Homestuck-Style Cross-Fandom Shipping Appreciation Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by autopsyblue, Dec 11, 2015.

  1. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    this still does not displace my original pan-fandom otp, karkat vantas/sansa stark
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  2. *softly but with feeling* what the fuck
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  3. Scheherazade

    Scheherazade It's a story fractal

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  4. Morgan Jae

    Morgan Jae pecure. sontain. crotect.

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  5. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    When Alanna was flushed for Jon, she was pale for George who was flushed for her. Later, she and Jon vacillated pale when they weren't paying attention and she went flushed for George. The thing with Liam was friends-with-benefits, really. Also Alanna and George's relationship is pretty flush/pale flippy, imo.

    ... That's my take on it, in any case.
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  6. Morgan Jae

    Morgan Jae pecure. sontain. crotect.

    i was wondering if there was anything c3< or <3< between alanna/jon/george, at any point, bc it's been a while since i read the books. but yeah, that summary sounds pretty logical. pretty sure alanna and jon flipped <3< for each other, or at least alanna flipped black for jon, at some point. also yes i forgot about liam but that definitely wasn't anything quadrant-wise.
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  7. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    tl;dr (as i must do a sleep)

    sansa is obsessed with knights and chivalry and how things are supposed to be in a court (and gets her heart broken about it)
    karkat is a knight who is an asshole to people, but a different kind of asshole to people who are not his people than he is to people who are his people, and he has a soft pulpy center and a big harmful secret

    nothing goes quite as much to shit as it does in either original canon, but bad things happen, and probably some people die (though probably not super permanently), and karkat has to whisk sansa away from the bad people to save her (because of his own volition, but also because someone probably ordered him to save a life and he paired up with her for whatever reason)

    after the flight from danger once they're relatively safe she's doing googoo eyes over him because she romanticizes knights and combat and chivalry and he's yelling at her to not put him on a pedestal and trying to explain how the world actually works to someone who's been so sheltered (there is a smell to blood and a feel of it on your hands and it never weighs quite as heavy as the albatross around your heart knowing someone is dead because of something you did) and then he inadvertently shows her his soft pulpy center and his big harmful secret

    and then she actually falls in love with the real him, but surprise mobius double reacharound, karkat's been in love with her since before he rescued her but never thought she deserved someone as horrible as him, who's done horrible things to survive, whose existence is a blasphemy and a heresy, who's battle-scarred both physically and mentally, who doesn't know a way to live unless it's by the sickle/sword, so they both push each other away a little bit as they learn that actually having feelings is okay and they don't each have to be perfect for themselves or for each other

    but meanwhile things are still politically/socially/digitally going to shit around them so they have to team up and be awesome together and be good for each other or something i don't fucking know but it ends really fucking cute and sansa makes him flower crowns and karkat chews out anyone who could conceivably lay a hand on her

    i am in no way explaining this in a way that gives it the justice it deserves
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  8. Morgan Jae

    Morgan Jae pecure. sontain. crotect.

    .......idk, you did make me ship sansa and karkat. why this.
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  9. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    oh, no
    i ship it
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  10. Elaienar

    Elaienar "sorta spooky"

    I don't even go in GOT and I ship that now.
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  11. Jean

    Jean Let’s stop procrastinating -- tomorrow!

    I think Alanna flipped <3< for Jon towards the end of their relationship, yeah.

    ...Now I want to work out the next generation. Let's see, I think I said Neal<>Kel at some point already on this thread. So: Aly<>Dove? I haven't read the trickster books in forever tho there's like a million ships I don't remember the intricacies of. Sarai<3her husband, though, they were pretty distinctly flushed and a het couple I actually shipped, le gasp.
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  12. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Alanna <3< Roger has been pointed out as well, don't forget that.
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  13. Morgan Jae

    Morgan Jae pecure. sontain. crotect.

    ooh, yeah, definitely.

    honestly........i shipped nawat and aly <> more than i did <3. aly <> dove is probably a thing. possibly trickster <3< aly briefly?
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  14. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Any of his worshippers who get to know the god <3< Trickster
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  15. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    Stuart Semple <3< Anish Kapoor
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  16. Morgan Jae

    Morgan Jae pecure. sontain. crotect.

    c h r i s t

    the vantablack quadrant
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  17. Scheherazade

    Scheherazade It's a story fractal

    Are you sure you don't mean... Vantasblack?
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  18. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    ...alright but Jack Morrison♠Gabriel Reyes gone horribly wrong and an in-universe example of "this is why you should consider auspicticism, kids"
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  19. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    I've been listening to the Hamilton soundtrack and I get the impression that Burr felt <> for Hamilton to start with, and lethally c3< by the end.
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  20. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    you mean <3< for the second, not c3<, right?
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