Homestuck Classpects (or Titles, whatever you prefer)

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Deresto, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. rorleuaisen

    rorleuaisen Frozen Dreamer

    Well.... I suppose something in depth would be nice.... ( 8D I would love it if you would do such a thing! Tee hee!)
  2. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    So, actually, the passive/active distinction is actually others-focused/self-focused.
    It doesn't have to do with active actions vs passive actions.

    I'm not sure if this changes anything, but the active/passive wording is really annoying because it doesn't map to what we usually think of when we're talking about active vs passive. xD
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  3. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Headcanon: It's misleading on purpose, so the kids have to do their quests to figure out what the heck anything means!
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  4. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    this sounds like the blood aspect to me. blood is kinda like heart, but more focused on peoples bonds and you'd probably have a much easier time seeing peoples personal motivations and reasonings. maybe?
  5. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    I suspect there's some overlap. With Breath, we seem to have problems with unhealthy escapism/avoidance/going with the flow [Rufioh doesn't deal with his problems... Tavros sleeps on Prospit to avoid Vriska, and when that doesn't work he tries to emulate her instead...]. Figuring out what we want is important for us.
  6. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    that makes more sense, i don't really analyze stuff well. it really makes more sense to me if i can build off other people's ideas and decide from there whether or not i agree with various assumptions.
  7. Soul

    Soul Covered in bees

    My classpect is Soul of Soul and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. Half joking aside, other people have said I seem like a Knight, and Soul translates to Heart, soooooo, Knight of Heart? I'm too lazy to take any of those personality tests, so I usually just go with that. But if fanon classpects are allowed then Soul of Soul. Sometimes even when people aren't into fanon aspects I still cause a fuss with it, because it's my joke and I'm funny.
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  8. rorleuaisen

    rorleuaisen Frozen Dreamer

    @Rezlian if you have more space(or just want to be indulged further), I am actually curious what your take would be for Seer of Void
  9. Rezlian

    Rezlian Professional Lurker

    @rorleuaisen Yeah, I can do that!

    I got back from classes a little while ago and am close to done working on the last of my homework for the week, so I can start in on these soon. What I've got on my list is:
    Witch of Mind for @Acey
    Knight of Doom for @emythos
    Seer of Rage (expanded) and Seer of Void for rorleuaisen (I figure I'll focus on what would distinguish them from each other?)

    If that sounds good to everyone, then I'll get going on them as soon as I finish this reading.
    • Like x 1
  10. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    I'm Sylph of Mind, actually. :P
  11. Rezlian

    Rezlian Professional Lurker

    Whoops! Yeah, I totally wrote that down wrong. Thanks for correcting me. :)
  12. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    I think you were potentially going to do mage of hope for me, if you're still up for it?
  13. Rezlian

    Rezlian Professional Lurker

    Oh dang, looks like I was. I copied it down to my physical list and then never added it to the digital one when I switched to that. My physical list says both Mage and Heir of Hope. is that still what you're looking for, or just Mage of Hope?
  14. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    I've taken several of those quiz things, both the super long in depth ones, and even the random click and drag things- even the joke ones!- and some how always end up with Space aspect. Frog catching for me! Class usually points to Maid, and I feel that's pretty right. You can imagine how ecstatic I was when Hussie introduce Porrim :D
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  15. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    Both if you're up for it--i understand they're active/passive counterparts. But your list looks pretty long already so if you only want to do one Id prefer mage.
  16. Rezlian

    Rezlian Professional Lurker

    Here's the first two for @Acey and @emythos. I'm about half way through all the others, but I figured I'd put up the ones I had so far, before today turned into tomorrow (I think I can finish the rest tonight though).

    Same general disclaimer and qualifications about Classpect not being an absolute determinant of a person and me not being a professional Classpect-ologist. You are your own person. (and disagreement or more info about your view on stuff are good because it helps me look at things from a different perspective)

    repairing/mending; tending (so healing and nurturing, but also pruning and weeding); fixing (usually to what they think is right); also associated with giving advice, but more informally or interpersonally (so meddling, like was said above. this is where the gossip comes in, I think)

    cognition; façade; logic/reasoning; presentation of self and conscious control of that presentation; perception; senses; justice/consequences/balance; choice/decisions/actions; the individual; lies? eh, more like misleading/misrepresented truths; "mind over matter/emotion"; dragons (this is probably just Pyropes. but dragons are awesome, so they should be included)

    Sylph of Mind
    A good therapist (I swear I don't say this about all Sylphs. you guys just keep getting the ones for which I do). Which may be obvious from the whole "fixing Mind" thing. But they wouldn't be the kind of therapist that's all that helpful with working through emotions (well, working through them, yes. but working with them, not so much). They'd likely focus on the cognitive side of things (so cognitive behavioral therapy would probably be a big thing with them). They'd be all about changing how you think about things and taking control of your choices. They would want to fix the logic and reasoning of others, so would serve as the voice of reason in a larger group, though might be thought of as annoying due to their tendency to point out mistakes. I can see them wanting to make sure people were coming across correctly, so they might end up pushing people into stereotyped roles, but could also help them communicate to others who they really are through their presentation. Making sure people understood things in the "right" way would be another thing for them. They'd want to make sure everyone was on the same page in terms of what actually happened and tend to privilege their interpretation of events over others. I could also see them having a taste for revenge and making sure everyone got what was coming to them (whether that was a good or bad ending). Probably a good actor, but they'd be prone to becoming what they played at. And they'd be good at helping people perceive things they hadn't before.

    "exploitation" (this seems like a weird word for it. it's just seeing all the ways in which something can be used and the versatility of that); usually rather aggressive/outgoing(in a defensive way); issues with/insecurity about self and identity; defense/protection of others (they tend to see them as weaker than they are and defend them by fighting for them while Pages see others as stronger than they are and are used as protection by being easily manipulated into a shield); physicality? like a kind of presence in the moment

    rules, systems, and restrictions; limits; associated with sacrifice; pessimism or reluctance/caution; loss/lack; foresight?(inevitability based on rules/causation); restraint; consequences; Doom players seem to hang in the background a lot until they're really needed, at which point they'll blow everyone away; obeying/giving in to others?; destruction/death (Time is also associated with death, but more in the death-as-endings way, while Doom is associated with literal death... which isn't necessarily the end in Homestuck, but it's hard to distinguish those outside of Homestuck); duality? (I mean, I feel like this is more of a Captor thing, but there may be something there, with Life being more single-minded)

    Knight of Doom
    While they would stick to the rules completely, they could find every loophole and throughly exploit it. In terms of SBURB, they'd probably die a lot, but in a way that was to their advantage (though they probably wouldn't like it), maybe they're one of the first to go God Tier (not sure how that would show up outside of Homestuck though).They'll sacrifice a lot to defend those they see as weaker. probably really self-defeating/self-deprecating. a lot of this stuff seems like a feedback loop, so they'd probably have an intense personality in that it's kind of saturated. They could basically use the rules against you when fighting. A lot of the time it would look like they were breaking the limits on what's possible (or just breaking rules in general), but really they'd be dancing on the knife's edge between law-abiding citizen and rule-breaker. Definitely a rather pessimistic person, some might find it draining to be around them, but they'd know their own limits physically and it could give them a kind of self-assurance when handling themself that could come across charismatically (or just aggressively, I suppose). Big demonstrations of self-sacrifice would probably appeal to them, or at least fascinate them, as well as people that push beyond what seems possible. And they might be fundamentally insecure about something like who they had to become or what they could actually accomplish, always feeling like they were running up against limits.
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  17. Rezlian

    Rezlian Professional Lurker

    And Seer and Mage are generally understood as the passive and active understanding/knowing classes, but Heir and Mage are passive and active inverses of each other, as in what you would emulate for an inversion type thing (my title is alliterative in both cases, which is greatly pleasing to the pattern-seeking part of my mind). I am quite willing to do two though, and Heir is a class I haven't written stuff up for yet, so that's nice.
  18. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    What does hope invert to, according to you?

    (Also have you read the replay value au? It is hands down my favorite take on sburb-as-an-entity, though im sorta meh on the fanon classpects)
  19. Rezlian

    Rezlian Professional Lurker

    Hope would become Rage (I've seen people say Doom as well, but I think Doom goes more with Life). So Mage of Hope would invert to Heir of Rage, or Heir of Hope would invert to Mage of Rage (oh look, alliteration and rhymes). Uh, and just to clarify what I think of inversion, it seems like a rather unhealthy thing to do too often or for too long, but a useful coping mechanism in certain situations. Then I kind of think of shadowing as understanding and using parts of your opposing class and aspect to balance you out (it's been pretty clearly demonstrated that you don't want to get too into a specific classpect *eyes tricksters warily*).

    And no, I don't think I have read that AU, but the name seems familiar. I've sadly not had much time to read fanfic lately (like, in the past year. which I'm kind of torn up about). If you've got a link though then I'll set it up for a spring break thing (along with rereading the Amulet of Samarkand because damn I loved those books when I last read them a few years ago) or a this weekend thing if it's relatively short.
  20. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    Last edited: Mar 5, 2015
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