --uh d. . . og. . caaa...t. . . ? Dogat? idk they're fuzzy tho fake edit: I might've posted this before come to think of it. I just found it going thru some files and had forgotten how much I liked it
I created this whole vampire storyline/world thing based literally on finding art I liked on Pinterest but I don't know what to do with it But it exists :V it is shure a thing that exists I kinda dig it. Maybe turn it into an RP? Or maybe actually write something for once in my filthy life. . . but ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh
my Crystal DC Elezen for my raidgroup Delacroix my bootiful Duskwight boy <3 he's a healer and a proud Gelmorran he was forced to go to school in Gridania & his father made him dye his hair so he'd be less obvious -- but he couldn't dye his skin, so a lot of good that did he just recently stopped, and is letting his natural pale silvery hair grow back in (I headcannon that Duskwights rarely have dark hair of any color, mostly pale silvers, greys, lavender, pale blue/brown/red, etc. And rarely have dark eyes unless interbreeding in the family line) He stole his name from an Ishgardian family line that supposedly is an offshoot of his own. But mostly he just stole it out of spite so a filthy Duskwight has a noble name (esp when he Warrior of Light's, hehe) he so purty
His eye got carved while adventuring, he can only see out of about 40% of it. but he has amazing hearing so it compensates (I love the lore that Duskwights kinda have sonar hearing like bats hehe)
takin pics of my catboy doin the Dark Knight serious pose heheh I've been having so much more fun with gpose lately
He might not have always been a dancer but he was born for the ~*~stage~*~ dancer attacks make the BEST gpose pics i stg And the new gpose filters also make some great things happen... (well, new to ME at least) I hope these aren't too big .........
omg thank you so much!! >u< !! That means a lot cos that's def something I was trying to do haha. Tho apparently I picked the least popular Miqo face, I guess it's supposed to be the old face? I just loved the nose so much I was willing to put up with those angry forehead wrinkles. I think they give him character plus he gets to look super annoyed in a lot of cutscenes which amuses me lol. I headcannoned he got the face tats on a drunken bet and keeps them bc he thinks they're cute (because I think they're cute :3c) I fantasia'd him exactly once and I think it lasted literally a week before I had to change back; both my boys have grown into actual characters for me now so I think I'm gonna have to make some bun & Hrothgar (sp) alts if i want to play around with them
I love that face preset and I'm always happy when I see a character with it. All catboys are cute, but it's cool to see some that look over 30 sometimes XD (I also appreciate the brow creases, as someone who has pretty noticeable brow creases of my own...)
@Mercury I know, all catboys look so *young* I wish there were just a few more 'mature' faces, with wrinkles even (wish there were ANY mature faces in any of the female character creaters too, geesh) omg Spoiler So ProJared, the YouTuber the Twitter hive collectively cancelled a few months ago just returned with solid proof that the most egregious accusations towards him (that he knowingly exchanged nudes with minors) was absolutely fucking false -- and in fact had screenshots showing the main accuser lied about their age when straight up asked 'are you 18+?' ...and that accuser had said over and over that the guy KNEW they were a minor. Came out that they actually had a porn blog as a minor, drew Polygrumps (or maybe just had a Polygrumps site, can't remember) and most likely lied to get close to Jared in order to get close to GG, whom they were/are OBSESSED over -- also came out they used to send Arin porn that reminded them of him, and they were removed from Twitter for harassment. The other accuser was shown to have been in the hospital for a breakdown, having psychosis and memory loss issues (by the admission of an article they themselves wrote about it) AT THE TIME they supposedly were exchanging nudes with Jared -- who doesn't remember talking to them at all and has no record of talking to them at all. And these two (now 19ish yr old) kids led an army of harassers that legitimately ruined Jared's career. Because of fucking cancel culture. I fucking. I'm. If this isn't the biggest example of cancel culture's BULLSHIT then I don't know what And he admits that there was an imbalance of power with the nudes blog he didn't realize at the time, and apologized for it -- which, I don't think he had anything to apologize for and I disagree that any perceived power imbalance in him giving and getting nudes from fans (or even sleeping with fans) is HIS problem or concern, but -- that was nice for him to do, for the people it apparently matters for. But there are people who HAPPILY called him a piece of shit and worse for weeks who REFUSE To watch the video and are just like 'nope he's still a p.o.s. because [train noises]' in which [train noises] = 'I don't want to admit I'm wrong/feel guilty or bad about being wrong' NO CHICKENSHIT YOU'RE WRONG AND YOU WERE ALWAYS WRONG, NUT UP AND ADMIT IT I fully admit I was wrong. I fully admit that even though I, deep down, doubted the rumors and didn't have a problem with the marriage thing, I was too afraid to admit that in front of my roommate (who evicerated him and was furious) and too afraid I could be wrong that I jumped on the bandwagon and laughed at memes and promised to never watch another video of his (but secretly stayed subscribed to him) -- I was a coward and wrong. He says Ross and Holly were separated long before they got divorced and Ross knew about him and Holly and was ok with it. This I can believe. I'm glad to hear that. I actually don't believe -- and never believed -- the gaslighting/abuse allegations. What I DO believe is that Heidi's friends only knew her side of the story, and saw him be angry/upset, saw Heidi cry about it and took that to be abusive. What I do believe is he wanted out of the marriage and Heidi didn't want a divorce and so the two tried fucking polyamory as a relationship bandage, then Jared actually fell in love with Holly which made Heidi want to stop the polyamory thing and shit snowballed from there. What I take away mostly tho is Jared's personal relationship issues was never anyone's fucking business, including mine. What I take away is that Heidi was shitty, Jared was likely shitty, dying relationships are FUCKING MESSY and nobody wins and everybody loses. I'm gonna watch him again. I just hope the bitches that tried to fucking ruin him with the label pedo get justice served. Fuck them and fuck Twitter mobs and fuck cancel culture and fuck anybody thinking straight up asking someone if they're 18 and getting a yes and going ahead means you're a pedo groomer. Fucking bullshit. spoiled this cos it's a lot longer than I thought writing it